Thursday, November 4, 2010

Regulations under Democrats

Red Tape Rising: Obama’s Torrent of New Regulation  "The burden of regulation on Americans increased at an alarming rate in fiscal year 2010. Based on data from the Government Accountability Office, an unprecedented 43 major new regulations were imposed by Washington. And based on reports from government regulators themselves, the total cost of these rules topped $26.5 billion, far more than any other year for which records are available. These costs will affect Americans in many ways, raising the price of the cars they buy and the food they eat, while destroying an untold number of jobs. With the enactment of new health care laws, financial regulations, and plans for rulemaking in other areas, the regulatory burden on Americans is set to increase even further in the coming year."

Under new federal regulations in Obama’s America a commissar will decide if you are too fat
"The nervy Marxists who run our lives have given themselves the power to decide who is and who is not too fat to receive government healthcare benefits. Under a new law signed by Obama our medical records will include our height and weight and our Body Mass Index (BMI) to determine if we are obese by government standards."

Doctors: Get ready to buckle under Obamacare    "Obamacare does not substantially change the general pattern of the government’s systems of physician payment but instead expands their reach and adds new regulatory restrictions. For example, beginning in 2010, the new law, with few exceptions, will prohibit physicians from referring Medicare patients to hospitals in which they have ownership."

Laws and Regulations  Laws & Regulations Quick Finder at

Republican Victories Boost Effort to Block EPA's Climate Rules "Once the power shifts on Capitol Hill, experts say, the agency will face intense pressure as Republicans wield their newfound power and seek to set the tone for President Obama's re-election bid in 2012. The Obama administration will need to make tough choices once it is faced with hostile oversight hearings in the Republican-controlled House and efforts to block controversial regulations, experts say."

 Slim Down the Federal Bureaucracy "It actually takes a long time and a lot of hard work to conceive, write and legally enact a new regulation. If there were only half as many bureaucrats at EPA, for example, they simply wouldn't have the time to pass as many oppressive regulations as they do.
"That would both slow down new regulations and make it harder for the regulators to enforce regulations already on the book.
"Then, if the tea party Congress and the public had the stomach for it, they could start rolling back existing regulations."

Iowa Voters Reject All State Supreme Court Justices Over Same-Sex Marriage

Liberty Counsel "Normally justices are retained without controversy, but because these justices legislated from the bench by inventing a so-called right to same-sex marriage, all three lost their jobs. Their decision was a gross overreach of their power, a misinterpretation of the Constitution, and a disregard for hundreds of years of precedent."

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

We're All Bigots Now

Ann Coulter: "The most important outcome of this week's election is that Republicans clobbered the Democrats in the state gubernatorial and legislative races. Next year, state lawmakers draw new congressional districts, determining the congressional map for the next decade. In the past, Democrats have had a 2-1 advantage in congressional redistricting. Not anymore."


Neal Boortz  "Rather was heard complaining that the Republicans had "demonized" Nancy Pelosi. Oh ... so that's the way it worked! This was all the fault of the evil Republicans!

"•It was the Republicans who made Pelosi say that they had to pass ObamaCare so the people could find out what's in it.

"•It was the Republicans who made Pelosi block Republican amendments to any important legislation.

"•It was the Republicans who forced Nancy to endorse the idea of a financial transaction tax.

"•The evil Republicans made Nancy Pelosi tell America that the Value Added Tax was "on the table."

"•The Republicans passed cap and tax and then magically made it look as if Nancy Pelosi's Democrats actually did that.

"Yup ... the Republicans did all of this just to make Nancy Pelosi look bad..."

The World of Obama — A Glossary

Victor Davis Hanson  ..."progressive: Alternative to liberal, used when the latter polls badly

"prolonged detention: Acceptable, as opposed to indeterminate detention

"radical Islam: A construct of the paranoid Right

"redistributive change: What the Supreme Court needs to work toward

"renditions: Ongoing Bush felonies now impossible to stop"...

Does Hillary lurk beyond impending Dem defeat?

(From Monday, Nov 1) If the Democratic establishment (still divided under the surface along the Clinton/Obama fault line) is convinced that another Obama run means the person taking the oath in January, 2013, will be a Republican (God forbid, they must be thinking, Sarah Palin!), I can see them easily jettisoning Obama and getting behind another concensus candidate. Who would be better than Hillary?

New Black Panthers Commit Outrageous Violations of Texas Voting Law

Pajamas Media  "They spoke with election officials inside polling places. After these discussions, white poll watchers were either denied admittance or ejected. White election judges were also removed, under threat of calling the police for trumped-up complaints."

Jan Brewer wins her first election to governor

KGUN Tucson "A swell of approval from voters who support Arizona's new immigration law and feel that most illegal immigrants should be deported helped Republican Jan Brewer win the governor's race."

Cher Calls Jan Brewer “Worse Than Sarah Palin” Now she tells me after I've already voted.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

GET TO WORK: Repeal Obamacare

Heritage  "Congress should pass a law repealing the Obamacare statute and thereafter undertake a careful, thoughtful legislative process to make practical adjustments that allow the free market to provide affordable, effective health care insurance choices.
"Until Congress is able to get the President to sign a law repealing Obamacare, Congress should in the meantime endeavor to withhold funding, block key provisions, and override regulations carrying out Obamacare."

What Will the President Say?

Peter Wehner  "Obama will almost surely call for more bipartisanship and cooperation. He may well reach back to the rhetoric of 2008. But after two years of hyper-partisanship, the words will ring hollow. What will matter are substantive concessions by Obama."

The Democratic spin machine goes into overdrive

Slate  "How do massive Democratic losses in the House somehow add up to a rejection of Republicans? As DNC Chairman Tim Kaine explained, a GOP takeover of the House may be "a message from the American public." But it's not a rebuke of Democratic policies, he suggested. It's a message about the need for bipartisan cooperation—that "everybody's gotta work together." A vote for Republicans is thus a vote against Republican obstructionism. Or something."

Dan Rather Complains: Republicans 'Demonized' Nancy Pelosi, Turned Her Into a 'Villain'

Newsbusters "RATHER: A bastion of the liberal left. Ideal villain and they made a villain of her and they have demonized her from day one. And what was said earlier, what's made it easy for them is she's been so effective. One wants to remember, when health care was hanging in the balance, she put it on the line for President Obama. And now she pays the price for that. I'm not saying that she shouldn't. This is the way politics are. The Republicans zeroed in on her. Demonized her and did it effectively, unrelentingly so and winds up with eight percent approval rating."