Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Neal Boortz  "Rather was heard complaining that the Republicans had "demonized" Nancy Pelosi. Oh ... so that's the way it worked! This was all the fault of the evil Republicans!

"•It was the Republicans who made Pelosi say that they had to pass ObamaCare so the people could find out what's in it.

"•It was the Republicans who made Pelosi block Republican amendments to any important legislation.

"•It was the Republicans who forced Nancy to endorse the idea of a financial transaction tax.

"•The evil Republicans made Nancy Pelosi tell America that the Value Added Tax was "on the table."

"•The Republicans passed cap and tax and then magically made it look as if Nancy Pelosi's Democrats actually did that.

"Yup ... the Republicans did all of this just to make Nancy Pelosi look bad..."

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