Monday, December 13, 2010

Wikileaks Releases a US list of High Value terror targets

Atlas Shrugs "Here again, we must question Obama. He knew this was coming. He stood by during three previous classified documents dumps and did nothing. And now this. What is being done to prosecute those who were responsible for the gargantuan leak? Assange is the public face, no doubt. But traitors in our midst, in our State Department and Department of Defense, etc., made this happen."

The Legal Case against WikiLeaks  "This all apparently came out through the workings of a twenty-three-year-old Army private, Bradley Manning, who had access to this secret material. Why should a military analyst have access to so many diplomatic cables having nothing to do with national security?" 
John B. Bellinger III, Adjunct Senior Fellow for International and National Security Law

The President Shouldn’t Listen to Counsels of Despair on Afghanistan

Max Boot  "Once progress on the ground is further along, it is likely that elements of the Taliban will be eager to stop fighting. At that point, peace talks may produce some results. But that time is not now. Which is why the authors of the open letter are so far off base when they call on President Obama “to sanction and support a direct dialogue and negotiation with the Afghan Taliban leadership residing in Pakistan.” "

I Love It When PDS Sufferers Get Humiliated

Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion  "Sorry Mr. Shaw, you've been punked by the mainstream media and your own PDS.
"And while you're at it, how about apologizing for this sentence in your post: "the multiple shots of Sarah sanitizing and washing her hands suggests the former Gov is primarily concerned, above all humanitarian else, about catching something."
"Unless you, of course, want to visit a cholera camp and not wash your hands. That I'd like to see."

Estate tax emerges as key Democratic beef in Obama's compromise

CNN  "With the tax cuts expiring at the end of the year, and Republicans able to block any legislation in the Senate, Obama and Democrats face a fast-approaching deadline to reach a deal or see tax bills increase for everyone."

So Who's Holding the Unemployed Hostage Now?  "With Democrats threatening to block the Obama/Republican compromise on Bush-era tax cuts, does that mean they're the ones now holding the unemployed hostage until they get their way?
"That was, after all, the charge Democrats and others had often lodged against Republicans.

Federal Judge to Rule on Health Law's Constitutionality (Updated)

Wall Street Journal  "The Virginia challenge is led by that state's attorney general, Republican Ken Cuccinelli. Separately, U.S. District Judge Roger Vinson in Pensacola, Fla., on Thursday will hear arguments in a challenge brought by officials in 20 states. He could offer the clearest indication yet of how he will rule."

U.S. Health-Care Law Requirement Thrown Out by Judge (Update3)  "“At its core, this dispute is not simply about regulating the business of insurance -- or crafting a scheme of universal health insurance coverage -- it’s about an individual’s right to choose to participate,” wrote Hudson, who was appointed by President George W. Bush in 2002."

 U.S. District Court Judge Henry E. Hudson found that Congress could not order individuals to buy health insurance. ""I am gratified we prevailed," Cuccinelli said in a statement. "This won't be the final round, as this will ultimately be decided by the Supreme Court, but today is a critical milestone in the protection of the Constitution."
"Federal officials responded that they are confident the statute will ultimately be upheld."

And this from Legal Insurrection:  "A Judge in Virginia has held the health care mandate to be unconstitutional. The decision is here and embedded below.
"The Judge rejected the position of the government that the mandate was an exercise of taxing power:"
It is clear from the text of Section 1501 that the underlying regulatory scheme was conceived as an exercise of Commerce Clause powers. This is supported by specific factual findings purporting to demonstrate the effect of the health care scheme on interstate commerce. In order for the noncompliance penalty component to survive constitutional challenge, it must serve to effectuate a valid exercise of an enumerated power-here the Commerce Clause. [at p. 36]

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Britain’s Present Will Be Our Future Unless We Wise Up Now!

Skip MacLure  "Watching the total anarchy playing out in London’s streets… An out-of-control, mindless mob of social welfare government-created clones, clamoring for more and more from a government which has no more to give. Which has had no more to give for a long time. We are witnessing the collapse of the classic nanny state."

Poll: What was the Obamateurism of the Week?

Hot Air  " Time to choose the Obamateurism of the Week, and our motto here is to make sure you get a chance to choose one of the five.  Er, six.  There would have been only five, but you hostage-takers out there would have insisted on adding yesterday’s into the mix.  I would have fought to limit it to five, but you know I have a Christmas party to attend and my wife would get annoyed at me defending myself … so I’ll just let you guys vote on your own."

WikiLeaks Harms Global Security

Big Peace  "WikiLeaks’ assertion that absolute transparency will make citizens safer and governments more accountable is incorrect; its interventions will increase official secrecy and threaten security. Damaging as WikiLeaks is to Obama’s diplomatic strategy and US bilateral relations, its most negative impact will be on global anti-terror efforts and diplomacy aimed at reducing friction between major powers (such as Washington and Beijing)."
As I say: anti-war people cause the deaths of multitudes.

Without Intent: How Congress Is Eroding the Criminal Intent Requirement in Federal Law "“Overcriminalization” describes the trend in America – and particularly in Congress – to use the criminal law to “solve” every problem, punish every mistake (instead of making proper use of civil penalties), and coerce Americans into conforming their behavior to satisfy social engineering objectives. Criminal law is supposed to be used to redress only that conduct which society thinks deserving of the greatest punishment and moral sanction.
"But as a result of rampant overcriminalization, trivial conduct is now often punished as a crime."

Book: One Nation Under Arrest: How Crazy Laws, Rogue Prosecutors, and Activist Judges Threaten Your Liberty  "America is in the throes of overcriminalization: We are making and enforcing far too many criminal laws that create traps for the innocent but unwary and threaten to make criminals out of those who are doing their best to be respectable, law-abiding citizens."
No, the TW isn't shilling for Amazon; this is just to let you know there is a book on the subject.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Modern Stupidity

Bruce S. Thornton  "So Germany’s aggression accelerated: Austria was gobbled up, and then in September 1938 came the shameless abandonment of Czechoslovakia wrought by Neville Chamberlain with the collusion of the French. Six months later the Nazi tanks rolled into Prague, and six months after that came the invasion of Poland and the gruesome sequel of 50 million dead. As Churchill said after the war in his famous “Sinews of Peace” speech, “There never was a war in all history easier to prevent by timely action than the one which has just desolated such great areas of the globe.”"
Pacifists will get multitudes killed. They are the useful idiots evil rulers depend on.

Jihad in Sweden: Homicide Bomber Screams Allahu Akbar

Atlas Shrugs  "The jihad has come to Sweden. When I was checking on this story, the enemy media made no mention of the Islamic motivation or any connection to Islam.
"Fröken Sverige writes me :
Suicidebomber in Stockholm, Sweden, blow him self up while screaming Allahu Akbar!
But first he sent a warning to the secret police and to other islamists: Kill swedish people like Lars Vilks, kill the swedish people and their mothers and kids....
"Look at how yahoo reported this act of Islamic jihad on the West here:"
 Look for any reference to Islam or Jihadis. Go ahead; I'll wait here till you get back.

Liberal Math

Victor Davis Hanson  "Now one can argue that the seeds of the present Democratic desire for an imposed equality of result, embraced by a Howard Dean or Nancy Pelosi, is but the logical evolution from the old Democratic square deal. But there is a difference as well. In those days, except for the Kennedys, liberalism was not synonymous with big money and the desire for the elite lifestyle. These days it is and it makes it hard for liberals to square their abstraction with reality. Very wealthy people seek to be exempt from the regulations and taxes they impose on the middle classes on behalf of the poor they studiously avoid. I thought of all that when reviewing some of this week’s news."