Friday, January 21, 2011

Why We Provide for the Common Defense

Heritage  "In a luncheon speech to American business executives in which he urged the United States to recognize China’s claims over Tibet and Taiwan, Chinese President Hu Jintao said yesterday: “We do not engage in an arms race, we are not a military threat to any country. China will never seek to dominate or pursue an expansionist policy.” We certainly hope this is true. But our leaders must do more than just hope. As President George Washington asserted in his First Annual Message, the “most effectual means of preserving peace” is “to be prepared for war.”"

Education:  See how it relates to the above article."China will own much of our debt as a nation. The question is: how did this happen? How did we get to a point where our economy is no longer producing and thriving as it once was? Well the recent economic crisis obviously didn't help. It managed to wipe out every job that had been created in the 21st century in the United States. But even if we hadn't lost all of those jobs and had simply continued to march in place "the United States would have entered 2010 with 15 million fewer jobs than economists say it should have."  This according to a report in the National Journal . This leads us to believe that the problem started long ago. You would be correct. Nearly every single economist interviewed for this article in the National Journal pointed to one key factor: education. "

Thursday, January 20, 2011

National Commission Spill Report: Too Anti-Drilling Instead of Anti-Spilling  "The administration-selected panel, dominated by anti-drilling activists but devoid of anyone with actual experience producing energy, proposes to pile new layers of red tape onto a process that already leaves much domestic energy off-limits and creates years of delays for [the] rest. It even includes measures that would virtually shut down new oil drilling in Alaska, though the spill occurred thousands of miles away and under very different conditions in the Gulf of Mexico."

2009 Nobel Prize winner Obama honors persecutor of 2010 Nobel Prize winner

Miami Herald  "Liu Xia hasn't been charged with a crime or even accused of any by Chinese officials. Still, for more than three months, state security has walled her off from the outside world for no discernible reason other than that she's married to Liu Xiaobo, this year's Nobel Peace Prize laureate. Liu himself is serving an 11-year prison term after he helped to draft a document that calls for more political freedoms in China."

Mike Ramirez cartoon

Was Obama just kidding about 'civility'?

Thomas Lifson  "Rep. Steve Cohen refusing to apologize for his words on the House floor likening GOP opponents of ObamaCare to Goebbels, and invoking the Holocaust. So far, neither Robert Gibbs nor President Obama has commented on this obvious slap in the face to the President's call for civility. This would seem to be an obvious opportunity for the President to triangulate and win over independents - a Sistah Souljah moment.  But..."   Also this from Rick Moran.

8 Days after AZ Shooting, Obama Ed Sec and Teacher Union Boss Promote “No Peace”

"Apparently oblivious to recent calls for civility, Obama’s Secretary of Education Arne Duncan and teacher union boss Randi Weingarten (who the union paid more than $600,000 in 2010) gave speeches in front of a “No Justice – No Peace” banner at Al Sharpton’s prayer breakfast."

Operation Demoralize Is Working

Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion  "The mainstream media will undertake, and already has undertaken, a concerted effort to blame the Republican House for everything that goes wrong, for not living up to promises, for living up to promises, for failing to compromise, for selling out, etc.
"Do not fall for it.
"Holding the Republican House to its commitments is one thing; falling for Operation Demoralize is something else.
"If you think that the mainstream media is not still 100% in the tank for Obama, think again.
"Keep your eye on 2012. They are."

We Just Witnessed The Media's Test Run To Re-Elect Barack Obama  This post was just read on the Rush Limbaugh program this morning.
"The ruthless efficiency with which the left-wing blogosphere tied Palin to the shooting, and the success of their efforts in equating Palin with mass murder, is a lesson we should not forget.
"The Democrats and their mainstream media supporters were put back on their heels in 2010, and are regrouping. And if regrouping requires falsely accusing a major Republican figure of complicity in mass murder, and then amplifying that false accusation for several days in the face of contrary evidence until a substantial portion of the population believes it, they will do it."

New Jersey Practice Struggles With Health Care Changes

Heritage  "But the Schwartzes’ ability to meet the needs of patients and the financial demands of their business has been tested.For example, insurance plans in New Jersey have changed. The various plans the Schwartzes purchased for themselves and their employees last year are no longer available. This year, they had to pay 25.5 percent more per employee in insurance premiums — about $20,000 total. Many of their patients were forced to change plans, too, which has affected the Schwartzes’ reimbursement rates. Their staff has had to deal with increasingly uncooperative insurance companies that no longer cover important tests their patients need. And every prescription has seemed to require more paperwork."

The Start of the Debate
•Should the federal government control America’s $2.5 trillion health sector, fully one sixth of our economy?
•Should government bureaucrats decide what form of health coverage is “acceptable”?
Government officials
•Should these bureaucrats be given the legal authority to require all Americans to purchase government-designed health plans and levy penalties on those who don’t comply?
•Should the federal government require the States to devote scarce resources to the creation of federally designed health exchanges that State lawmakers may feel inadequately address the unique needs of state residents?
•Should the federal government expand the Medicaid program so dramatically that States face a Hobson’s choice – either shoulder billions in new fiscal commitments (on top of an already unsustainable budget mess) or withdraw from the program entirely?
•What about employers who want to continue to provide their employees with health coverage but learn that federal bureaucrats deem the coverage they can afford to provide insufficiently generous?

Palm Beach Post Columnist Slams Parents of Rep. Giffords Doctor for Supporting Tea Party Candidates

Newsbusters "Michael Lemole is a neurosurgeon who has been treating Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. However, that noble work wasn't enough to keep ... columnist Jose Lambiet ... from dragging his parents through the mud for the "high crime" of supporting Tea Party candidates. Somehow Lambiet thinks it ironic that while the son has worked to save the life of Giffords, his parents are associated with a group that Lambiet absurdly claims provided "fertile ground" for the likes of Jared Loughner." ...

Free press or liberal propaganda?

Report: How ABC, CBS and NBC Have Dismissed and Disparaged the Tea Party Movement
  • Introduction
  • Giving Short Shrift to the Tea Party Rallies
  • “The Idea Really Hasn’t Caught On”
  • Scorning the Tea Parties as Wacky, Extremist and Racist
  • The Tea Party: Liberals’ Secret Weapon?
  • More Tea Party Trashing
  • Smearing With a Broad Brush
  • Conclusion: Ignoring and Deploring the Tea Party
Rich Terrell:

Christiane Amanpour:  The Top Notable Quotes from a Liberal Career "On Sunday August 1, longtime CNN international correspondent Christiane Amanpour will take over as host of ABC's This Week, replacing ex-Clinton operative George Stephanopoulos. Amanpour, who is married to Jamie Rubin, Assistant Secretary of State for public affairs during the Clinton administration..."

Ron Reagan, Jr.; his book

alwaysonwatch  From the comments to this article: "Ron Reagan Jr. was in no position to judge then, or now whether his father suffered from Alzheimers while in the White House. He rarely saw his father during that time and as he admits, even doctors could find nothing wrong with Reagan.
"As you say: "the mainstream media are selecting statements out of context from that book so as to denigrate the memory and the accomplishments of President Ronald Reagan.""
Ronald Prescott Reagan  Ron Reagan is the liberal, atheist son of right-wing icons Ronald Reagan and Nancy Reagan. He dropped out of Yale to become a ballet dancer, and he was good enough to join the Joffrey, a move widely reported as embarrassing to his father. His parents rarely if ever came to see him dance, but Reagan remembers that when he first told his father he wanted to be a dancer, the elder Reagan's immediate response was to telephone Gene Kelly, a family friend, to ask for his recommendations on good dance schools.

Boxing George

Atlas Shrugs  "The annual MLK observance at the state house in Columbia SC had an interesting twist this year. The event is held on the north side steps of the statehouse. Prominent at that location is a large bronze statue of George Washington. This year, the NAACP constructed a "box" to conceal the Father of His Country from view so that participants would not be offended by his presence."

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

ObamaCare: The damage has already begun

NY Post "Repeal of ObamaCare can't come soon enough -- as several damaging provisions are set to take effect this year.
"For starters, it has effectively stopped the construction of physician-owned hospitals throughout the country.
"Section 6001 of the health-care law required physician-owned hospitals to obtain their Medicare certification by the end of last year. Without it, they can't treat Medicare patients. And the facilities needed to be open to get that certification.
"So construction halted at 45 hospitals as the New Year arrived. Work on countless others will never start, having been effectively banned by ObamaCare. This will limit competition in the health-care marketplace, driving up costs for patients."