Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Lebanon now a terrorist state

Blackfive  "There was little enough control, well OK basically none over Hezbollah previously, but now the Iranian proxy will almost certainly ramp up all their bad projects.
"They have completely rebuilt and over-re-armed all of their armed enclaves near the Israeli border. The only way the UN observers could have been more helpful to this process was if they had actually unloaded the trucks full of rockets and other weaponry rolling in from Syria instead of just standing by and watching them roll in." 

From DEBKAfile: Iran rounds off grab for Lebanon with figurehead prime minister  "Although the Obama administration pledged its support for Saad Hariri in his struggle against Hizballah, Tehran and Damascus, and Friday, Jan. 21, the USS Strike Force with 6,000 marines and sailors aboard moved into place opposite Lebanese shores, not a single marine has landed in Beirut to save the day.
"Tehran was not impressed by the American show of strength. Two days later, the Islamic Republic dared the US, Israel and Egypt to do their worst by provocatively announcing the dispatch of an Iranian war fleet to the Red Sea, Suez Canal and Mediterranean."

Lebanon on the Brink  "The Hezbollah leader, in his first public comments since toppling the government, mocked America’s empty promises of support. He publicly warned Hariri that the West had promptly turned on its former ally, the recently toppled leader of Tunisia, by denying him sanctuary."  This is a foreign policy based on liberal policies. Pacifists will get innocent people killed.

Targeting the whole of the Lebanese state – where will the U.S. stand in next war against Hezbollah?  "The recent French decision to supply helicopter-borne anti-tank missiles to the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) took on a level of importance far greater than it would have even just a year ago as an increasing number of Israeli military thinkers no longer see a meaningful distinction between it and Hezbollah."...."In the 2006 war, Israeli tanks were subjected to dozens of Hezbollah attacks with the latest Russian-made anti-armor missiles. How much more potent will the threat be when the French missiles and launchers are mounted on the LAF's helicopter fleet?"  The Hill  via JINSA

Obama's State of the Conflict address

Bosch Fawstin
Haaretz, Israel  "This time around, a State of the Union address that skips over the state of "our" conflict would be seen as an evasion, a way of avoiding dealing with an American and international interest. Says who? Barack Obama. "
Haaretz supports a two-state solution, which seems to me to be a disaster in the making for Israel. (If I were inclined to believe in disasters-in-the-making with regard to Israel's continued existence.)

Hat tip to Watching America

(Updated) The Obama Code/ What to listen for in the president's State of the Union address.

Fred Barnes First, “competitiveness” then:  "The president also wants to “win the future,” as he put it in a 4-minute video he sent last week to followers from his 2008 campaign. Who takes the lead in achieving this? Not the private economy unleashed by tax cuts and deregulation. Free markets and free individuals can’t be trusted with this task. The government must be in charge."
What Obama Will Not Say at the SOTU  "It is, indeed quite a list. Hat tip to Top Conservative Blogs. Here is a small sample:
--That his party's polities overseeing Fannie and Freddie were, in fact, the core problem in the housing crisis. That government-ordered housing for all is a massive failure.
-- That government takeovers of private companies are problematic, to the tune of socialistic.
-- That his policies punish private companies and American workers by using phony scare tactics to stop and prevent us from becoming more energy independent.
What to Look for Tonight Via Taegan Goddard's Political Wire

In case Mr. Obama mentions alternative energy tonight...

Rich Terrell at http://terrellaftermath.com/

Obama's State of the Union and U.S. Foreign Policy

STRATFOR  Obama "will likely mention foreign issues and is undoubtedly devoting significant time to them, but the decision not to focus on foreign affairs in his State of the Union address gives the impression that the global situation is under control. Indeed, the Republican focus on domestic matters projects the same sense. Both sides create the danger that the public will be unprepared for some of the international crises that are already quite heated. We have discussed these issues in detail, but it is useful to step back and look at the state of the world for a moment."

Obama’s State of the Union Address: Top Five Commitments for a Free, Secure, and Prosperous America "The President’s approach has proven to be far short of what is needed to keep the nation safe, free, and prosperous. It is time for a new doctrine—and new priorities. Here are the top five that should be in the President’s speech."

Morning Bell: State of Denial "President Obama’s speech will describe his “five pillars” for ensuring America’s competitiveness and economic growth. He must be hoping that the American people already forgot about his first “five pillars” of economic growth that he unveiled at Georgetown University in April 2009. The President’s present pillar panel is pretty much the same as the old one. “Deficit reduction” and “investments” in education are completely unchanged. “New Investments in Renewable Energy” has been repackaged to the more centrist-friendly “New Investments in Infrastructure.” Out are ..."

Watch the Leopard Change His Spots  "Now ask yourself: if the Democrats had won the November 2010 elections, would any of this be happening? Do you really believe Obama has changed his philosophy? Do you think he would be talking and acting this way if he had other choices? Do you really believe the Dems would be talking ‘civility' and ‘let's all sit together during the State speech' if they had won in November?"

A Bipartisan Night to Remember? "In all of Thomas Sowell's prophetic work, one simple quote is among my favorites, "Most people on the left do not oppose freedom. They are just in favor of all sorts of things that are incompatible with freedom." In that vein, Republicans don't so much oppose bipartisanship. They just fall prey to all sorts of things that aren't actually bipartisan."

Monday, January 24, 2011

Hollywood Still Whining: Looks Like Ricky Gervais Spoke Truth to the Wrong Power

Big Hollywood  "In the bubbled, hypocritical mind of some in Hollywood, the only reason Gervais crossed a line is them because he went after them. Had he been as relentless in ripping apart Sarah Palin, her young children, Jesus Christ, or George W. Bush, today the comedian would be celebrated as “edgy” and “courageous” — because only in Hollywood is throwing red meat to a hard-left crowd considered “edgy” and “courageous.” "

Once upon a time Hollywood had a sense of humor:
Target: Governor Reagan  (Corrected link.)
Now, President Reagan

Ho-Hum Horror

National Review   "The case of Kermit Gosnell reached the newspapers just a few days before the 38th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. President Obama did not mention Gosnell in his official statement celebrating the anniversary. But the case sheds more light on Roe’s import than the statement did."

Kermit the Dog  "In the wake of the Tucson shooting some have argued that we should limit semi-automatic handgun magazine capacity to ten. I think we should consider limiting abortion clinic waiting room capacity to ten. Or maybe we should have a seven-day cooling down period for those who have a passion for performing abortions.
"However we decide to exploit this tragedy, the conservative slogan is fairly obvious: “Guns don’t kill people. Abortion doctors kill people.” We need to start printing tee shirts now."
 Mike Adams Upon getting his doctorate in 1993, Adams, then an atheist and a Democrat, was hired by UNC-Wilmington to teach in the criminal justice program. A few years later, Adams abandoned his atheism and also became a Republican.

Rick Santorum  Life Is a Civil Right  :"Then, campaigning for president, [Obama] was asked when he thought life began. He said that was “above my pay grade.” So President Obama does not recognize the right to life of a baby even after it is born and, when challenged, follows the example of another presidential candidate, Stephen Douglas, whose attitude toward the question of personhood for blacks was one of “don’t care.”"

Fight Off, Don’t Pay Off, Pirates

Max Boot  "The key to securing this vital shipping lane is to unleash all the naval power that is already in the region. The U.S. and our allies should give our fleets shoot-on-sight orders when they detect suspected pirates — the same kind of order our troops operate under when dealing with armed insurgents in Iraq or Afghanistan. It would not take many gunfights, I suspect, to deter all but the most foolhardy or daring pirates from continuing with their criminal racket."
How much do our pacifists have to do with the lack of force on our part? Pacifists get innocent people killed.

Mayor of Fort Bragg Hometown to “Honor” Vietnam Vets With Jane Fonda Anti-War Films…

Weasel Zippers  "But Fayetteville Mayor Tony Chavonne decided to “honor” the Vets by reaching out to Quaker House, an anti-Vietnam war protesting outfit. And Quaker House said they are glad to participate and intend to show two anti-war films that include Jane Fonda. As in “Hanoi Jane.” This is how they plan to “honor Vietnam vets.”"

Is President Serious About Reg Reform?

Investors.com  "I will soon introduce a bill that will bar the EPA from instituting its job-crushing carbon regulations. I am also working with Sen. Lindsey Graham on legislation that will allow states to opt out of the worst provisions of the president's health spending law.
"The president has promised to stop imposing "burdens that have stifled innovation and have had a chilling effect on growth and jobs." I hope he is prepared to be held to account."

Whatever happened to the anti-war movement?

Hot Air  "Remember when opponents of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq used to hold massive rallies with lots of media attention, and newspapers like the New York Times warned that the 1960s may be returning? That turned out to be a short decade. Reason TV’s Ted Balaker and Zach Weissmueller look at the sudden dissipation of the anti-war movement, which in reality was a proxy fight in a much different battle:"

The Health Care Congress

Weekly Standard  "Something remarkable happened in Washington last week, and too few people in the media and politics appreciate it. The House of Representatives voted to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 less than a year after Congress passed it into law. What’s more, the vote for repeal (245-189) was larger than the vote for passage (219-212). We racked our brains trying to figure out the last time a major piece of legislation was repudiated by a chamber of Congress with such speed and decisiveness. The answer is 1989, when Congress repealed the Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act it had passed 17 months before, and President George H.W. Bush signed the repeal." Matthew Continetti