Saturday, January 29, 2011

So why is it all right for women to be sexist about MEN?

UK Mail  "For make no mistake: sexism is alive and well in this country and applauded in all quarters — as long as it is practised by women. And they are allowed to say the most terrible, terrible things.
"Only last week, for example, Jo Brand, the newly crowned Best Female TV Comic at the British Comedy Awards, was on Have I Got News For You and replied to the question ‘What’s your favourite kind of man, Jo?’ by saying: ‘A dead one.’ Oh, how the audience fell about. And the other contestants, all male, chortled away too."

Refer to our comments in a related post here:

Friday, January 28, 2011

The Criminal Intent Report: Congress Is Eroding the Mens Rea Requirement in Federal Criminal Law

Heritage via    "The “guilty mind” requirement (what lawyers call mens rea) historically restricted criminal punishment to those who were truly blameworthy and helped ensure Americans had fair notice of the law’s requirements. No one could be convicted of a crime without the government having proved that he acted with a guilty mind. In a sharp break with this tradition, recent Congresses have crafted scores of new federal criminal laws that lack adequate guilty-mind requirements and define the conduct that they criminalize in vague, overbroad terms."
Download full PDF report here.

U.S. Faces New Reality As Old Order Dies

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON   "In response to this topsy-turvy world, the traditional media, tenured professors, well-paid public employees, rigid ethnic and racial lobbies, unions, organized retirees, open-borders advocates and entrenched politicians all are understandably claiming that we live in an uncivil age.
"We well may, but we also are seeing the waning of an established order. And the resulting furor suggests the old beneficiaries are not going quietly into that good night." Via

Free Men Have Free Tongues

Bruce Thornton  "No progressive frets over “hate speech” directed at Republicans, white males, CEO’s, heterosexuals, or Christians."

Propagandists at Time Magazine put Reagan and Obama together on cover

Rick Moran   In fact, the irony escapes the propagandists at Time. Reagan's largeness of spirit in granting that his political foes were wrong, and not evil, only makes The Gipper look that much better compared to his arrogant, incompetent successor. Obama's weapon of choice is belittlement of his opponents. It is not attractive, and reveals a pettiness that shrinks the stature of Obama and the presidency - especially when compared to a man who understood all Americans; even those who disagreed with him.

Victor Davis Hanson: Obama’s rhetoric has swung from hard-left to moderate to hard-left to conciliatory. The problem is, his policies were real, not rhetorical.  "...Obama waged psychosocial warfare against private enterprise. In the space of just two years we learned from the president himself that we were two countries: Those who made above $250,000 were greedy and deserving of higher taxes; those below were okay for now and should receive rather than pay out. Traveling to Vegas or the Super Bowl (but not Martha’s Vineyard or Costa del Sol) was inexcusably self-indulgent. The president alone knew at what point we should cease making money. Doctors were limb-loppers. And so on. When an employer believes his efforts are considered unimportant or perhaps even nefarious, he is not going to be bold and risk-taking."

Iranian Regime Hails New Islamic Middle East Taking Shape

Gateway Pundit  "The Iranian prayer leader today Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami hailed the new Islamic Middle East that is taking shape. The radical prayer leader said the recent developments in Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, and other Arab states echo the 1979 Islamic Revolution."
These things happen under presidents like Carter.

And now, from HOLLYWOOD...

Now That Obama’s President, Richard Gere Silent on Tibet  "The 2009 Nobel Peace Prize winner recently hosted a dinner for the man who’s holding the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize winner in prison. The Hollywood community and their human rights lobby were oddly silent on this event. Could it be because Hope and Change has been placed over all those “Free Tibet” bumper stickers in Hollywood?"

Danny Glover Blames Conservatives for Tucson Tragedy  "You know what I miss most about being a Lefty? Being able to say whatever the hell I want. Reason, truth, facts be damned… It’s so 1984-ish. In your fevered, unreasonable, little, angry mind you carefully affix brown pieces of paper over what’s inconvenient, rewrite it a bit, and then memory-hole the rest.  I really do miss that. There’s no effort, no time wasted on Google, none of that pesky self-awareness. Cold weather is proof of Global Warming — stuff like that."

'Entertainment' Media Join Chorus Blaming Conservatives for Shooting  "Whenever a tragedy or important issue occurs, someone inevitably seeks out the opinions of left-wing singers and actors."

Fathers aren't TV dunces  "The NFI has also taken a particular interest in the way fathers are being portrayed on entertainment television, which regularly present dads as laughingstocks and lamebrains. There is reason for concern, too. Hollywood has taken the typical image of Dad from Ozzie Nelson to Ozzy Osbourne. As NFI's Roland Warren puts it, "Too many TV shows today tag fathers with the '3-D' image -- dumb, dangerous and disaffected. Such images must be reversed to demonstrate to viewers that fathers are there for their children and/or need to be.""

Allow me to express my personal opinion here:  PC rule: Female characters must always dominate males and make them look like fools; they must be smarter and more confident. Males must always be helpless, confused and clueless. After every encounter with a female -in which she, of course dominates-there must be an "I showed you" expression on her face. When male and female children compete in anything, she must be the winner. If not, then there is sexism.
If this inequity is addressed by women's right activists, they are crusaders; when men make these claims, they are whiners.
The Tunnel Dweller.

Did Obama administration stretch health care stat?

AP  "The higher number includes people with common health conditions such as asthma and obesity listed by insurers in their own coverage guidelines as warranting higher premiums, exclusion of coverage for a particular illness or denial, HHS said."

Do You Think The Next Generation Will See a Solvent Social Security System?

ABC News  "The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office projects that if Congress does not act Social Security will run deficits every year until it eventually runs dry in about 2037. Once its $2.5 trillion surplus hits zero in 2037 the program would collect enough money to repay about 78 percent of benefits."
Have a nice day. 

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Karl Rove weighs in

On Tuesday, Republicans offered an alternative to the president's big-government vision.
"After Tuesday night's address, the president sent supporters an email about his speech. The subject line read "We Do Big Things" and the message was signed simply "Barack." The familiarity was touching, but the theme was misplaced. Tuesday's speech gave no evidence that Mr. Obama will do the big things this country needs in the next two years."

The GOP's Health-Care Offensive Has Just Begun "Seasoned Democratic observers like pollster Pat Caddell believe that opposition to ObamaCare helped drive turnout and draw independents into the Republican column. The GOP would have deeply damaged its credibility if it failed to follow through on its pledge."

Karl Rove breaks down president's speech, responses. Video

Photo from Huffington Post

Our Sputnik Moment

Why Cruise Lines are sailing away from California: avoiding high taxes and Mexican violence

Coach is Right "Since California already has a “reported” $26 billion deficit, the notion that a liberal Democrat like Jerry Brown, supported by a liberal Democrat Legislature, will raise taxes is as sure a bet as the daily tides. They’re fleeing the new taxes they KNOW are coming.
"Second is the extreme violence taking place in the “Mexican Riviera.” It isn’t hard to see the cause and effect between the sickening carnage Acapulco awoke to on Saturday January 15 when 28 bodies... were found on its streets and the unusual ...Saturday afternoon announcement that the major Cruise Lines had paid enough seen enough and were leaving almost immediately. "