Gateway Pundit "The federal government is now spying on Americans based on their political beliefs. Daily Tech reported:"
We must consider the pattern of this administration. Who would Bill Ayers, Rev. Wright and Bernie Sanders most dislike?
The police are watching you. If you’re the wrong religion, they’ll spy on your every move. If you voice the wrong political opinions they’ll be watching you. According to Mike German, a 16-year veteran with the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigations, this is happening right in the U.S.But what political beliefs? One commenter writes: (Reproduced as is.)
He never states if the “religious” targets are Muslim extremists or Christians.He never revels(sic) the political leanings,are they progressive,communists socialists or what?Another:
"I mean in some cases,I think the FBI has to do what it has to do."
But you know that’s not who Obama’s cronies are watching. They are watching conservative and libertarians, Christians, anti-abortion groups, the Tea Party groups, anyone who is opposed to the continuing growth of government and the continuing restrictions on American rights.
We must consider the pattern of this administration. Who would Bill Ayers, Rev. Wright and Bernie Sanders most dislike?