Friday, February 25, 2011

Democrats and the Defense of Marriage Act

Obama’s Constitutional Epiphany "The American people are learning that Obama’s Constitution is a very strange creature indeed. Whether it’s ignoring a district-court decision striking down his signature health-care legislation or abandoning a duly enacted law to establish a right to same-sex marriage through the courts, Obama’s constitutional interpretation is ultimately dictated by his political needs of the moment. 2012 can’t come fast enough."

Jonah Goldberg: Throwing in the Towel on the Constitution "Either way, what Obama is doing is flatly outrageous. Carney says that “the president is constitutionally bound to enforce the laws and enforcement of the DOMA will continue.”"

Gingrich rips Obama on DOMA but denies call for impreachment ""Congress has every responsibility to demand President Obama live up to his constitutional obligations, but impeachment is clearly not an appropriate action,” Gingrich said in a statement, released after news outlets had interpreted Gingrich's statements to Newsmax as suggesting that Obama could be impeachable for not executing the law regarding DOMA."

Obama and DOMA  "Did anyone on any part of the political spectrum ever actually believe that Obama opposed gay marriage? That was never anything but disguise. This new move suggests that the centrist mask is slipping, the country is polarizing, and Obama is being forced to fly his true flag. I don’t doubt that the president will continue to resist full disclosure of his leftist political allegiances. Yet that is the direction in which he is now being pulled."

DOMA Watch  "The Federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) defines marriage as a legal union between one man and one woman for purposes of all federal laws, and provides that states need not recognize a marriage from another state if it is between persons of the same sex. 37 states have their own Defense of Marriage Acts (DOMAs), while 2 more states have strong language that defines marriage as one man and one woman. There are 30 states that have constitutional amendments protecting traditional marriage, including the three states (Arizona, California, and Florida) that passed constitutional amendments in November 2008."

Libya and the US

US military advisers in Cyrenaica. Qaddafi's loses his air force "This is the first time America and Europe have intervened militarily in any of the popular upheavals rolling through the Middle East since Tunisia's Jasmine Revolution in early January. The advisers, including intelligence officers, were dropped from warships and missile boats at the coastal towns of Benghazi and Tobruk Thursday Feb. 24, for a threefold mission:"  DEBKAfile

Help Libyans Liberate Themselves from Qadhafi  "The United States has a humanitarian interest in easing the suffering of Libyans and halting the regime’s criminal atrocities and a strategic interest in removing the anti-Western dictatorship that has unleashed terrorism at home and abroad. The Obama Administration, which has muted its voice and equivocated on Libya, should take stronger action to achieve these goals."

ELLIOTT ABRAMS :  Our Bargain With the New Gadhafi  "After Saddam Hussein fell, Libya's leader handed his weapons to the U.S. in exchange for warmer relations. We got his nuclear program. He got to stay comfortably in power."  Max Boot adds his comment to the previous article:
We must make clear to him that the days when he could strike a deal with the West are over. All that we are willing to negotiate now are the terms of his departure from power.
"President Obama’s failure to deliver that message is both shameful and puzzling.
U.S. Will Announce Sanctions Soon  "The United States moved to increase diplomatic pressure on the embattled Libyan government of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi on Friday, suspending relations and preparing to impose unilateral sanctions because of the deadly violence the Libyan government has directed at protesters in the country."

Foreign Policy Initiative to Obama: U.S., Allies Must Act on Libya "The Foreign Policy Initiative has authored a letter to President Obama recommending his administration act with America's NATO allies on ending the violence and the "murderous regime" in Libya. The letter was signed by 41 former U.S. government officials, human rights and democracy advocates, and foreign policy experts, including the boss and several contributing editors and contributors to THE WEEKLY STANDARD. The text of the letter is below."...

Rubicon: A river in Wisconsin

Charles Krauthammer "We have heard everyone - from Obama's own debt commission to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff - call the looming debt a mortal threat to the nation. We have watched Greece self-immolate. We can see the future. The only question has been: When will the country finally rouse itself?
"Amazingly, the answer is: now. Led by famously progressive Wisconsin - Scott Walker at the state level and Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan at the congressional level - a new generation of Republicans has looked at the debt and is crossing the Rubicon. Recklessly principled, they are putting the question to the nation: Are we a serious people?"

Today's Democrats and the Wisconsin Assembly

American Thinker  "Nice. Comforting to know that in our republic, lawmakers have to be escorted by police to prevent the opposition from causing bodily harm."

Wis. Assembly passes bill taking away union rights  "The Wisconsin Assembly early Friday passed a bill that would strip most public workers of their collective bargaining rights—the first significant action on the new Republican governor's plan.
Green Bay Press Gazette
"The vote put an end to three straight days of punishing debate, but the political standoff over the bill is far from over. The measure now goes to the Senate, where minority Democrats have been missing for a week, preventing a vote in that chamber."

Video:  Wisconsin Democrats yell "Shame" at Republicans in chamber
What the American Democrat Party has become.

Hate-a-rama: The vulgar, racist, sexist, homophobic rage of the Left "My new syndicated column today does the reporting the Tea Party-bashing national media won’t do on the rabid outbreak of progressive incivility and violence at Big Labor protests across the country. On Saturday, the grievance convergence will descend on all 50 state capitols spearheaded by the smear merchants of — who will stoke further hatred and class warfare against America’s taxpayers, job creators, and wealth producers:"

What Madison Revealed   "Although the term “special interests” is usually deployed as an epithet by Democrats and is meant to refer to oil companies, “the rich,” or other undesirables, in fact, as economist James M. Buchanan and other “public choice” theorists explain, a special interest is any community that attempts to gain a particular advantage from government."

Why Obama and the Dems Blundered in Wisconsin  "It is becoming clear that the Wisconsin battle was a strategic political blunder for President Obama and the Democratic Party. The decision by the Democratic Party and its allies to draw a line in the sand in Wisconsin was the wrong strategy, in the wrong state, at the wrong time, on the wrong issue, and executed in the wrong way."

Prime Time CBS Drama 'The Good Wife' Impugns Tea Party as 'Racist Organization'

Media Research Center  "Tuesday night’s episode of The Good Wife on CBS gave prime time legitimacy to the presumption the Tea Party is racist as a lawyer in a courtroom tried to discredit an expert witness (Gary Cole as Sarah Palin supporter “Kurt McVeigh”) who testified against a since-exonerated black defendant, by demanding he admit he’s “a member of the Tea Party.” The lawyer asserts “it is our contention that my client’s prosecution was racist,” citing McVeigh’s “membership in a racist organization,” namely the Tea Party."

Meeting Young Obama

American Thinker  "Whatever impact our encounter might have had on him, I know something about what Barack Obama believed in 1980. At that time, the future president was a doctrinaire Marxist revolutionary, although perhaps -- for the first time -- considering conventional politics as a more practical road to socialism. Knowing this, I think I have a responsibility to place on the public record my account of this incident from our president's past."

Victor Davis Hanson:  After Obama, the Deluge  "Shortly after Barack Obama leaves office, we are all going to have to eat cake. Then a less eloquent president will have to balance budgets, pay off trillions in new debt, develop more energy, come up with a sane health-care policy, and in symbolic fashion have the first family share the sacrifice of a more mundane lifestyle."

Danny Ayalon on the Death of ‘Linkage’ and What It Means for Israel

Commentary   "This turns the linkage theory completely on its head. Instead of trying to solve the problems of the Muslim world through the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, it now seems more likely that a peace agreement won’t be signed until the current grievances across the Middle East are resolved."

(Updated) Media Mash: Wis. Protest Edition; Bozell and Hannity Analyze Media's Bias, Double Standards

Newsbusters  "BRENT BOZELL: It's not just virtual silence, it is complete silence from the national media.
This is incredible. After a year of lectures about civility and the need to stop being so hate-filled and looking for those pictures of those whack-job Lyndon LaRouche supporters at Tea Party rallies that had those pictures equating Obama to Stalin, Obama to Satan, you have the exact same pictures now with Scott Walker.
Look, when Sarah Palin had pictures on her website with crosshairs on counties, not people, counties, she was accused of being a participant in the murders in Arizona. Yet you've got that going on now [with Madison protesters putting crosshairs over pictures of Gov. Scott Walker (R)].

How the Left views the Wisconsin protestors
Pat Oliphant in the Washington Post

One Chart that Tells You Everything You Need to Know about State and Local Government Pay

Big Government  "Every labor economist, right or left, will agree that higher “quit rates” are much more likely in sectors that are underpaid and lower levels are much more likely in sectors where compensation is generous.
"Not surprisingly, this data shows state and local bureaucrats are living on Easy Street. As the chart illustrates, private sector workers are more than three times as likely to quit their jobs."

Wisconsin Assembly Passes Bill Curbing Collective Bargaining  "The Assembly in Madison early today voted 51-17 over the shouted objections of some legislators, and 28 lawmakers failed to cast their ballots. The measure still must be considered in the Senate, which has been unable to muster a quorum since last week after its 14 Democrats fled the state to stall the measure."

Next Step in Congress’ Fight for Marriage
Heritage  "DOMA was enacted by overwhelming majorities of both houses of Congress and signed into law by President Bill Clinton in 1996. DOMA has two core provisions. First, it defines the words marriage, spouse, husband, and wife wherever they appear in the U.S. Code as referring only to the union of a man or a woman. Second, it defends the right of each state not to be forced to accept the redefinition of marriage in a handful of other states as a result of state court decisions or laws. Nearly 40 states have enacted state-level DOMAs, and 31 have embraced traditional marriage in their state constitutions. No state’s voters have ever voted to the contrary."

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Exposed: Obama’s 23-Year Pastor Jeremiah Wright Travelled to Libya to Meet With Gaddafi in 1984…

Weasel Zippers   "Jeremiah Wright, former pastor of Obama’s longtime Chicago church, went with Farrakhan to visit Gadhafi in 1984.
"During the 2008 presidential campaign, Wright himself noted the trip could cause problems for Obama.
“When [Obama’s] enemies find out that in 1984 I went to Tripoli to visit [Gadhafi] with Farrakhan, a lot of his Jewish support will dry up quicker than a snowball in hell.”
"Farrakhan, a close friend and associate of Wright, has been financed by Gadhafi, including with a $5 million interest-free loan in 1985."