From the Media Research Center: CBS Uses American Muslim Family to Frame Hearings on Radical Islam as Discriminatory "Anchor Katie Couric introduced Doane's report this way: "...most of the more than two and a half million Muslims living in this country want it known they are patriotic Americans." As if the hearings somehow accused all American Muslims of being unpatriotic."
CBS Accuses Peter King of 'Poisoning the Atmosphere' of Radical Islam Hearings "During her Evening News report, Cordes hit King for only inviting witnesses to testify who "share his view that some Muslim-American leaders aren't cooperating with law enforcement." She added that "From the start, Democrats called the hearing an abuse of power." However, later in the segment, she touted emotional testimony from Democratic Minnesota Congressman Keith Ellison, one of two Muslims in Congress, who disagreed with King's premise."
CNN's Velshi: Rep. Peter King Has 'Strange Obsession with Islam' "Perhaps he doesn't understand that Islamist is a synonym for a radical Muslim, and that the term, in its current usage, has been around for decades, and has its origin in French academia."
Unravelling the Social Fabric of Our Lives "...Muslim gangs growing more dangerous in Minnesota -- a trend we are seeing in Maine as well, where Muslim gangs are wilding, leaving terror in their wake. Women are intimidated and slapped on the street. Police report that swarms of Somali Muslim boys, some as young as 8, others in their late teens, overwhelm solitary victims through sheer numbers. These gang members carry sticks and rocks with which to intimidate their victims. There are often four or five of them, sometimes as many as a dozen." Atlas Shrugs.
CBS Accuses Peter King of 'Poisoning the Atmosphere' of Radical Islam Hearings "During her Evening News report, Cordes hit King for only inviting witnesses to testify who "share his view that some Muslim-American leaders aren't cooperating with law enforcement." She added that "From the start, Democrats called the hearing an abuse of power." However, later in the segment, she touted emotional testimony from Democratic Minnesota Congressman Keith Ellison, one of two Muslims in Congress, who disagreed with King's premise."
CNN's Velshi: Rep. Peter King Has 'Strange Obsession with Islam' "Perhaps he doesn't understand that Islamist is a synonym for a radical Muslim, and that the term, in its current usage, has been around for decades, and has its origin in French academia."
Unravelling the Social Fabric of Our Lives "...Muslim gangs growing more dangerous in Minnesota -- a trend we are seeing in Maine as well, where Muslim gangs are wilding, leaving terror in their wake. Women are intimidated and slapped on the street. Police report that swarms of Somali Muslim boys, some as young as 8, others in their late teens, overwhelm solitary victims through sheer numbers. These gang members carry sticks and rocks with which to intimidate their victims. There are often four or five of them, sometimes as many as a dozen." Atlas Shrugs.