American Thinker on: Congress and its war powers "President Truman authorized the Korean War without Congress in 1950. And ever since, in Iran, Lebanon, Libya, Panama, Somalia, Bosnia and Haiti there has been a greater unilateral executive authorization. Unless Obama is able to keep the intervention within the 60-90 day time limit, then I don't think he has much to worry about in terms of legality." Then this: Soros heavily involved in the 'Responsibility to Protect" movement
And this: General Ham 'Strung' "We have heard the usual hand wringing pronouncements from politicians, all their now depressingly familiar bleating about exit strategies and end games. The real problem here is that we have policy being made by people who think they can govern by nuance and the shading of reality. We should expect nothing less of dilettantes who seek to impose impossible levels of distinction on the simple, timeless truths of war and life and death now playing themselves out once again in Libya."
For crying out loud, Barry - Make up your mind! "Go...stay...go...Does Obama have a clue what he's doing? Of course, it would help if we had a strategy. Administration spokesmen are insisting that regime change is not part of the mission. They are also insisting that Gaddafi needs to go - or stay but reform - or go, but not necessarily feet first."
This is the Way the Coalition Crumbles "The intervention is noble and necessary, but without unapologetic American leadership it will crumble beneath the weight of its own good intentions."
Obama Continues to Slam Bush on Iraq "Yet, according to Fox Nation, the claim that the U.S. has more international support now than it did when it entered Iraq is inaccurate. According to the news site, the coalition of countries that backed Bush in Iraq was twice as large as the coalition now backing Obama.
"It’s unfortunate that Obama hasn’t used the crisis in Libya as an opportunity to rethink his previous harsh criticism of the Bush administration."
Max Boot asks: Shouldn’t Post-Qaddafi Plans Have Been a Given? "Is the coalition now enforcing a no-fly zone prepared to do something on the ground to ease Libya’s transition, or will we just wash our hands of the place and hope for the best?" |
For crying out loud, Barry - Make up your mind! "Go...stay...go...Does Obama have a clue what he's doing? Of course, it would help if we had a strategy. Administration spokesmen are insisting that regime change is not part of the mission. They are also insisting that Gaddafi needs to go - or stay but reform - or go, but not necessarily feet first." |
This is the Way the Coalition Crumbles "The intervention is noble and necessary, but without unapologetic American leadership it will crumble beneath the weight of its own good intentions."
Obama Continues to Slam Bush on Iraq "Yet, according to Fox Nation, the claim that the U.S. has more international support now than it did when it entered Iraq is inaccurate. According to the news site, the coalition of countries that backed Bush in Iraq was twice as large as the coalition now backing Obama.
"It’s unfortunate that Obama hasn’t used the crisis in Libya as an opportunity to rethink his previous harsh criticism of the Bush administration." |
Max Boot asks: Shouldn’t Post-Qaddafi Plans Have Been a Given? "Is the coalition now enforcing a no-fly zone prepared to do something on the ground to ease Libya’s transition, or will we just wash our hands of the place and hope for the best?" |