Friday, March 25, 2011

Donald Trump and the Birth Certificate

American Thinker  "But run for the highest office in the land and it's bad form to enquire if the candidate can pass one of the two very low bars to the presidency. Age and natural-born citizenship are low bars. I happen to think that a presidential candidate should pass a background check for a security clearance, because it's s an open question whether Bill Clinton or Barack Hussein Obama would pass such a check, but the Constitution does not require that. Just age and birth. Easily determined."

Imagine for a moment: say it is proven that Mr. Obama is NOT a citizen of this country as required by the Constitution. He is required to step down, Obama supporters take to the streets and something like this happens all across the US.

Obamacare One Year Later: Why America Needs Full Repeal Now

Heritage  "Raising Costs, Fewer Options:
Higher Premiums: Requiring insurance plans to have certain benefits inevitably raises the cost of providing insurance, which is passed onto policyholders. Regence Blue Cross/Blue Shield in Oregon cited Obamacare for 3.4% of its 17.1% rate increase, while Celtic Insurance Company of Wisconsin and North Carolina said half of its 18% rate jump was because of Obamacare mandates.

Dropped Child-Only Plans: Obamacare’s requirement that insurers who sell child-only plans offer coverage without considering pre-existing conditions had unintended consequences. Insurers in at least 34 states have dropped child-only insurance plans, and 20 states no longer have child-only plans sold in their insurance marketplaces.

Will I Get to Keep My Plan? Despite assurances that health insurance plans wouldn’t change, there have been several reports of confusion and inconsistent rulings regarding the “grandfathering” status for current Then this article goes plans. The federal government has enormous power to arbitrarily select policies it deems in violation of the law. So far, the Administration has estimated that anywhere from half to 80% of small-employer plans, up to 67% of large-employer plans, and up to 67% of individual plans won’t be grandfathered in by the end of 2013."   

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Obama and Libya

Michael Barone: The Damning Contradictions of Obama's Attack on Libya  "Instead, members of Congress, like the general public, heard the president make the announcement in Rio de Janeiro. That's quite a contrast with George W. Bush, who sought and obtained congressional approval of military action in Afghanistan in September 2001 and Iraq in October 2002.
"Since then, many Democrats have denounced Bush's "rush to war" in Iraq. But military action there began a full five months after Congress approved. Obama didn't wait five days after the Security Council resolution."

Who's in charge? Germans pull forces out of NATO as Libyan coalition falls apart  "Yesterday a war of words erupted between the U.S. and Britain after the U.K. government claimed Muammar Gaddafi is a legitimate target for assassination.
"U.K. government officials said killing the Libyan leader would be legal if it prevented civilian deaths as laid out in a U.N. resolution.
"But U.S. defence secretary Robert Gates hit back at the suggestion, saying it would be 'unwise' to target the Libyan leader adding cryptically that the bombing campaign should stick to the 'U.N. mandate'.

From Blackfive:  A new use of military force doctrine  "Our leading from the rear President may have stumbled upon a decent compromise while attempting to Eurocratize the mission in Libya. Barry says no ground forces, period."

Row over role of Nato splits coalition forces

Navy chief: We don’t know what happens next in Libya war

 Libya, the West and the Narrative of Democracy from STRATFOR : "In this case, the United States, France and Britain are intervening in favor of a poorly defined group of mutually hostile and suspicious tribes and factions that have failed to coalesce, at least so far, into a meaningful military force. The intervention may well succeed. The question is whether the outcome will create a morally superior nation. It is said that there can’t be anything worse than Gadhafi. But Gadhafi did not rule for 42 years because he was simply a dictator using force against innocents, but rather because he speaks to a real and powerful dimension of Libya."

Somehow all this brings this from May, 2009 to mind: Letterman writer: Obama 'too competent' to make jokes about   Then Letterman writer, Bill Scheft: "It's not because he's black and it's not because we're afraid. It's just that he's, just so far, just a little too damn competent and we ain't used to that. [multiple panelists say "yeah."] .

Doctors Give the Practice of Medicine under Obamacare a Grim Prognosis

Heritage  "Dr. Martha Boone, a urologist from Atlanta, further argued that currently, if an insurer denies coverage for a certain treatment, she can call the medical director (a fellow physician) and explain her rationale. In the case of coverage provided by the government, such as Medicare and Medicaid, that’s not an option—the answer is always no. Greater government influence in medical decision-making will come at the expense of patients’ own desires."

Federal Health Care Law Could Exacerbate Existing Doctor Shortages   "The Association of American Medical Colleges predicts that by 2015, there will be a shortage of more than 62,000 doctors. By 2020, the shortage leaps to more than 91,000, and by 2025, it is more than 130,000.
"One analyst likened the health care law to giving everyone a free bus pass -- but without enough buses."

Detroit’s Liberal Nightmare

Heritage  "For the record, Detroit has been under liberal leadership for decades. And the city’s big problem today is that its road forward is blocked by the very same political machine that helped deliver it to its state of ruin. Case in point: the state’s powerful teachers unions. In 2003, a philanthropist pledged $200 million for the creation of 15 charter schools in the city. Despite the city’s tragic public school system, the plan failed and the offer was withdrawn following protests by the Detroit Federation of Teachers. Little has changed, eight years later. A state-appointed emergency financial manager has proposed sweeping changes to the city’s public school system, including a plan to convert 41 of the city’s schools to charter schools. Guess who’s opposed to the reforms? That very same union." Obama's base of support. How can the African-American population continue to support a party that has been so instrumental in perpetuating this wretched state of affairs?

Many have seen this photo comparison of Hiroshima to Detroit, but if you haven't, you should. This one comes from Free Republic.

Bernanke on inflation, um, according to Rich Terrell

The TW does not condone this cartoon; we just post it here because of its news value. And because of the seriousness of the charges it makes, they must be looked into.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

America Through the Looking Glass

Victor Davis Hanson "Our near-term energy future apparently lies in borrowing money to buy oil from those we praise for drilling where we never would ourselves.
"In the face of $4-a-gallon gas, President Obama claimed that domestic oil and gas production was at a record level — failing to note that such expansion was due entirely to prior leases granted during the Clinton and Bush administrations of the sort that he has so far mostly denied."
Google Map

After touching on oil drilling, then Mr. Hanson goes on to other weighty things...

Muslim Students association pledge of allegiance

UP POMPEII  The Muslim Student Association’s pledge of allegiance is a restatement of the Muslim Brotherhood’s credo which states:
Allah is our objective
The Prophet is our leader
Qur’an is our law
Jihad is our way
Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope

Creeping Sharia  "The credo’s(sp) are nearly identical because the Muslim Student Association was founded by the Muslim Brotherhood:"....
"The MSA has branches on hundreds of campuses in the U.S. and Canada and many of its campus leaders have engaged in and been arrested for waging jihad. The video above clearly indicates MSA members at UCLA, and elsewhere, are willing to die spreading Islam. The Koran is their law (sharia), and jihad is their way."
America needs more and more people like Rep. Peter King.

Jihad Watch

Ann Coulter; Liberals: They Blinded Us With Science

Ann Coulter "The EPA proposed banning alar based on a study that involved pumping tens of thousands times more alar into rats than any human could possibly consume, and observing the results. The rats died -- of poisoning, not tumors – but the EPA banned it anyway. Poor people went back to eating Twinkies instead of healthy fresh fruit."....
 "After decades of this nonsense, The New York Times' Paul Krugman has the audacity to brag that liberals believe the "truth should be determined by research, not revelation." Yes -- provided the "research" is conducted by trial lawyers and Hollywood actresses rather than actual scientists."

Ann refers to this attack by Ed Schultz of-naturally-MSNBC: Ed Schultz Attacks 'Toxic' Ann Coulter: 'There Is Always Misinformation' When She's On TV  
"Schultz conveniently ignored that Coulter cited the Times in her piece. That's unfortunately what passes for journalism at MSNBC these days.
"Rather than mimic his negligence, let's take a look at what the Times reported in its November 2001 article "For Radiation, How Much Is Too Much?":"...

Obama and Libya

American Thinker on: Congress and its war powers  "President Truman authorized the Korean War without Congress in 1950. And ever since, in Iran, Lebanon, Libya, Panama, Somalia, Bosnia and Haiti there has been a greater unilateral executive authorization. Unless Obama is able to keep the intervention within the 60-90 day time limit, then I don't think he has much to worry about in terms of legality." Then this: Soros heavily involved in the 'Responsibility to Protect" movement
And this: General Ham 'Strung'   "We have heard the usual hand wringing pronouncements from politicians, all their now depressingly familiar bleating about exit strategies and end games. The real problem here is that we have policy being made by people who think they can govern by nuance and the shading of reality. We should expect nothing less of dilettantes who seek to impose impossible levels of distinction on the simple, timeless truths of war and life and death now playing themselves out once again in Libya."

For crying out loud, Barry - Make up your mind! "Go...stay...go...Does Obama have a clue what he's doing? Of course, it would help if we had a strategy. Administration spokesmen are insisting that regime change is not part of the mission. They are also insisting that Gaddafi needs to go - or stay but reform - or go, but not necessarily feet first."

This is the Way the Coalition Crumbles "The intervention is noble and necessary, but without unapologetic American leadership it will crumble beneath the weight of its own good intentions."
Obama Continues to Slam Bush on Iraq  "Yet, according to Fox Nation, the claim that the U.S. has more international support now than it did when it entered Iraq is inaccurate. According to the news site, the coalition of countries that backed Bush in Iraq was twice as large as the coalition now backing Obama.
"It’s unfortunate that Obama hasn’t used the crisis in Libya as an opportunity to rethink his previous harsh criticism of the Bush administration."

Max Boot asks: Shouldn’t Post-Qaddafi Plans Have Been a Given?  "Is the coalition now enforcing a no-fly zone prepared to do something on the ground to ease Libya’s transition, or will we just wash our hands of the place and hope for the best?"

Has Barack Obama ever been brave? Perhaps more pertinently, will he ever be?

The Economist  "Political courage is hard to define. But you know it when you see it. The senior George Bush increased taxes and paid with his job. Lyndon Johnson passed the Civil Rights Act even though he knew it would cost the Democrats the South.
The much-maligned younger Mr Bush showed a moment of true grit, when he defied almost everyone and refused to leave Iraq to chaos in 2007. Maybe Mr Obama will find the same raw courage when at last he thinks it warranted. All one can say is that it has not happened yet. Meanwhile, Libya and Bahrain burn."

Obamacare’s Failed First Year

Heritage  "The reason why President Obama and his liberal allies have failed to turn public opinion around is simple: The major claims made by the President in the effort to pass Obamacare have all been exposed as frauds, and the early implementation by his Administration has been a complete disaster.
"Center for Policy Innovation Senior Fellow and Why Obamacare is Wrong for America co-author Bob Moffit details just some of the Obamacare claims that have been exposed as fictions:"...And here they are:...

One Year Later: Time doesn't change views on health care law  "According to a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Wednesday, on the one year anniversary of the signing of the law, 37 percent of Americans support the measure, with 59 percent opposed. That's basically unchanged from last March, when 39 percent supported the law and 59 percent opposed the measure."