Monday, April 18, 2011

Vigil for Peace seeks end to wars in the Middle East

Tillamook, Oregon Headlight-Herald   Exerpt: "On March 18, 15 people stood together on all four corners of First and Main streets in Tillamook in a vigil for peace. This vigil was part of a national effort sponsored largely by Veterans For Peace.
"We would like to personally thank each of you who showed up to mark this anniversary. Many others showed support by honking, cheering, waving and giving a thumbs up. If the response we got from passing motorists is any indicator, the majority of people in our community are sick and tired of the fighting, and of watching their taxes support war, rather than better roads, education and safety services."

My response today, which will hopefully be published this week in the Headlight-Herald:

I wonder how those at the peace vigil would have handled al Qaeda after 9/11, with their bases in Afghanistan. Al Qaeda had a nation of their own where they trained forces to kill non-Muslims by the thousands. They still seek to do this and Afghanistan is still their prime choice for bases. President Bush and our armed forces have kept these people on the run and in fear of their lives for attacking us.
Terrorists are happy to have these "lone wolf"attacks on us, but having an army of murderers would be far better for them. As usual, pacifists stand as shields protecting them. Hitler's conquest of Europe could have been easily prevented if he was opposed at the start. But anti-war people prevented free countries from resisting the Nazi evil and millions died because of it.
Pacifists have caused the death of innocents throughout the past century and they may yet aid in our deaths.

Al-Jazeera's fans in the White House

Rick Moran  "Apparently, the president and half the state department are just tickled about a network that excuses terrorism against the Jews, and spreads the most ridiculous rumors about what is happening in the Middle East. It reveals far more about them that the White House looks upon these shills for the Qatar royal family than it does the network that so laughably skews its news against the US."

Classic anti-Semitism from Al Jazeera Cartoon .

What A Surprise! Obama Loves Al-Jazeera "In the halls of American power, the Arab Spring has brought Al-Jazeera in from the cold.
"Seven years after then-Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld called the broadcaster’s reporting “vicious, inaccurate and inexcusable” and President George W. Bush joked about bombing it, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton praised it as “real news” in her recent Senate testimony.
"And, in fact, she in effect said we needed to emulate it.
"Not only that, her staffers, as well as those of the CIA and the Obama White House, were attending the Congressional Correspondents’ Dinner as Al-Jazeera’s guests."

WikiLeaks Gives Bashar al-Assad A Gift

Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion "Why release these cables at this moment, when Bashar al-Assad is trying to suppress protests by blaiming foreign conspirators?
"Was it just coincidence that the cables were released as violence mounted in Syria? Either this was a cynical ploy by WikiLeaks to take advantage of the violence in Syria to generate publicity, or WikiLeaks recklessly disregarded the dangers such a release presents to the protesters.
"The support given to opposition groups in years past may have no connection to the people in the streets, but the WikiLeaks disclosure surely will be used by al-Assad as an excuse for even more brutal repression.
"WikiLeaks has given al-Assad a major gift, and the people of Syria will pay the price."

Don't our jobs come from that top one percent?

Neal Boortz  "It seems that no matter what statistics are presented -- some people just can’t give up the idea that raising taxes on the rich is really the only way to solve our current spending problems. Obama says it, they believe it, and that By God settles it. These people, it seems, simply aren’t going to let facts get in the way of some good old fashioned jealousy.
"There are four things that I wish people would try to keep in mind when they are considering their favorite left-wing politicians demands for higher taxes on the disgusting rich." And those four things are...

Media Research Center on tax cuts for the evil rich

Befuddled Bob Schieffer: 'Why Do These Rich People Need Another Tax Cut? They're Already Rich' "Conveying his no-so-profound economic reasoning, Schieffer saw a pot of money to be absconded: “I mean, they're already rich. They seem to be doing pretty well as it is now. Why cut their taxes some more?” After Ryan explained his proposal would maintain current tax revenue levels while eliminating deductions and loopholes used by the wealthy, a baffled Schiefier ruminated."

CBS Rues Unfairness of Rich Not Paying Enough Without Noting More Than a Third of Americans Pay Nothing "After allowing a Cato expert to note the economic damage caused by too-high tax burdens on the most productive, Doane countered him by touting “Patriotic Millionaires for Fiscal Strength,” a bunch of left-wing millionaires who want tax rates to be hiked for the rich..."

Patriotic Millionaires for Fiscal Strength"... when Lehman brothers went bankrupt, NYC suddenly faced a huge drop in income tax revenue.
"People seem to think that high-income earners are “stealing from grandma”. They aren’t. They get a paycheck – often from the company that they started and own. And they employ many people.
"How about an income tax cut for any person or business who hires a new employee this year (with rules against simply firing and then re-hiring people) ?
"Governments don’t create jobs. Only people create jobs."  From the comments to this blog.

Keep in mind that the Tunnel Dweller is a retired union tradesman who has always been an hourly-paid employee. I'm a tool-bag-carrying mechanic who understands a bit about economics and the drag the left is on free enterprise and creativity.

DOJ Source: Gov’t Muslim ‘Outreach’ Jeopardized Active Terror Investigations

Pajamas Media  "An explosive, must-read interview brings sunlight to our counterproductive "outreach" programs. The case of the missing Somali men from Minneapolis highlights the failure and the absurdity."....

"But another troubling claim came out during our interview: “Muslim outreach” programs by U.S. government agencies to terror-tied Islamic groups have directly interfered with ongoing terrorism investigations."....
"But at the same time that FBI agents were testifying in the [Holy Land Foundation] trial that CAIR is a Hamas front there was serious disagreement inside DOJ and the FBI about whether we should continue to work with CAIR or cut them loose. So now we do both."

Anti-CAIR  "We believe that the Council on American-Islamic Relations, (CAIR), is a clear and present danger to our Constitution and our way of life. We will continue to expose CAIR's involvement in supporting Islamist terrorists, terrorist-sponsoring organizations and groups in the United States."

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Lefty Icon Helen Thomas to Lead Anti-Israel Protest During Netanyahu Visit to US, Will Receive Award From Code Pink…

Weasel Zippers  "Thomas wil give the keynote address at the Move Over AIPAC conference, and will receive an award from the women’s pacifist organization Code Pink, one of the hundred [l]eft-wing American organizations behind the conference."

However, the Tunnel Wall utterly rejects the "Hurry up and die" comment by the author of this article.

California in the Balance
Victor Davis Hanson  "We now see highway patrolmen and city police, in the manner of South American law enforcement, out in force. Everywhere they are monitoring, watching, ticketing — no warnings, no margins of error — desperate to earn traffic fines that might feed the state that feeds them. I could go on. But you get the picture that we are living on the fumes of a rich state that our forefathers brilliantly exploited, and now there is not much energy left in the fading exhaust to keep us going.
"I see California in terms now of the razor’s edge with disaster not far in either direction. A postmodern affluent lifestyle hangs in the balance here without a margin of error. Let me give some examples."...

Palin a hit at tea party rally in Madison

American Thinker  "President Obama certainly has a record, and that's why we're here. Hey media, it's not inciting violence and it's not hateful rhetoric to call someone out on their record, so that's what we're gonna do. We're gonna do it to be clear. That's right. We're here, we're clear, get used to it.
"We will fight for America and it starts here in Madison, Wisconsin. It starts here. It starts now, Mr. President. Game On!"

New Media impresario Andrew Breitbart introduced Sarah Palin at the tea party rally in Madison yesterday.   "But in order to get to the stage, he and other tea partiers had to run a gauntlet of screaming, gesturing, frenzied labor union thugs who were tossing sexual insults at Sarah Palin that would have burned the ears of a dockworker."

Some of the bravest people...

Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion ..."are black Tea Party supporters, who must endure taunts like this:" (video and sound)

Lovely: Foul-Mouthed Leftist Protesters “I Wipe My A$$ With the American Flag” (Video)
"Don’t expect to see this in the state-run media…Foul-mouthed, vulgar socialist idiots harassed tea party patriots in Portland, Oregon at the Tax Day Protest in Pioneer Courthouse Square.
"This is the angry American left in full display."

Explosive New Book Charges Obama Invites Attack on U.S.

Human Events  "Just before dawn on March 1, 2003, two dozen heavily armed Pakistani tactical assault forces move in and surround a safe house in Rawalpindi.  A few hours earlier they had received a text message from an informant inside the house. It read:  “I am with KSM.”"...

...."Thiessen told Amanpour, “There have been so many so misstatements told about the enhanced interrogation techniques, comparing them to the Spanish Inquisition and the Khmer Rouge, and I have to tell you Christiane, you are one of the people who have spread these mistruths.”
"An incredulous Amanpour replied, “Excuse me?” "
From Sparks Fly as 'Courting Disaster' Author Clashes with CNN's Amanpour
Hat tip to Joy Roeder, Garibaldi, Oregon

Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Trump Moment; Give me anything but another celebrity apprentice.

National Review Online "Trump wants to be the anti-Obama. Obama is too soft; Trump is tough. Obama knows nothing about business; Trump is God’s gift to American capitalism. Obama is painfully thoughtful in his affect; Trump is brash. They share much more important qualities in common, though. Like the Obama of 2008, Trump is an arrogant celebrity with a talent for branding who knows much less than he thinks and vastly overestimates his ability to fix the country’s problems.
"We’ve been here before." Rich Lowry