Haley Rips Gingrich Over Budget Comments "Said Haley: "What he said was absolutely unfortunate. Here you've got Representative Ryan trying to bring common sense to this world of insanity, and Newt absolutely cut him off at the knees. When you have a conservative fighting for real change, the last thing we need is a presidential candidate cutting him off at the knees." "
http://www.life.com/image/82193487 |
Newt’s Done! So, Apparently, Is The GOP! "So, we can look for the GOP to really go after the US Senate in an attempt to box-in Obama after 2012. However, Obama will rule by executive order right up ‘til we have a constitutional crisis. I mean, the country has to reign in a president’s ability to rule by fiat, through executive orders, by-passing the Congress, which is purportedly, the people’s voice. There can be no doubt Obama is abusing that privilege and it must be stopped." Freedom Fighter's Journal
Ground to Dust in 24 Hours "The criticism from so many different quarters suggests the degree to which Representative Paul Ryan, in only a matter of months, has shifted the political and philosophical debate within conservatism. Although he himself is quite a large figure in the history of the modern GOP, Gingrich thought it would be a good idea to launch a withering attack on the Ryan plan—and for his pains he found himself ground to dust in fewer than 24 hours. Other Republican presidential candidates must have taken notice."
Thank you, Newt! Newt's Political Suicide, Paul Ryan's Rise "By showing his hand and his face in attempting to discredit Paul Ryan, he discredited himself." Atlas Shrugs
Newt responds, says conservatives are taking him out of context; Update: Newt’s statement "Gingrich says that conservatives have taken his remarks out of context, although he admits that the “social engineering” may have been a little too strong. He tells Gallagher that his response was to David Gregory’s question about whether Republicans should force a Medicare reform over public opposition, saying it would be the same “social engineering” mistake Democrats made with ObamaCare:" Video included.
Newt Gingrich Tells PJTV Paul Ryan’s Path to Prosperity Is ‘A Very Bold Budget’ "On Sunday, Newt attacked Paul Ryan’s Path to Prosperity as “too big a jump.” He also said, “I don’t think right-wing social engineering is any more desirable than left-wing social engineering.”
"But in Iowa, at the Conservative Principles Conference in March, Newt was praising the plan. He told PJTV’s Tony Katz that the Ryan plan offered “a very bold budget that includes entitlement reforms, it includes very significant cuts in government spending.”"
Gingrich to House GOP: Drop Dead "Yet now he is trashing Mr. Ryan for thinking far more deeply about health care, and in a far more principled fashion, than Mr. Gingrich ever has. The episode reveals the Georgian's weakness as a candidate, and especially as a potential President—to wit, his odd combination of partisan, divisive rhetoric and poll-driven policy timidity."
Some Other Gingrich Flip-Flops: Libya, Dede Scozzafava, and Cap and Trade "But in 2007 Gingrich favored "mandatory carbon caps combined with a trading system." In 2008, he even produced a video with Nancy Pelosi on the urgent need to stop global warming: (Video)
"The good news for Gingrich is that almost the entire 2012 field has flip-flopped on cap and trade. The bad news is that he can't say the same about his flip-flops on Medicare reform, Dede Scozzafava, and the Libyan war."