Commentary Magazine "None of this seems to have bothered Fox News in the least; in fact, they have probably benefited from being on Obama’s enemies list, just as some of Nixon’s targets did. But the president’s hatred for elements of the press is a useful insight into his cast of mind. He is a man of growing grievances, of resentments he cannot contain. And so from time to time they spill out into his public statements. One can only imagine what is said in private as Obama – in his own cool, controlled way – rages against the many injustices he believes have befallen him."
Monday, October 17, 2011
Voters Don’t Blame Wall Street for Economy
Commentary Magazine "The [Occupy Wall Street] movement appears to have struck a chord with progressive voters, but it does not seem to represent the feelings of the wider public.
"The Hill poll found that only one in three likely voters blames Wall Street for the country’s financial troubles, whereas more than half — 56 percent — blame Washington."
"The Hill poll found that only one in three likely voters blames Wall Street for the country’s financial troubles, whereas more than half — 56 percent — blame Washington."
Updated: Bereaved Mom Seeks To Prevent Terrorists From Leaving Israel
Yeshiva World News "Such a ban would prohibit the government from permitting the three to leave in line with the Gilad Shalit prisoner exchange deal. The family’s attorney feels that their request is not outside the legal norms in Israel, and if the court rejects it, they feel it will signal the “political nature” of such a decision."
High Court To Rule On Petitions To Block Shalit Deal"Along with the state, responding in defense of the deal was Noam Shalit, Gilad’s father, who was told by some of the pained bereaved petitioners to “place a black flag on your home” for today is a sad day, one of mourning for the people of Israel.
"Mr. Shalit remained silent, opting not to respond, perhaps too emotionally charged to respond to such harsh words."
(Update) Butcher of Ramallah soon to be free "As part of the deal to free Gilad Shalit, the butcher of Ramallah who participated in the disemboweling and mutilation of two Israeli soldiers who took a wrong turn on a road in the West Bank in October 2000 at the start of the 1st Intifada, will be set free:" ...Legal Insurrection
He will be welcomed as a hero and the western liberals will be pleased. Just not with Israel.
High Court To Rule On Petitions To Block Shalit Deal"Along with the state, responding in defense of the deal was Noam Shalit, Gilad’s father, who was told by some of the pained bereaved petitioners to “place a black flag on your home” for today is a sad day, one of mourning for the people of Israel.
"Mr. Shalit remained silent, opting not to respond, perhaps too emotionally charged to respond to such harsh words."
(Update) Butcher of Ramallah soon to be free "As part of the deal to free Gilad Shalit, the butcher of Ramallah who participated in the disemboweling and mutilation of two Israeli soldiers who took a wrong turn on a road in the West Bank in October 2000 at the start of the 1st Intifada, will be set free:" ...Legal Insurrection
He will be welcomed as a hero and the western liberals will be pleased. Just not with Israel.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Obama extends support for protesters
Financial Times "On Sunday, Mr Obama honoured Martin Luther King at a dedication to a new memorial on National Mall in Washington. Referring to protests that have spread from Wall Street to London, Rome and elsewhere, Mr Obama said: “Dr King would want us to challenge the excesses of Wall Street without demonising those who work there.” Mr Obama had previously said the protests “express the frustration” of ordinary Americans with the financial sector." Via Drudge.
Victor Davis Hanson: Obama’s Blame Game "Lastly, there are no consequences for Obama’s blaming his failed economic policy on someone else. The media long ago gave up their role as presidential watchdogs and became invested in Obama’s success." In case you didn't see this the first time around.
Victor Davis Hanson: Obama’s Blame Game "Lastly, there are no consequences for Obama’s blaming his failed economic policy on someone else. The media long ago gave up their role as presidential watchdogs and became invested in Obama’s success." In case you didn't see this the first time around.
What I saw at the copycat Wall Street “occupation” in downtown Atlanta.
Mary Grabar "The Tea Partiers never blocked a street, and left quietly down the sidewalks after their allotted time, leaving no traces, picking up trash that may have been dropped inadvertently.
"The Tea Party never occupied public land illegally. They assembled peacefully with permits arranged beforehand. Yet the media repeatedly characterized them as “angry,” “extremist,” and “racist.”
"The police officers probably welcomed the Tea Party gigs as a respite. In contrast, I can only imagine the indignity of having a punk holding up a camera in your face as you try to protect a hospital from a mob. But the Soros-supported organization, Cop Watch, trains extreme leftists to create or exacerbate conflicts with police and record them in order to make claims of police brutality. These guys seemed to be itching for valuable footage." Emphasis added.
(Heaven help these police officers if they try to enforce Arizona's immigration laws.)
"The Tea Party never occupied public land illegally. They assembled peacefully with permits arranged beforehand. Yet the media repeatedly characterized them as “angry,” “extremist,” and “racist.”
"The police officers probably welcomed the Tea Party gigs as a respite. In contrast, I can only imagine the indignity of having a punk holding up a camera in your face as you try to protect a hospital from a mob. But the Soros-supported organization, Cop Watch, trains extreme leftists to create or exacerbate conflicts with police and record them in order to make claims of police brutality. These guys seemed to be itching for valuable footage." Emphasis added.
(Heaven help these police officers if they try to enforce Arizona's immigration laws.)
HAMAS Reaction to Israel’s Shalit Mega-Terrorist Trade Says It All " But HAMAS’ party-like-it’s 1939 reaction is even more telling about what a bad idea this is. Yet another omen of more kidnapped Israeli soldiers (to ransom for more mass terrorist releases) to come. (And leave it to the Wall Street Journal’s leftist, anti-Israel Jewish reporter Joshua Mitnick to connect the deal with the “Arab Spring,” something with which the trade has nothing to do, since the trade was in the works long before the first uprisings of the so-called Spring."
What kind of Treasury Secretary becomes a partisan political tool?
Ed Lasky "Geithner says "actions against Wall Street" coming. "Stay tuned." Wonderful timing when the pillars of finance are under strain already from Durbin-Frank, EU financial turmoil, poor economic conditions in America, and more.
"Now they have another problem to worry about, another level of uncertainty: a federal government determined to whack them repeatedly for political purposes."
"Now they have another problem to worry about, another level of uncertainty: a federal government determined to whack them repeatedly for political purposes."
Look what the leftist blogs are saying about Obama
FireDogLake via Althouse. Here is a representative sample of the comments in this blog. Go there yourself to see how the left is beginning to look at Mr. Obama.
One caveat: the liberals are not now and never will be coming to the realization that their economic philosophies are bankrupt. They are angry at Obama because he isn't leftist enough for them, so don't think conservatives have new allies. TD
"I agree. I actually think he is probably a decent human being who made the (common) mistake of thinking he was more talented than he actually is in the game he chose to play. He’s not so stupid to miss the hand-writing on the wall. He knows very well that he can’t beat Romney in a head-to-head election. Why have the substitute when you can get the real thing? And he knows he has forfeited the respect of people like us, who are more numerous than the MSM and his advisors want to believe. Our little segment of that large group is noisier, but behind us are millions of lurkers. He must be seeing the private polls showing disaster in Ohio, Florida and Pennsylvania, not to mention serious declines in New York and California where it won’t affect his electoral prospects but must certainly hit him in his pride where it hurts.
One caveat: the liberals are not now and never will be coming to the realization that their economic philosophies are bankrupt. They are angry at Obama because he isn't leftist enough for them, so don't think conservatives have new allies. TD
"I agree. I actually think he is probably a decent human being who made the (common) mistake of thinking he was more talented than he actually is in the game he chose to play. He’s not so stupid to miss the hand-writing on the wall. He knows very well that he can’t beat Romney in a head-to-head election. Why have the substitute when you can get the real thing? And he knows he has forfeited the respect of people like us, who are more numerous than the MSM and his advisors want to believe. Our little segment of that large group is noisier, but behind us are millions of lurkers. He must be seeing the private polls showing disaster in Ohio, Florida and Pennsylvania, not to mention serious declines in New York and California where it won’t affect his electoral prospects but must certainly hit him in his pride where it hurts.
He’s got a big decision to make within three and a half months: whether to pull out or stay in. He needs some good news to stay in, and it’s not coming".
And this one:
Barack Obama is not a nice guy, and the American people may soon realize that he is not a nice guy.
“Underdog” Obama clearly does not want a second term as President"....
One for the road:
"One more knife in the back for the working men and women of the country. This abomination of a president must be removed from office. He is ruining our country."
Friday, October 14, 2011
“What happens after the next soldier is kidnapped?”
Bosch Fawstin |
Behind the scenes: How the Schalit deal came about "For now, the entire defense establishment is focused on implementing the deal and getting Schalit home. But after he returns to his family in Mizpe Hila, the tough questions will need to be asked: How come Israel failed for five years to create a viable military option to release him from Gaza, or other means of leverage over Hamas that could have forced it to agree to this deal earlier than now.
"Israel will also have to ask itself what may the toughest question of all: What happens next time? What happens after the next soldier is kidnapped?"
Via Legal Insurrection which adds this perspective: ...."But if reports of some of the names included on the list are true, I also can’t help thinking about the families who lost loved ones in restaurants, night clubs, buses, and stores, seeing the killers of their children set free to what is sure to be a celebratory homecoming. Family members of those killed in the notorious Sbarro Pizza bombing (which was celebrated by Palestinian university students) already have petitioned the Israeli Supreme Court to try to stop the release." |
Boehner Confronts Obama on Phone Call
Commentary Magazine (Excerpts) "As The Hill reports, the call was supposed to be a congratulatory one – Obama was pleased the House passed the free trade agreements he’s been promoting–but it quickly turned serious when Boehner confronted the president about his distortions of the Republicans’ jobs plan." ....
Here's The Hill's report. ...."By providing a rare readout of the call, Boehner’s office is trying to highlight that Obama is ignoring attempts by House Republicans to address the jobs crisis."
Boehner chastizes Obama for 'forgetting' about GOP jobs bill "Obama does this kind of thing all the time and the press lets him get away with it: He lies about Republican bills that counter or complement what he himself is proposing."
"This is how Obama will run for re-election. And since the press won't call him out for his lies, it will be up to the GOP candidate to set the record straight."
A Republican jobs plan "I’ve explained how I think the Republicans played this one wrong, setting up a perfect scenario for the class warriors to claim that Republicans killed the jobs bill to protect the rich. On top of that, the Republicans in the Senate got hit for the fact that they didn’t have an alternative plan to offer … until now." Neal Boortz
The Speaker reminded the President that House Republicans put forth a ‘Plan for America’s Job Creators’ in May, and noted that he and other members of the GOP leadership team have spoken with the President and his staff about the plan and referenced it on numerous occasions, in letters and elsewhere....."By pointing this out during a phone call – and providing a readout to the press – Boehner is making it difficult for Obama to keep claiming Republicans don’t have a plan for job creation. Clearly, the president is now fully aware of this plan, and will have to come up with something legitimate about which to criticize Republicans on the campaign trail." Alana Goodman
Here's The Hill's report. ...."By providing a rare readout of the call, Boehner’s office is trying to highlight that Obama is ignoring attempts by House Republicans to address the jobs crisis."
Boehner chastizes Obama for 'forgetting' about GOP jobs bill "Obama does this kind of thing all the time and the press lets him get away with it: He lies about Republican bills that counter or complement what he himself is proposing."
"This is how Obama will run for re-election. And since the press won't call him out for his lies, it will be up to the GOP candidate to set the record straight."
A Republican jobs plan "I’ve explained how I think the Republicans played this one wrong, setting up a perfect scenario for the class warriors to claim that Republicans killed the jobs bill to protect the rich. On top of that, the Republicans in the Senate got hit for the fact that they didn’t have an alternative plan to offer … until now." Neal Boortz |
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Let's not forget to watch the media's treatment of Conservatives!
The Pizza Man Moron: More Racial ‘Dog Whistles’ From George Stephanopoulos and ABC News "According to the MSM’s own standards, there’s a very troubling racial taint to ABC News and George Stephanopoulos taking Mr. Cain out of context, undermining his resume with these pizza cracks, and deceptively using video to turn him into a fool in front of their missions of viewers." (video) |
Networks Blame British Riots on Poverty, Ignore Moral, Economic Failure of Welfare State
"Not everyone was as quick as the networks to explain away the violence as a reaction to budget cuts (most of which haven't taken effect yet) or material poverty.
"British journalist Paul Willis blamed the riots on moral cowardice, arguing that "We Brits have ceded our public space to antisocial teenagers. There has been a collective loss of nerve."
"Other commentators went further, linking the riots with the British welfare state mentality."
A Tale of Two Protests: Media Cheer Wall Street Occupiers But Jeered Tea Partiers "Where the Tea Party was met with skeptical claims of their motivations -- with some reporters claiming they were merely corporate backed puppets and others implying they were spurred on by their racist opposition to the first black president – the Occupy Wall Street crowd was depicted as an almost genial “grassroots” movement.
"While network reporters weren’t hesitant to describe the Tea Party as conservative, only once did a reporter attach even the “liberal” label to the overtly leftist Wall Street protestors."....
In fact, as the MRC’s Business & Media’s Julia Seymour documented, not one network report has called the protesters "radical," "extreme," "left-wing," or "socialist." Emphasis added.
"Not everyone was as quick as the networks to explain away the violence as a reaction to budget cuts (most of which haven't taken effect yet) or material poverty.
"British journalist Paul Willis blamed the riots on moral cowardice, arguing that "We Brits have ceded our public space to antisocial teenagers. There has been a collective loss of nerve."
"Other commentators went further, linking the riots with the British welfare state mentality."
A Tale of Two Protests: Media Cheer Wall Street Occupiers But Jeered Tea Partiers "Where the Tea Party was met with skeptical claims of their motivations -- with some reporters claiming they were merely corporate backed puppets and others implying they were spurred on by their racist opposition to the first black president – the Occupy Wall Street crowd was depicted as an almost genial “grassroots” movement.
"While network reporters weren’t hesitant to describe the Tea Party as conservative, only once did a reporter attach even the “liberal” label to the overtly leftist Wall Street protestors."....
In fact, as the MRC’s Business & Media’s Julia Seymour documented, not one network report has called the protesters "radical," "extreme," "left-wing," or "socialist." Emphasis added.
Is Obama beginning to play the race card?
I wrote last week that Obama is more than likely to play the race card because blame-fixing is in his DNA. Look at the litany of blame-shifting the man has done during his three years as president; he will never accept responsibility for any mistakes- they are all caused by things other than him.
To date, Obama has not blamed racial factors but been content to let others do that for him. To be sure he has never to my knowledge reprimanded those who would blame race, but when the election draws near and he sees his presidency being branded a failure you can count on racial divisions being stoked by him personally.
Case in point; see the following article and tell me if you think the liberal press will call him out on this or join in his attacks on Republicans. TDObama: Republicans Don't Want A Place Where People "No Matter What They Look Like" Can Succeed"At a forum on American Latino Heritage, President Obama goes through a litany of ideas that he is for, including his new stimulus, and ends with "none of this matters to Republicans in the Senate." One of those ideas is believing America is "a place where every child, no matter what they look like, where they come from, should have a chance to succeed." " Also here: A DISGUSTING Barack Obama.
Are you a Republican? Are you a racist? Because if you ask the Obamas, the answer is that you just might be. From The Last Refuge
The man puts forth policies and programs that have not one chance of succeeding and then demagogues those who do not vote for them. And the ignorant protesters, media and celebrities continue to worship this president and his bankrupt philosophies.
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