Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Christian Baker Faces Boycott For Refusing to Make Lesbian Cake

Todd Starnes  of Fox News  "Pro-gay activists have launched a boycott of an Iowa baker who declined to create a wedding cake for a lesbian couple based on her religious beliefs.
"Victoria Childress, the owner of Victoria’s Cake Cottage in Des Moines  , has been accused of being anti-gay, homophobic, and a bigot after she refused to make a cake for Trina Vodraska and Janelle Sievers."
By articles such as this, and this.

Reviews in local business directory

See the pressure being brought to bear on this business

Lucianne has this: 

If this woman can be instructed by a "court" to fulfill this cake order, we are most certainly dead as a nation.

In a First, The Guardian Mentions Scott Olsen’s Anti-Military Website

Verum Serum  "After we broke the story on Scott Olsen’s ihatethemarinecorps.com website, the media continued to portray him as simply an award winning veteran. We argued at the time that if his medals and honors were worth mentioning in news stories on his injury, so was his expressed hatred for the military in which he’d served.
"To say this was not well received would be putting it mildly."
 More on Scott Olsen at this page, including related links. 

Scott Olsen: A Disgrace to the Corps  "Apparently his loathing of the Corps did not begin after discharge. He clearly showed his contempt of the Corps while still enlisted. Photographs of him sitting amid marijuana and smoking paraphernalia are on his Flickr account where he proudly states the following (exact quote including typos and grammatical errors):“
I was talking to my 1stsgt regarding a pending adsep since I had been accused of using cocaine. Anyway, when we were done talking, he used as a parting greeting “stay marine”. He clearly didn’t think that one through. It was no secret that I couldn’t wait to get out and on top of that, the MC was trying to kick me out. I was going to bust his balls over it, but I went and took a nap instead.”
...."But what I will not do is silently stand aside and have this person presented to the American people as a hero or as an Honorable Marine."  From milpages

#OWS Claims US Marines Are Joining Their Ranks (Video)
Being from a military family, I know of no one in the service who would stoop so low to disgrace themselves. I can speak for family members and friends in or out of Air Force, Army Airborne, Marines, and Coast Guard. How many of these so called protesters have an honorable discharge?    From Meg, in the comments to this post at Gateway Pundit
TW chose this photo above of Olsen instead of the one of him in his uniform out of compassion for Olsen. We felt he would want to be remembered as the protesting civilian rather than the Marine that he was so ashamed of being. We save photos of Marines in uniform only for those warriors of whom we are proud.
Forgive me; it was so intolerant of me to say that.

Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

Monday, November 14, 2011

With friends like these...

Obama Sarkozy cartoon.jpeg
Caroline Glick  "THERE WAS never any chance for peace because the Palestinians have no interest in making peace with Israel. As the West's favorite Palestinian "moderate," Fatah leader and Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas said in an interview with Egypt's Dream TV on October 23, "I've said it before and I'll say it again. I will never recognize the 'Jewishness' of the State [of Israel] or a 'Jewish state.'" That is, Abbas will never make peace with Israel."
Editorial Cartoon

Occupy this

occupy poop01.jpg
#Occupy gives a whole new meaning to the word "squatters"
Comment of the Day: Occupy Seattle Protestor Takes a Dump on the Sidewalk (VIDEO)  "Today's Comment of the Day winner shares a video that we sort of wish didn't exist. It's not so much we wish the video didn't exist as the thing that happens in it didn't exist." Gross content and language.  From Gateway Pundit, who worded their title this way: Gross. Obama-Endorsed Occupy Seattle Protester Takes Crap on Sidewalk   

More Obama fingerprints on this entire movement: WTF? Van Jones “A Seamless Web of Repression from Oakland to Baghdad”"I actually think Van Jones is sort of a smart, eloquent guy. But what the hell is he talking about? Occupiers have been camping out in public parks in violations of city ordinances, without permits for weeks. Police have stepped in, mostly, in the wake of drug overdoses, rapes, assaults and even one murder (in Oakland)."
Via Verum Serum, which has more here. And here.

Sfc Billy Honey's message for Occupiers
"Finally, someone tells these kids what they need to hear in a way they can understand.
"It makes perfect sense that it would take a Sergeant First Class to lay it out so clearly for a bunch of recent recruits to a cause very different from the nation's defense.
"Way to go, Sarge!"

Occutard weekend update  "Another weekend has passed, and what are the Occutards up to?  More of what they do best "....
"In summary, take a moment to watch this video. Barack Obama says that these Occupiers are in some ways similar to the tea party. After watching that video, Obama may beg to differ."

Obama Unbound; The paradoxes of presidential politics give him complete freedom abroad.

Victor Davis Hanson    "In terms of the Obama presidency, there is now no anti-war movement. It simply vanished in January 2009. Former outrages like Guantanamo, renditions, and Predator-drone assassinations almost magically became A-okay. The left-wing base dared not continue its old Bush slurs, given its support for Obama’s liberal domestic agenda. Quiet conservatives were perplexed over whether to be outraged that Predator-in-Chief Obama proved to be such an abject hypocrite, or relieved that, better late than never, he had morphed into a Bush-Cheney national-security disciple.
"The result is that for the next year or so, Obama can more or less do whatever he wishes abroad. If he chooses to bomb a country that poses no direct threat to the U.S. without congressional authority, like Libya, or to assassinate a U.S. citizen-terrorist, like Anwar al-Awlaki, the Left will keep mum. And the Right, for different reasons, probably will, too.
"What, then, should we expect abroad in the waning months of Obama’s four-year term, with continuing economic bad news at home?"

Obama's Hawaii press conference with his slobbering sycophants

CNN's shame: CNN WH Correspondent Asks Obama if GOP Candidates Are 'Uninformed, Out of Touch, or Irresponsible'
"Remember during 2008's Democratic primaries when Saturday Night Live did a hilarious sketch mocking a CNN debate as being a disgraceful suck-up to then presidential candidate Barack Obama?
"A repeat of this happened in real life Sunday evening when during a press conference from the APEC summit in Hawaii, CNN White House correspondent Dan Lothian actually asked the President if the GOP candidates were "uninformed, out of touch, or irresponsible" "
Go here for this classic video

"After thinking a second – probably wondering how fortunate he is to have such an unapologetic shill in the audience – Obama responded, “That’s a multiple choice question, isn’t it?”
"And this is the type of hard-nosed journalist the supposedly most trusted name in news has as a White House correspondent."

White House Dossier:  Obama Thrown Softballs in Hawaii Presser  "I like and respect most of my colleagues in the White House press corps. But they can do a lot better than this. The press conference was a case study in why so many people think the press is irretrievably in love with Obama.
"Let’s start with CNN’s Dan Lothian. He wanted to know from Obama, essentially, whether Republican were just idiots, or if they were in fact big idiots."....
"Next batter up was Norah O’Donnell of CBS, who offered Obama an opportunity to swat away Mitt Romney’s accusation that Obama is soft on Iran."....
"Julianna Goldman of Bloomberg wanted to know if Republican “rhetoric or posturing” was interfering with Obama’s Asia policy."....
"Laura Meckler of the Wall Street Journal wasted a rare opportunity to question the president with an inquiry about Hawaiian shirts."....
"Most members of the Washington press corps wonder why they are criticized for going easy on Obama or even favoring him.
"This is why."

Why is there no shame coming from true journalists, assuming they are still out there?

How President Obama Killed Thousands of Jobs

Heritage  "If Americans needed any further proof that the Obama Administration is one of the most political on record, or that, for all the recent demagoguing, it really cares only about re-election, not about job creation, then you need look no further than its cynical Keystone XL oil pipeline decision last week.
"Over the last several months, radical environmentalists along with Hollywood celebrity activists descended on the White House in protest, urging President Barack Obama to block the construction of the $7 billion pipeline that would bring in more than 700,000 barrels of oil per day from Alberta, Canada, to the Texas Gulf coast. Last week, they got their wish."

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Pro and con on the Cain issue

Mona Charen: Booing the Character Issue  "The ghost of Bill Clinton haunts the Cain campaign in other respects as well. After Ms. Bialek’s press conference, the Cain campaign released a slashing attack on Bialek, itemizing personal bankruptcies, custody battles, and other problems. It wasn’t quite James Carville on Paula Jones (“If you drag a dollar bill through a trailer park . . . ) but it wasn’t uplifting either.
"Ms. Bartiromo asked a perfectly appropriate question. Character still matters."

Michelle Malkin:  David Gregory: No ‘Grand Wizard’ in the GOP Right Now Who Can Force Herman Cain Out; Update: Gregory Apologizes  (video)  "Update: David Gregory apologized for the “very poor choice of words” this morning via Twitter."

Victor Davis Hanson: From Herman Cain to Blue Wall Street—the News Behind the News
"Is Cain a serial womanizer like the Bill Clinton, Ted Kennedy or Newt Gingrich of yesterday? But if so, do we have any proof that he, Berlusconi-style, consummated a number of relationships? Have any women yet come forward claiming to be girlfriends or mistresses? And if some do, does that disqualify Cain in the manner that it did not disqualify FDR, JFK, LBJ, or Bill Clinton? Or have things changed in this age?"

Newsbusters: CNN's Blitzer Lets Debbie Wasserman Schultz Insist on Cain Disclosure, Forgets She Wanted Weiner Left Alone    "Then Wolf Blitzer allowed her to unload a wagon of talking points against the entire GOP field for 66 seconds. When he then asked if she believed Cain or his accusers, she insisted “I think Herman Cain needs to come clean and address them and say far more than he’s said already.”
"Mediaite and CNN have short memories, since Wasserman Schultz embarrassed herself back in June by insisting Anthony Weiner didn't have to share anything with the public...other than the bulge pictures he'd already posted on Twitter. Blitzer should have remembered -- since she refused to offer a Weiner opinion on CNN, as Blitzer repeatedly asked for one:" More...

Obama versus reality

Neal Boortz  "And on top of this record spending and increased regulation he wants to add … tax increases?
"Go ahead folks. Support this incompetent leftist in his bid for reelection. Incompetent? Have you ever taken a look at his record as a community organizer in Chicago? Maybe you’re sharper than I am, but you’re certainly not any sharper than Cristina – an we haven’t found a record of one single community organizing initiative championed or led by Barack Obama in Chicago that showed any lasting positive results. He was as much of a failure there as he is as our president.
"Support Obama – then vote for him – and tell your children how you played such a huge role in destroying any chance they may have had for a lifestyle any better than the one they’re experiencing now."

Team Obama’s Foreign Policy ; Tactical successes, strategic failures, and raw politics
"But Republican presidential candidates would be making a devastating mistake if they did not also challenge the Obama administration for its many strategic errors in the War on Terror, even if they should give him credit for some tactical successes as well. The president’s desire to boost his chances of reelection is affecting his national-security decisions — and this trend will only worsen as his political prospects dim."

Bully Pulpit

Court Backs High School in Flap Over American Flag T-Shirts

 sfgate  "When three students showed up on May 5, 2010, with U.S. flag images on their shirts, the judge said, an assistant principal asked them to remove the shirts or turn them inside out, and ordered them to his office when they refused. After a 90-minute session with the students, two others wearing similar shirts and one parent, the principal sent two of the youths home for the day.
"Their lawsuit accused school officials of violating the standard that the Supreme Court set in 1969 when it upheld students' right to wear black armbands to class, in a silent protest against the Vietnam War, and said schools can suppress student expression only when it threatens to disrupt the educational process."
Via CrusaderRabbit

The Volokh Conspiracy:  opposing view  "Yet while the judge might have been right in his decision, the situation in the school seems very bad. When we’re at the point that students can’t safely display the American flag in an American school, because of a fear that other students will attack them for it — on May 5 or on any other day — and the school feels unable to prevent such attacks (by punishing the threateners and the attackers, and by teaching students tolerance for other students’ speech), something is badly wrong. Here’s an excerpt from the court opinion describing the facts that led the court to uphold the restriction:"...

mexifornia flag waving i want to be an american sad hill news

Rubin Reports By Barry Rubin

PJ Media  "So [Sarkozy] went to Netanyahu with a proposal: Israel would accept unilateral independence for Palestine and Sarkozy would get Israel something from the Palestinians (perhaps recognition of a Jewish state?).
"Netanyahu played along a bit but, of course, knew that Sarkozy wouldn’t get anything from the Palestinian Authority. Sarkozy’s idea — like that of virtually all the well-intentioned or bad-intentioned, naive or cynical, friendly or hostile to Israel busybodies who think they are going to make peace — just didn’t make real sense. At any rate, Sarkozy thought he had something from Israel that he didn’t. His UN speech implying he wanted to support unilateral independence was certainly bad from Israel’s standpoint."

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Charles Krauthammer: The 2011 elections: A split decision

Charles Krauthammer  "The 2011 off-year elections are a warning to Republicans. The 2010 party is over. 2012 will be a struggle.
"To be sure, Tuesday was not exactly the Democrats’ night. They did enjoy one big victory, repeal of government-worker reform in Ohio. But elsewhere, they barely held their own. The bigger news was the absence of any major Republican trend. The great Republican resurgence of 2009-10 has slowed to a crawl."