Sunday, November 13, 2011

Obama versus reality

Neal Boortz  "And on top of this record spending and increased regulation he wants to add … tax increases?
"Go ahead folks. Support this incompetent leftist in his bid for reelection. Incompetent? Have you ever taken a look at his record as a community organizer in Chicago? Maybe you’re sharper than I am, but you’re certainly not any sharper than Cristina – an we haven’t found a record of one single community organizing initiative championed or led by Barack Obama in Chicago that showed any lasting positive results. He was as much of a failure there as he is as our president.
"Support Obama – then vote for him – and tell your children how you played such a huge role in destroying any chance they may have had for a lifestyle any better than the one they’re experiencing now."

Team Obama’s Foreign Policy ; Tactical successes, strategic failures, and raw politics
"But Republican presidential candidates would be making a devastating mistake if they did not also challenge the Obama administration for its many strategic errors in the War on Terror, even if they should give him credit for some tactical successes as well. The president’s desire to boost his chances of reelection is affecting his national-security decisions — and this trend will only worsen as his political prospects dim."

Bully Pulpit

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