Tampa Bay online: "As the year wore on, frustration finally boiled over in the form of the Occupy Various Random Spaces movement, wherein people who were sick and tired of a lot of stuff finally got off their butts and started working for meaningful change via direct action in the form of sitting around and forming multiple committees and drumming and not directly issuing any specific demands but definitely having a lot of strongly held views for and against a wide variety of things. Incredibly, even this did not bring about meaningful change. The economy remained wretched, especially unemployment, which got so bad that many Americans gave up even trying to work. Congress, for example.
Were there any positive developments in 2011? Yes:
- Kim Kardashian finally found her lifetime soulmate for nearly two and a half months.
- Despite a prophecy by revered Christian radio lunatic Harold Camping, the world did not end on May 21.
"Come to think of it, that last development wasn't totally positive, not when we consider all the other things that happened in 2011. In case you've blotted it out, let's take one last look back, through squinted eyelids, at this train-wreck of a year, starting with ..." Read on....
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Dave Barry Quotes: Among which are...
*I can win an argument on any topic, against any opponent. People know this, and steer clear of me at parties. Often, as a sign of their great respect, they don't even invite me.
*Skiing combines outdoor fun with knocking down trees with your face.