PJ Media "President Barack Obama’s chief political strategist, David Axelrod, wants America to take the two-decade relationship between Obama, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, and the Trinity United Church of Christ ... on Chicago’s south side off the electoral issues table in the 2012 presidential election campaign.
"Axelrod said as much in a speech delivered on January 10 as part of the Distinguished Speaker Series of Southern California. There is apparently no evidence that he expressed a similar desire relative to Mitt Romney’s Mormonism, Newt Gingrich’s and Rick Santorum’s Catholicism, or Rick Perry’s evangelical Christianity. What a surprise."
Click on this below to see a page from the Trinity United "Pastor's Pages" of 2007 when this space was given to a known Hamas terrorist:
"Getting to the details is a column for another time, but the fact is that despite his departure from TUCC, Barack Obama took much of Jeremiah Wright’s mindset into the Oval Office, where it has contributed in both overt and subtle ways to the horrible havoc his administration has wrought.
"Sorry David Axelrod. There is no way you should get your way on this one — and hopefully you won’t."