WSJ; Channeling David Axelrod: "These State of the Union addresses are fine, but I'm glad it's over. In that setting it's hard to use a baseball bat to club Republicans. Now we can and will—for nine straight months. Plouffe was saying it would be nice if we actually had a record we could defend and a positive vision to offer. I told him we don't—and get used to it. Let's make a virtue of simplicity. Our job, as we say around here, is to savage the GOP nominee, grind him to dust, turn him into a freak. I'm ready. After all, it's the Chicago Way."
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Disgusting: Palestinian TV Airs Show Praising Fogel Family Murderer
Celebrating the murders |
"Hakim Awad’s mother sent her regards to her son, proudly describing him as the perpetrator of the Itamar attack and that he was sentenced to 5 consecutive life sentences.
"Awad’s aunt then proceeded to describe her nephew as a “hero and a legend.” "
What is WikiLeaks' Julian Assange's position on the "collateral damage" caused by THESE people?
Which Response to Fogel Family Massacre is Sicker, HAMAS’ or Wall St Journal’s?
Which Response to Fogel Family Massacre is Sicker, HAMAS’ or Wall St Journal’s?
Newt, are you STILL here?
Posted by me in the Tunnel Wall, June 13, 2011: Exit Gingrich
Newt and the Truth Factor "The most important lesson that GOP candidates can learn from the Gingrich freefall is that honesty counts. Newt Gingrich wasn't honest, and it will probably cost him the Florida primary and the GOP nomination. President Obama has a propensity to play loose with the facts, too, and with his "performance record" being what it is, you can bet that he will throw out lots of information that won't pass the truth test. Will it cost him a second term as president? I hope so, but the eventual GOP nominee must be willing to challenge the president's claims when they are patently false to make sure that it does." (Emphasis added)
Somehow the moment we've all salivated over- the confronting of the liberal press by one of our guys- has evaporated into the ether.
Rick Moran: What's gone wrong with the Gingrich campaign? "Howard Fineman thinks there are 5 reasons for Newt's decline:"
Charles Krauthammer: The GOP’s suicide march "The president is a very smart man. But if he wins in November, that won’t be the reason. It will be luck. He could not have chosen more self-destructive adversaries."
Michael Barone "Through all this, Gingrich always was searching for ideas that commanded 70 percent support. He understood that dovish Democrats’ disdain for American exceptionalism was a grave political liability and sought to exploit it. But after his first moments in the spotlight as speaker, he turned off voters. I think he reminded them of the high-school nerd/egghead whom all the other kids disliked." (source: Tunnel Wall Bloopers)I still have this image of Newt being escorted off the set of "What Not to Wear" by some security guys.
Newt and the Truth Factor "The most important lesson that GOP candidates can learn from the Gingrich freefall is that honesty counts. Newt Gingrich wasn't honest, and it will probably cost him the Florida primary and the GOP nomination. President Obama has a propensity to play loose with the facts, too, and with his "performance record" being what it is, you can bet that he will throw out lots of information that won't pass the truth test. Will it cost him a second term as president? I hope so, but the eventual GOP nominee must be willing to challenge the president's claims when they are patently false to make sure that it does." (Emphasis added)
Somehow the moment we've all salivated over- the confronting of the liberal press by one of our guys- has evaporated into the ether.
Rick Moran: What's gone wrong with the Gingrich campaign? "Howard Fineman thinks there are 5 reasons for Newt's decline:"
Charles Krauthammer: The GOP’s suicide march "The president is a very smart man. But if he wins in November, that won’t be the reason. It will be luck. He could not have chosen more self-destructive adversaries."
WHEN NEWT WENT TO OXFORD "In his Washington Post column speculating what an Obama-Gingrich debate would look like, Claremont-McKenna Professor John Pitney recalls the February 1985 Oxford Union debate on American foreign policy in Central America."...
How Marxism Killed Keystone
Bruce Thornton ...."Obama’s decision is in fact both political and ideological, a mollifying bone tossed to the bicoastal progressive elites on whom Obama depends for campaign contributions and political support.
"For these affluent urban-dwellers, the cult of environmentalism is a cheap way to indulge a vaguely leftist dislike of industrial capitalism while enjoying all the benefits that a high-tech, oil-fueled, free-market economy confers on them."
"For these affluent urban-dwellers, the cult of environmentalism is a cheap way to indulge a vaguely leftist dislike of industrial capitalism while enjoying all the benefits that a high-tech, oil-fueled, free-market economy confers on them." |
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Race Card Abusers For the Week of Jan 22-28
Nice Deb
...."Anybody who criticizes Obama on this or that issue is a racist. Anyone who shows disrespect (real or imagined) is a racist. If you think he’s a Socialist, you’re a racist. This is all they’ve got to stem the flow of criticism coming at Dear Leader as our economy, (which should be roaring by now), barely limps along, hamstrung by his policies, and about to make a turn for the worse."
.... "An MSNBC* news anchor actually argued that the famous photo of Brewer pointing her finger at Obama reminded her of an ugly anti-integration incident during the civil rights era, when nine black students trying to enter the school surrounded by an angry (Democrat) mob."
...."Anybody who criticizes Obama on this or that issue is a racist. Anyone who shows disrespect (real or imagined) is a racist. If you think he’s a Socialist, you’re a racist. This is all they’ve got to stem the flow of criticism coming at Dear Leader as our economy, (which should be roaring by now), barely limps along, hamstrung by his policies, and about to make a turn for the worse."
.... "An MSNBC* news anchor actually argued that the famous photo of Brewer pointing her finger at Obama reminded her of an ugly anti-integration incident during the civil rights era, when nine black students trying to enter the school surrounded by an angry (Democrat) mob."
More on that Obama-Brewer airport kerfuffle |
Photocopy of Gov. Brewer's letter to President Obama
HuffPo: Jan Brewer Releases Copy Of Letter She Handed President Obama "She continues,
"We both love this great country, but we fundamentally disagree on how to best make America grow and prosper once again. I'd love an opportunity to share with you how we've been able to turn Arizona around with hard choices that turned out to be the right ones. And, of course, my offer to visit the border -- and buy lunch -- still stands."
Elizabeth Warren- Whose Wealth is Eight Figures- Suggests She's Not In The 1%
donkeyhotey |
"Hard to see how Warren wouldn't be, by most standards, wealthy, according to the Personal Financial Disclosure form she filed to run for Senate shows that she's worth as much as $14.5 million. She earned more than $429,000 from Harvard last year alone for a total of about $700,000, and lives in a house worth $5 million."
Remember her? This should help jog your memory:
Friday, January 27, 2012
Howard Zinn's Biased History; who wrote the history textbooks that you and your children learned from?
George Mason University's History News Network
"Through Zinn’s looking-glass, Maoist China, site of history’s bloodiest state-sponsored killings, becomes “the closest thing, in the long history of that ancient country, to a people’s government, independent of outside control.” The authoritarian Nicaraguan Sandinistas were “welcomed” by their own people, while the opposition Contras, who backed the candidate that triumphed when free elections were finally held, were a “terrorist group” that “seemed to have no popular support inside Nicaragua.” Castro’s Cuba, readers learn, “had no bloody record of suppression.” "
"Thumb through A People’s History of the United States and you will find greed as the motivating factor behind every act of those who don’t qualify as “the people” in Zinn’s book. According to Zinn, the separation from Great Britain, the Civil War, and both World Wars all were the result of base motives of the “ruling class” -- rich men to get richer at the expense of others.
" Howard Zinn is a master of cheap Marxist propaganda. His book is a dagger aimed at the heart [of] the country that has given him more freedom than most of the writers who have ever written and made him a millionaire in the process."
"Through Zinn’s looking-glass, Maoist China, site of history’s bloodiest state-sponsored killings, becomes “the closest thing, in the long history of that ancient country, to a people’s government, independent of outside control.” The authoritarian Nicaraguan Sandinistas were “welcomed” by their own people, while the opposition Contras, who backed the candidate that triumphed when free elections were finally held, were a “terrorist group” that “seemed to have no popular support inside Nicaragua.” Castro’s Cuba, readers learn, “had no bloody record of suppression.” "
"Thumb through A People’s History of the United States and you will find greed as the motivating factor behind every act of those who don’t qualify as “the people” in Zinn’s book. According to Zinn, the separation from Great Britain, the Civil War, and both World Wars all were the result of base motives of the “ruling class” -- rich men to get richer at the expense of others.
" Howard Zinn is a master of cheap Marxist propaganda. His book is a dagger aimed at the heart [of] the country that has given him more freedom than most of the writers who have ever written and made him a millionaire in the process."
Daniel J. Flynn is the executive director of Accuracy in Academia and author of the newly released, Why the Left Hates America: Exposing the Lies That Have Obscured Our Nation’s Greatness.
If you Google this book title, you will go as far as page 17 and not find a single link critical of this book, but several promoting it's use for young people.TD
Obama's Georgia Hearing Blow By Blow
SilenceDogood2010's Blog "Update – “Judge Malihi was “Prepared” to enter a default judgment but that would have been without any testimony being heard. We had to get the testimony in the courts records so the offer of a default was refused and the case proceeded, without a Defense council presentation. Now we will await his ruling on this and the various motions submitted by the Plaintiffs.” (via Carl Swensson)
"The Georgia Secretary of State has already stated that he will follow the Judges Recommendations."
Hat tip to Leslie Vaughn Burckard at Facebook
"The birthers believe that the president was secretly born in Kenya. I always thought he was born in a manger in Jerusalem." –Jimmy Kimmel He doesn't know about Bethlehem?
The Brewer-Barry Show
Rick Moran: Obama and AZ Governor Brewer have words (updated)
"This was the offending passage in the book that apparently got Obama so riled up that he walked away from Brewer while she was in mid-sentence: |
"It was [as] though President Obama thought he could lecture me, and I would learn at his knee," she wrote, according to Capitol Media Services. "He thinks he can humor me and then get rid of me."
"It's not like we haven't heard that before from others who have met with the president. He lectures to the American people all the time, why not in private?
"As far as criticisms of Obama goes, it is milquetoast. That it would set the president of the United States off is indicative of a thin skin - far thinner than a politician should be expected to have, especially the president. And the fact that the president chose a public venue to defend himself from a personal - not political or policy - criticism is just plain weird."
Mollie Hemingway: Obama: Do Not Criticize Me. Ever. Quoting Gov. Bobby Jindal who discusses a similar encounter with Obama:
....The letter was rudimentary, bureaucratic, and ordinary. . . . We were simply asking the federal government to authorize food stamps for those who were now unemployed because of the oil spill. Governors regularly make these sorts of requests to the federal government when facing disaster.But somehow, for some reason, President Obama had personalized this. And he was upset.There was not a word about the oil spill. He was concerned about looking bad because of the letter. “Careful,” he said to me, “this is going to get bad for everyone.”
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