Tuesday, February 7, 2012


The Blaze  "It is difficult to gauge who is most hypocritical in this instance — the wealthy “1%’ers” supporting a movement that claims to revile everything celebrity represents, or OWS protesters for “selling out” and accepting help from the purported “enemy.”

"Perhaps the greatest, and, most obvious hypocrisy of all is that, unless born into privilege — as is the case with some of our celebrities below — it can be argued that none of these high net-worth individuals would be where they are today without having availed themselves of the advantages of capitalism."
Always room in the budget for white guilt   "Teachers are headed for a conference that brims with fashionable grievances."
...."The Lakeville schools are sending a delegation of teachers to the 12th annual "White Privilege Conference"..."

"But don't despair, he counsels. We must look beyond our "declining empire" to "exciting progressive developments" in Hugo Chavez's Venezuela -- among them, "land reform and redistribution of wealth, neighborhood committees, recognition of women's unpaid labor, end of spanking."
"I feel better already."

Britain had to plead with US to take part in Iran flotilla

UK Telegraph   "Britain was forced to plead with the US to take part in the flotilla challenging Iranian power in the Gulf after American commanders decided the Royal Navy had nothing to contribute to the mission."
"Failing to take part when the French were doing so might have raised questions about the Special Relationship, which has come under doubt during Barack Obama’s presidency. Mr Obama last year described France as America’s closest ally."
"A Whitehall confirmed the sequence of events and described the international negotiations over the flotilla as “humiliating” for Britain."   

 It seems our next president will need to go on an apology tour of our pre-Obama closest friends. He may need to take a page from Obama's foreign policy manual, blaming all ills on his predecessor and bowing low before the Queen.
How regrettable; Britain stood beside us in both Gulf Wars and in Afghanistan, but I fear Obama has poisoned the atmosphere, just as he has with American society and his class warfare. How much more damage can Obama do in another four years?  TD

I'm green, and morally superior to you

The odds are that these cars usually have Obama 2012 stickers on them. Oh, wait...I just profiled, didn't I? TD

Obama: Israel's staunchest ally

I knew Obama would play the race card, just not this soon

Don't Fire Until You See The Whites
Groucho Marx once famously said "I would not join any club that would have me as a member." And while that is usually our policy too, we're sad that we're being excluded from membership in "African Americans for Obama," a new group created by Barack Hussein Obama for the purpose of unifying Americans by dividing them by race.
Which is why, in an exquisite bit of weasel-wording, the president's website claims he "has helped strengthen the African-American community by addressing issues like education, health care, unemployment, and taxes." The magic word being "addressing," which Webster's defines as "demagoguing at a teleprompter without actually doing a damned thing."

Clint Eastwood’s ad was bad history.

National Review Online"  "If Clint Eastwood narrated “The Cat in the Hat,” the words of Dr. Seuss would instantly take on a menacing authority. He could read the latest worthless United Nations condemnation of Syria and make Bashar Assad tremble."
...."Walking near the end of his tunnel, Eastwood assures us of our hoped-for national comeback: “Detroit’s showing us it can be done. And what’s true about them is true about all of us.” Yet if Detroit is the model for our future, we should prepare for national collapse. Yes, it is getting a boost from resurgent auto sales. Otherwise, it remains a byword for urban apocalypse. More than anything, the city is a standing warning of the perils of social disorder and unaffordable, dysfunctional government."  Rich Lowry

Lower class! Work hard, handle your money wisely, get rich and become one of Obama's enemies!

Victor Davis Hanson: Are You ‘Them!’?   "After three years, I realize that lots of us are on the downside of about every one of the president’s new Mason-Dixon lines."....
"Mr. President, sermonize to others abroad, not to us at home, about judging people on the basis of “how they look.” In India or Brazil, Obama, as most of us, would be relegated to a caste. Yes, I am worried at the present desire to run up trillions of dollars in debt and redistribute income while ignoring the sources of traditional American material wealth. Yet I still see no reason to lead from behind. I accept no post-American anything—and am quite tired after three years of being lectured that I am supposed to."

Charles Krauthammer: Obama’s campaign for class resentment  (from December 8)
"Or, as the philosophers of Zuccotti Park call them, the 1 percent. For Obama, these rich are the ones holding back the 99 percent. The “breathtaking greed of a few” is crushing the middle class. If only the rich paid their “fair share,” the middle class would have a chance. Otherwise, government won’t have enough funds to “invest” in education and innovation, the golden path to the sunny uplands of economic growth and opportunity.

PJ Media: Obama’s Vision of ‘Fairness’  "Abraham Lincoln once argued that you cannot make a poor man rich by making a rich man poor. This axiomatic position seems to be lost on President Obama, who continually quotes Lincoln in his speeches. The hope for the national future cannot rest on a powerful and intrusive government manipulating the economy in the name of egalitarianism. In fact, the road to serfdom begins with the belief you can overcome natural differences to create a tie at the finish line of life."
Bill Kristol at Weekly Standard:  It’s Not  (Only) the Economy . . . and We’re Not Stupid
"Nonetheless, the slogan has become a talisman, ...an easy, safe, cookie-cutter campaign strategy. But it’s not safe. The belief that voters react in a simple-minded way to their current economic well-being leads campaigns and candidates to counterproductively dumb their message down. It’s also condescending, and voters often see it as such."

The debate over Afghanistan

A letter from Lt Col Daniel L. Davis, who is a fulcrum that can move a nation – should we choose to help him   "Summary:  Please read this letter from Daniel L. Davis (Lt Colonel, US Army).  He has set in motion forces that can change America, but only if we choose to help.  Pass this on to your Congressmen, Senators, local newspapers, associate, friends, and relatives.  If we stand together we can reclaim America. Today is an opportunity to start this process."  
Whoa, not so fast there...

Max BootAre We Losing the War in Afghanistan?  "If we pull out too quickly, the gains that have been made will be for naught. And that points to the greatest cause for pessimism about the war’s course: not the lack of progress on the ground, as Davis claims, but the lack of resolution displayed by a White House that seems determined to withdraw our forces as quickly as possible."

Lt Col Daniel L. Davis- Truth, lies and Afghanistan: How military leaders have let us down    The letter in question, which will please the anti-war left greatly. But do consider if his thoughts are valid or not, though it pains me greatly to provide the loony left ammunition. TD

Reuters,2011- U.S. must stay in Afghanistan or risk more attacks: envoy " "With the Taliban will come al Qaeda, and we will have the same situation that we had pre-9/11, and that to me is an utterly unacceptable outcome," he said in his Kabul residence, in the heart of the heavily guarded embassy."

The President and the Generals  "Understanding the proper relationship between the president and his generals is essential both for the president and for Americans concerned about national security. The president has the right to make decisions about the conduct of war as he sees fit, but he jeopardizes America and brings his own fitness for office into question by dismissing the professional advice of commanders he has personally selected."

Michael Yon would agree with Col. Davis   But who can have faith in any exit prompted and planned by Democrats, most particularly Obama?  Remember that phrase from long ago, "leave with honor"? How'd that work out for us?

This post from yesterday's Tunnel Wall discussed the issue.

White House offers little insight on conflicting Iran opinions

This administration has more and more similarities to the Carter Administration. Here is one like those we used to see in Carter's international dealings. That's one advantage to being 72 (and a half!); I haven't just read about Jimmy Carter's presidency, I lived through it at an age to understand what it was like.  Full disclosure: I voted for the man.

Politico  "White House spokesman Jay Carney isn't offering much in the way of explanation for why President Barack Obama and his intelligence chief offered dramatically different opinions in recent days on whether Iran is or is not trying to step up operations on U.S. soil."

" "We don't see any evidence that they have those intentions or capabilities right now," Obama said during a pre-Super Bowl interview Sunday on NBC. 
"However, in testimony to Congress just last week, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said the consensus of the U.S. intelligence community is that prominent Iranian leaders are moving in that direction."

Monday, February 6, 2012

Happy Birthday, Mr. President

"Today would be Ronald Reagan’s 101st birthday.  To commemorate the occasion, the group Americans for Prosperity has produced a short video.  The video compares two starkly different versions of America: Reagan’s last best hope for mankind and Obama’s vision of an America increasingly enslaved by the shackles of big government.  Enjoy:"

Walker recall's ripple effect across U.S.

ocregister.com   "If a national symbol exists for the movement to rein in the power of public employee unions, it is Wisconsin's Republican Gov. Scott Walker. He pushed aggressive measures to curb the power and influence of government unions and now faces a union-funded recall campaign, which, if successful will empower unions and expand their power in Wisconsin and throughout the country, including in California."....
If the recall effort succeeds against Mr. Walker, public-sector union reform efforts will be stifled nationwide. It is most critical that he prevail.  (Emphasis added)

Obama and Afghanistan

White House Sends Confused, Unhelpful Message to NATO Allies on Afghanistan  "The mixed messages coming from the Obama Administration last week on the future of combat operations in Afghanistan have left our allies confused, the Afghan people anxious, and the insurgency stronger."
"The performance coming from the Administration this week on the future of America’s combat mission in Afghanistan was amateurish at best and hurtful for the campaign at worst. What should have been an internal debate between the White House, the Pentagon, and the CIA went too public. An important part of any counterinsurgency is the Information Operations campaign. This is, in part, accomplished by communicating a message of assurance to the people you are trying to protect while sending a message of strength to those you trying to defeat. The Administration failed this week. We hope this strategic error doesn’t have tactical consequences."

 Middle East Forum:  Rethinking U.S. Strategy in Afghanistan  "The emerging picture is very grim, indeed. How is it that, despite making Afghanistan the cornerstone of its struggle against militant extremism, the Obama administration's strategy is failing so miserably?"
...".Above all, Washington should recognize that Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, India, Iran, Russia, and China—though having a vested interest in preventing the Taliban from returning to power—are reluctant to legitimate a large, foreign military presence in Afghanistan. The Uzbeks, in particular, fear that a Taliban-dominated Afghanistan will offer support to their own Islamist movement."
...." However, Tehran, presently confident that the Taliban will not retake Kabul, is reportedly extending them support.This is not so much a means of expanding Iranian influence in Afghanistan as it is a ploy to keep U.S. forces bogged down in an unwinnable counterinsurgency campaign, diverting attention from Tehran's nuclear program and preventing the possibility of a preemptive U.S. strike on these facilities."

The latter part of the above article seems solid and reasonable. One could have so much more confidence in the withdrawal from A-Stan if it were not being ordered by a radical, US military-hating leftist.
 Do these decisions rest on mentoring influences of geopolitical strategists or of Rev Wright and Bill Ayres? TD