Friday, March 23, 2012

Romney equals Obama? Aw, come on, Rick!

From Hot Air: No, Senator Santorum, Obama and Romney aren’t the same  "Most of all, a second Obama term would be infinitely worse than the first.  We have already had a taste of what this will be like over the last few months, as Obama unveiled his class-warfare core.  We’ve also seen Obama’s commitment to limited government as he has tried to manipulate the law to bypass Congress on policy, and openly bragged about it.   Imagine an Obama who no longer needed to worry about his next election, and what that Obama might do in office." 
However: Santorum spokewoman says he’ll support Romney if nominee …
Townhall: Santorum Suggests Another Obama Term Better than Romney Presidency
"If the're(sic) going to be a little different, we might as well stay with what we have instead of adding a risk of what may be the Etch A Sketch candidate for the future." [Emphasis added.]"  

Neal Boortz: Today you should realize Santorum isn't your guy  "Santorum is toast. Period. End of story. Well … it might not be the end of the story, because Santorum is going to probably score a win in Louisiana and he’s certainly going to stick around until after Pennsylvania .. but he’s toast. After his rant about Mitt Romney yesterday most voters realize that the man just doesn’t have the temperament to be president. There’s a reason why he lost his Senatorial reelection bid in his home state by 18 percentage points."
AP Deliberately Deceives on Santorum's Conditional Statement Comparing Romney and Obama

Rick Moran: Santorum thinks Obama preferable to Romney "First of all, the former senator isn't saying anything that many of his supporters aren't saying. If Romney is the nominee, millions of "true" conservatives will stay home - which is virtually the same as casting a vote for the incumbent.
"Secondly, and more importantly, without a core belief system, a politician will never be able to stand the gaff when Washington's partisan winds blow. Romney's beliefs are suspect because there is doubt about what he truly believes.
"In a way, Santorum is right - but he never should have uttered the statement."

...."His etch a sketch comments won't make that any easier."  Fact check: Romney didn't make the remark; a staffer did, as we all know.

Santorum or Romney? Culture War or Class War?    "Well, it depends on whether you prefer to engage President Obama on cultural grounds or on terms of class warfare. Obama and his chief political strategist, David Axelrod, are going to give us one or the other. Thus, maybe the better question is: Can Santorum articulate and defend social conservatism better than Romney can defend free markets? Which of the two is a more forceful, eloquent spokesperson for the area that Obama and Axelrod will use to define and malign him? "

"Lone wolf" Islamist killer in France

Lone? Yeah, right. All of radical Islam was behind this guy; mentoring him, encouraging him and declaring him a martyr for murders that included a father and his sons at a school.
WaPo: Mohammed Merah, face of the new terrorism   "In hours of negotiations during the standoff at his apartment, Merah followed the pattern: He invoked al-Qaeda as his inspiration, police said, but gave no indication he was following anybody’s orders or working as part of a larger group. At the same time, said Molins, the prosecutor, police were seeking clues to how the unemployed Merah could afford his rented car, his two automatic rifles, his several pistols and his trips to Afghanistan."


On Tuesday, March 19, one of the Islamic knights, brother ‘Yousef Al-Faranci’ – we ask Allah to accept him – took off in an operation that shook the pillars of the Zionist-Crusade in the entire world and filled the hearts of Allah's enemies with terror.
We hereby claim responsibility for these blessed operations, and we say that what Israel is committing of crimes against our people on the blessed land of Palestine, and in Gaza specifically, will not pass without punishment. The Mujahideen everywhere intend on avenging every drop of blood that was unjustly and aggressively shed in Palestine, Afghanistan and other Muslim homelands. 
Enemies of Islam killed by the beloved Martyr 

The boy murdered in Toulouse was named for Rav Gavriel Holtzberg, who was murdered in Mumbai just before he was born. 

"With a shaking voice, Rav Rosenberg quoted Psalms 30:10, which asks G-d: "What use is my blood, when I descend to the abyss?"
"The rabbi then asked: "G-d, what do you want from our blood, which is being spilled all over the world?"
Rabbi Rosenberg thanked the Israeli government for bringing the bodies of the dead to burial in Israel. He called on people all over the world to join forces in fighting terror, and never to say "It won't happen to me."

John Edwards Denies Reported Link to Soccer Mom Madame’s Service

Well, John Edwards says he didn't do it, so that's good enough for me. If he did it, he would own up to it.

The Daily Beast   "I find it unnerving that a man this reckless, this self-indulgent, this irretrievably stupid came within a thousand miles of occupying the White House. Imagine if Ohio had gone blue in 2004. If being a failed VP candidate turned Edwards into a narcissistic fool, what would winning have done to him?"
Well, we did make it through Clinton, didn't we? And Gore. And the Kennedy's.

More here on "John Edwards’s Biggest Scandals"

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Obama, the Oil Man

Obama Mocks Critics As Gas Prices Go Up "Anticipating the obvious criticism — that his investment in the Solyndra solar plant went belly up, costing American taxpayers $535 million — the President mocked those who question his ideas, saying they “lack imagination,” and he turned to name calling in order to deflect legitimate concerns about the viability of his green pipe dream and the fact that it has not produced the jobs that he promised:"...
...."Now, though, he is attempting to have it both ways, and is expected to announce plans to fast-track the southern portion of the pipeline. But this is all for show, as his announcement won’t change anything. TransCanada told Bloomberg News that the President’s announcement won’t affect their schedule at all, where construction on the southern portion is already slated to begin in June." (emphasis added)
Obama Tries to Screw in Loose Bulb of Energy Record “President Obama’s visit just highlights that he is continuing to obstruct construction of the Keystone XL project while gas prices continue to rise for American consumers,” Hoeven’s office said in announcing the planned rebuttal. “The fact is, the southern portion of the project doesn’t require presidential approval because it doesn’t cross an international border. It requires approval by only state authorities, the Army Corps of Engineers and other agencies.” 
Victor Davis Hanson: Faith-based energy policy 

"Obama, however, earns additional blame for the gas rise for reasons well beyond the normal oil bogeymen -- tension in the Middle East, rapacious OPECdictators, oil company greed and Wall Street speculation."
.... "Technologies like fracking and horizontal drilling have made it possible for Americans to produce their own oil and gas as never before. We can pump oil with less environmental damage than can VenezuelaMexico and Nigeria. New domestic production would save a near-bankrupt America billions of dollars currently being lost in import costs while cutting security expenses in deploying forces to the Middle East."


Democrats pile on Romney over Etch A Sketch comments

"The American Bridge ad follows a similar tact, following Fehrnstrom's comments with video of the toy featuring one of Romney's previously held positions on issues like abortion rights and support for the National Rifle Association. After the toy shakes, Romney's more recent stance on the issues appears.

" "While the quote may have just happened today, the sentiment has long been a way of life for Mitt Romney, who has 'shook & erased' his views on the issues over and over again," said American Bridge spokesman Chris Harris."
Jennifer Rubin: Romney favored TARP? And Bush signed it? 

"There’s nothing like the left-wing blogosphere to tip you off to the latest line of attack against the presumptive nominee Mitt Romney. Take this headline: “Romney Embraces Bush Economic Policies.” In fact, all that Romney did was point out something that a great many Democrats have been pointing out: The Troubled Asset Relief Program likely prevented a total financial meltdown in the fall of 2008.
"Oh, Romney points out, that would be George W Bush and not Barack Obama, who was busy avoiding taking a position during the campaign, who came up with the legislation and fought to get it through Congress."... 

The Obamas Should Remove the Girls from View

White House Dossier "As is well known now, several news outlets initially reported that Malia Obama was spending spring break in Mexico. And then the articles just disappeared  without a trace. The White House, it turned out, informed these publications that Malia’s security could be jeopardized and demanded that they be removed.

"Normally, I support efforts to minimize reporting on a president’s children, especially when there are security issues involved.
"But the Obamas have two problems here."  
 A new Internet ad by the president’s reelection campaign features a portrait of the first family asking supporters to “help the Obamas stand up for working Americans.” The appeal, a departure from the typical Obama messaging, provides an early glimpse of the role the president’s wife and daughters are likely to play in his campaign.
I have big problems with that "peace" symbol on her shirt, but that is for another time. TD

Debbie Schlussel:  Media Work Overtime to Erase Story on Malia Obama Spring Break w/ 25 Secret Svc Agents
"Every drunken exploit of the Bush daughters was covered 24/7 when he was Prez, and Rick Santorum’s kids are already getting attacked by several comedians.  But the Obama girls?  Well, a story about Malia Obama’s spring break trip to Oaxaca, Mexico with 25 Secret Service agents was erased from all the mainstream media websites.  Hmmm . . . working overtime to meet the Obama edicts about not covering his daughter, apparently.  I was away at a movie screening and other duties, and when I returned and clicked on various links to the story from the Drudge Report and Google News, I got nothing, nada.  The story’s been yanked.  No note that it isn’t true.  Just gone."
Ms. Schlussel wrote that she linked to the UK Telegraph story on Obama and this is what she got:
This link works so far.

Like Mother Like Daughter: Malia Obama and 25 Secret Service Agents Jet to Mexico for Spring Break   
"Despite warnings from the Texas Department of Public Safety that students avoid Mexico for spring breakmany ignored cautions and ventured to cities and resort towns throughout Mexico.
However, most students do not have a team of bodyguards to ensure their safety.
"Malia landed in Oaxaca on Saturday with 12 of her friends and 25 secret service agents in tow. The teen flew from Houston on United Airlines, as originally reported by Mexican newspaper Milenio. The group was escorted to their hotel in three bulletproof SUVs, with some streets partially blocked off while the teens were en route."

Meanwhile, Bristol Palin still waits for her phone call from the President.

Do you know what "BOHICA*" means?

Lets check in on those "occupiers", shall we? You know- those people supported by Obama, Pelosi and Hollywood.

Lovely: Occupiers Dump Bucket of Human Waste Down Public Staircase   "Police say an Occupy Wall Street protester dumped a tub of human waste down a public stairwell and inside a bank vestibule, and got caught on video.  Police said Occupy Wall Street protesters were captured on surveillance video dragging a large receptacle of human urine and feces to an open-air plaza at the corner of Nassau and Cedar streets last Wednesday evening, just before 8 p.m. They then poured the waste down a set of stairs there, police said. About 20 minutes later, one of the protesters entered a Chase ATM vestibule on Water Street and poured human waste inside there, police said." 

SHOCK VIDEO: Wall Street Occupier's Shirtless Rant On Top Of George Washington Statue...   "Last night about 50 demonstrators marched along Broadway to Union Square to protest the NYPD's mass arrests at Zuccotti Park Saturday night. They set up a camp along the main set of stairs facing Broadway. After spending the night in the park this morning one protester was arrested after climbing up on top of the statue of George Washington astride a horse, ranting and stripping off his shirt."

“Thank God For Anarchists”: Michael Moore Openly Calls For Communist Revolution 

"Speaking at the Left Forum on Saturday night, just hours before he was heckled at Occupy Wall Street, multi-millionaire Michael Moore openly rooted for anarchists and revolution. "

From Weasel Zippers: 

"Welcome to phase two of Occupy Miami. Protesters call it “Peace City.” Locals call it a living hell." 

OWS Exposed:  ‘Only Blood of the Rich Will Stop Occupy’: St. Louis Hit with frightening Occupy graffiti   "Buildings, walls, and statues have all been defaced.  The city’s public safety director woke up to the words, “Blood on your hands,” sprayed on his front steps.

Similarly, a hundred-year old statue now has the words “class war” scrawled across it, and a door that says “Park Police” now reads, “Only the blood of the rich will stop Occupy.”"
The legacy of Obama and the Democrat Party for all to see.
OWS Exposed has this petition for readers to sign. We doubt the efficacy of online petitions, but do want you to see the content of it. I'd love to see it go viral:

Whereas America has always been a land of opportunity where each citizen is free to pursue their individual dreams for success and enjoy the fruits of their labor, and
Whereas President Obama originally ran on the promise of uniting America; and
Whereas OWS is emblematic of the politics of envy, hate and class warfare, with participants including paid political operatives, communists, anarchists and socialists whose goals appear to include the disruption of our nation’s institutions; and
Whereas the Occupy protestors have vandalized public property including memorials to soldiers who gave their life defending our freedoms, including the freedom to protest; and
Whereas the Occupy protestors have frequently engaged in violent and criminal behavior; and
Whereas it is shameful and un-American for the president of the United States to endorse a movement that has been characterized by disrespect for the law and American society.
Therefore, I do hereby call upon President Obama to retract his endorsement of OWS and to instead to call upon these protestors to clean-up their act, stop littering, stop disrupting traffic and commerce and to comply with all local statutes and ordinances.

Send Lizzie Borden to Washington

My search for the best conservative candidate continues with this counterpoint to the one following after (below)....

Ann Coulter  "Any Republican governor of a blue state who manages to balance the budget without raising taxes should be a nominee for Mount Rushmore, to say nothing of president.

"Mitt Romney was governor of a state so blue, it's North Korea with more Irish people, and he balanced the budget without raising taxes.
"But you'd think we would at least have Santorum's vote against federal funding for pornographers and deviants. Alas, no.
"The NEA, you will recall, uses federal taxpayer money to subsidize crucifixes submerged in urine, photos of bullwhips up a man's derriere, poems celebrating the Central Park jogger's rapists, photos of amputated human genitalia, vomit, mutilated corpses and dead fetuses. (And that was just the children's wing of the museum!)
"But Rick Santorum voted against cutting funding for the NEA every time a vote was taken both as a representative and a senator -- in 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1997 and 1998. These weren't accidental votes. Each one was deemed a key conservative vote on which members of Congress would be graded by the American Conservative Union.
"There's your "true conservative," values voters."

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

19 Reasons & Counting to Vote for Rick Santorum! From the Duggar Family

Here is their website. 

From Michelle's blog:   The Importance of Grieving After a Miscarriage ..."So I allow myself to cry and let it out, and it's been the same for my children. We were all getting ready for Jubilee; we had bought items like a baby walker and a little jumparoo because so much of our baby stuff had been worn out. And then to realize that it's not going to be used by her has been a hard reminder for everyone"

Hat tip to Susan Michelle Tyrrell, Gadsden, AL.

If Winston Churchill had been British Prime Minister in 1938, millions would not have died. Will that turn out to be true once again?

IRAN: WHAT WOULD WINSTON DO? "You can approach certain general conclusions based on the character of governments and leaders.  No one doubts Netanyahu’s resolve to defend Israel to the utmost if they believe Iran’s nuke point of no return is at hand.  And I don’t think anyone doubts that Obama and his peeps are hand-wringing about the whole matter, paralyzed both by the genuine perils and uncertainty of the situation as well as Obama’s hostility to Israel.  Contemplating this scene brought to mind the applicability of Churchill’s reflections on the derelictions of the British government in the Munich crisis.  It’s one of Churchill’s greatest passages, from The Gathering Storm, and it doesn’t take too much work to connect the principle he lays out to Obama’s duty in the Iranian crisis:"... Churchill later wrote:

....For the French Government to leave her faithful ally, Czechoslovakia, to her fate was a melancholy lapse from which flowed terrible consequences.  Not only wise and fair policy, but chivalry, honor, and sympathy for a small threatened people made an overwhelming concentration.
"Czechoslovakia then; Israel today?  All eyes will be on Obama soon to decide this question."  
Churchill Quotes: 
  •  An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.
  •  I was only the servant of my country and had I, at any moment, failed to express her unflinching resolve to fight and conquer, I should at once have been rightly cast aside.  
  • One ought never to turn one's back on a threatened danger and try to run away from it. If you do that, you will double the danger. But if you meet it promptly and without flinching, you will reduce the danger by half. Never run away from anything. Never!
  • Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.
  • What kind of people do they think we are? Is it possible they do not realize that we shall never cease to persevere against them until they have been taught a lesson which they and the world will never forget?
 This next quote may be the most significant in today's situation regarding Iran and Israel:
 You were given the choice between war and dishonor. You chose dishonor and you will have war.

The Illinois Primary

Neal Boortz: Newt Gingrich all but finished 
Mitt Romney wins big in Illinois, but rival Rick Santorum vows to fight on    ...“It’s time to say this word: enough. We’ve had enough.”

"Romney was talking about his desire to end the Obama administration. But one wonders if he also was making a subtle plea to his GOP rivals."
This contest will be "between those Republicans who disagree with Barack Obama, believing his policies to be mistaken, and those who hate Barack Obama, believing him to be wicked.(Rush Limbaugh)  "And this is one of the problems that people on my side have with Romney. They don't think Romney or the Republican establishment cares that much about repudiating what Obama has done. They just want to beat him. They just want back in control...." 
This pretty well sums up the feeling of many of us; we don't just want Obama to be edged out by some slim margin that can be disputed and called a near-victory by his fellow-travelers. We want the policies of this entire left-wing and its advocates in Hollywood, the liberal media and in the camps of the occupiers to be shamed by the rejection of their policies.
But if this is to be accomplished by even a razor-thin margin, it will have to be over the resistance of the media, the entertainment industry, academia and a naive voting segment that knows nothing of economics and the dangers of socialist goals.
 Republicans will have to outvote an electorate that includes the aforementioned plus millions of voters -citizens or not- who know little of this nation and are, in fact, seeking America's repudiation. TD

TNR: I Did the Delegate Math—And It's Over "And looking at the calendar and the resources available to Romney and Santorum, it’s just irrational to deny Romney’s got this wrapped up. It comes down to the delegate math: Despite his various missteps, Romney has been steadily winning a majority of the delegates awarded." 

PJ Tatler: Endgame for Newt Gingrich?  "Gingrich lost where he badly needed wins, and fared poorly in Illinois. His campaign is financially under water. If he does not win in Louisiana’s primary next week, where does he go from there?" 
Boy, will we miss Newt in the debates when he takes on the Obama press sycophants.

John W. Lillpop: Time to End Political Circus, Get Behind Mitt, [and] Defeat Obama! 

"Now that Mitt Romney is “almost there,” Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum should hold a united press conference to acknowledge what seems most probable: Mitt Romney will be the nominee for the Republican Party.
"They should release their delegates to Romney and agree to campaign where and when Romney needs their help."