Friday, March 23, 2012

"Lone wolf" Islamist killer in France

Lone? Yeah, right. All of radical Islam was behind this guy; mentoring him, encouraging him and declaring him a martyr for murders that included a father and his sons at a school.
WaPo: Mohammed Merah, face of the new terrorism   "In hours of negotiations during the standoff at his apartment, Merah followed the pattern: He invoked al-Qaeda as his inspiration, police said, but gave no indication he was following anybody’s orders or working as part of a larger group. At the same time, said Molins, the prosecutor, police were seeking clues to how the unemployed Merah could afford his rented car, his two automatic rifles, his several pistols and his trips to Afghanistan."


On Tuesday, March 19, one of the Islamic knights, brother ‘Yousef Al-Faranci’ – we ask Allah to accept him – took off in an operation that shook the pillars of the Zionist-Crusade in the entire world and filled the hearts of Allah's enemies with terror.
We hereby claim responsibility for these blessed operations, and we say that what Israel is committing of crimes against our people on the blessed land of Palestine, and in Gaza specifically, will not pass without punishment. The Mujahideen everywhere intend on avenging every drop of blood that was unjustly and aggressively shed in Palestine, Afghanistan and other Muslim homelands. 
Enemies of Islam killed by the beloved Martyr 

The boy murdered in Toulouse was named for Rav Gavriel Holtzberg, who was murdered in Mumbai just before he was born. 

"With a shaking voice, Rav Rosenberg quoted Psalms 30:10, which asks G-d: "What use is my blood, when I descend to the abyss?"
"The rabbi then asked: "G-d, what do you want from our blood, which is being spilled all over the world?"
Rabbi Rosenberg thanked the Israeli government for bringing the bodies of the dead to burial in Israel. He called on people all over the world to join forces in fighting terror, and never to say "It won't happen to me."

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