Why isn't the left sick of this man enough to reject him and his rants?
Al Sharpton: Civil disobedience will escalate if Zimmerman remains free "The civil rights activist and syndicated television show host said he will elaborate on this plan Saturday.
Examiner.com: Crazy Sheila Jackson Lee says Zimmerman broke his own nose ..."The Houston Democrat has represented Texas’s 18th congressional district in the United States House of Representatives since 1995. And legendary oddball public statements have presented journalists and political commentators with a veritable gold mine of bizarre malapropisms. She is truly a gift that keeps on giving.
"But earlier this week, Rep. Jackson Lee succeeded in lowering the bar of civil political discourse even further than her meanest critics could have predicted."
Al Sharpton: Civil disobedience will escalate if Zimmerman remains free "The civil rights activist and syndicated television show host said he will elaborate on this plan Saturday.
" "I will speak about how the National Action Network will move to the next level if Zimmerman isn't arrested," Sharpton said, who founded the organization. He added that it was the Martin family and lawyers who first asked him to get involved and nationalize this story.
"The Rev. Jesse Jackson is also expected to participate in the event."
Civil rights leaders condemn Sharpton's call for escalated civil disobedience "Turner Clayton, the Seminole County chapter president of the NAACP, reacted immediately to Sharpton's warning, saying, "We hope that the citizens of Sanford will govern themselves accordingly. We are not calling for any sanctions, against any business or anyone else. And, of course, what Rev. Sharpton does, that's strictly the [National] Action Network. We can't condone that part of the conversation, if that's what he said." "
Paul Shanklin hat tip to Rush Limbaugh
"If only someone had warned NBC News that they were giving a prime-time platform to a vitriolic, race-hustling charlatan. Oh wait--we did. Even some journalists on the left did. Recently uncovered video from over twenty years ago has Al Sharpton, in his own words, bragging about his ability to manipulate the media to draw attention to his race-hustling agenda. And he's playing out his blueprint to a T in Florida today.
"In the video seen below, Sharpton brags about his ability to manipulate the media through his grandstanding, demonstrations and marches. He pats himself on the back over being able to convert a “one day story” into an international sensation by giving the media what they want: drama, contention, provocative images and charges of racism."
Ann Kane: Obama Stoking Racial Warfare Flames? "A week ago, Obama brought his children into his politics; except this time he talked about an imaginary son looking like the slain Trayvon Martin. Pulls at the heartstrings, doesn't it? But it also heightens racial tensions in an already volatile social atmosphere."
"But earlier this week, Rep. Jackson Lee succeeded in lowering the bar of civil political discourse even further than her meanest critics could have predicted."