Alana Goodman "As trivial as the Obama-eats-dogs and composite-girlfriend memes might seem, they actually speak to a deeper issue. At the Telegraph, Tim Stanley argues:
Neal Boortz: Obama official cites .. Karl Marx. No, really.
"If there was a widespread awareness that Obama is more communist than capitalist he would have no chance for reelection. So it would be wise for administration officials to try to keep the communist rhetoric as subdued as possible.
Emphasis added.What stands out from the composite story isn’t that Obama amalgamated characters, it’s that the press hadn’t noticed until now. As with the dog story, this confirms the suspicion that the mainstream media gave Obama a free pass in 2008 and declined to check too deeply into his background. Even The Atlantic’s [David] Graham admits that he’s never read Dreams From My Father, and neither, it would seem, has anyone else in the press corps. They have the excuse that the book is incredibly narcissistic and boring, but otherwise isn’t this exactly the sort of character assessment/assassination that should have happened four years ago? …
Neal Boortz: Obama official cites .. Karl Marx. No, really.
Karl Marx |
"Someone needs to get this message to a senior Obama administration official by the name of Rick Bookstaber currently serves on the Financial Stability Oversight Council. This is the body of unelected bureaucrats created by the Dodd-Frank fiasco, charged with the task of ensuring financial stability in our financial system."