Friday, May 18, 2012

Mexican Jihad

Raymond Ibrahim   "As the United States considers the Islamic jihadi threats confronting it from all sides, it would do well to focus on its southern neighbor, Mexico, which has been targeted by Islamists and jihadists, who, through a number of tactics — from engaging in da'wa, converting Mexicans to Islam, to smuggling and the drug cartel, simple extortion, kidnappings and enslavement — have been subverting Mexico in order to empower Islam and sabotage the US."
..."In using subversive elements for da'wa, Muslims might comfortably use false arguments to turn Mexicans against their northern neighbors. For instance, they often argue that Islam is a religion of "racial equality," whereas Christianity is the "white man's" religion, imposed on their ancestors by racist whites who sought to keep them "impoverished" beyond the border. Islamist strategies in Mexico amount to trying to win the unbelievers over to their side, whether through conversion or just cooperation. For those who refuse to cooperate, they are infidels to be used in any way that seems appropriate."

Presidential failure: Obama's (and everybody else's) budgets voted down

Overwhelming Rejection of Obama Budget a ‘Gimmick,’ White House Says "Already, Obama’s $3.6 trillion tax and spending plan for fiscal year 2013was defeated in the House by a vote of 414-0 on March 28. Last year, the Senate defeated Obama’s fiscal year 2012 plan by a vote of 97-0."
Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson

Senate Democrats reject House GOP budget plan  "The end results were preordained: sweeping rejection of Obama's budget and a near party-line vote to block the main alternative, the blueprint of Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, R-Wis., that passed the House in March. The tallies on the Ryan budget and a tougher version offered by Sen. Pat Toomey, R-Pa., defeated on a 57-42 vote, were probably inflated since the votes weren't on the actual budgets themselves but rather on a motion to simply take them up for debate."

Senate rejects Obama budget in 99-0 vote  "McConnell said Obama's budget was "bad for jobs because it includes the biggest tax hike in history, it’s bad for seniors because it lets Medicare and Social Security become insolvent and it’s bad for our economy because it fails to address the nation’s $15 trillion debt.”
"But the GOP push was blunted a bit when the House Republican budget from Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) faced Republican defections in a 41-58 vote. "
"Obama not serious"   "Mitt Romney's policy director, Lanhee Chen, responds: "President Obama is so unserious about the budget challenges facing our nation that his budget proposal has now been voted down unanimously in not only the House, but also the Democrat-controlled Senate. With more than five hundred members of Congress opposing his budget – and not a single one willing to support it – this President’s failures of leadership and fiscal responsibility are obvious to everyone. President Obama is clearly in over his head and incapable of leading the country."

Same-sex marriage: Empathy or right?

Charles Krauthammer  "Problem is: It’s a howling contradiction to leave up to the states an issue Obama now says is a right. And beyond being intellectually untenable, Obama’s embrace of the more hard-line “rights” argument compels him logically to see believers in traditional marriage as purveyors of bigotry. Not a good place for a president to be in an evenly divided national debate that requires both sides to offer each other a modicum of respect.
Political Cartoons by Nate Beeler

...."No wonder that Obama has been trying to get away from the issue as quickly as possible. It’s not just the New York Times poll showing his new position to be a net loser. It’s that he is too intelligent not to realize he’s embraced a logical contradiction."Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel
...."Moreover, there is the problem of the obvious cynicism of his conversion. Two-thirds of Americans see his “evolution” as a matter not of principle but of politics. In fact, the change is not at all an evolution — a teleological term cleverly chosen to suggest movement toward a higher state of being — given that Obama came out for gay marriage 16 years ago. And then flip-flopped."
Political Cartoons by Ken Catalino

...."Notwithstanding a comically fawning press, Obama knows he has boxed himself in. His “rights” argument compels him to nationalize same-sex marriage and sharpen hostility toward proponents of traditional marriage — a place he is loath to go."

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Urban legend: Should Christians Support President Obama? A message attributed to Dr. David Barton on the Charles Stanley program

Biblical Historian Says He Does Not Respect President Obama-Fiction!
Summary of the eRumor:  This is a forwarded email that says Biblical historian David Barton was a guest on Charles Stanley's In Touch Christian television program on the topic of "Is the United States a Christian Nation[?]."  The email says that Barton said that although he respects the office of the President of the United States that President Obama does not deserve respect.The Truth:  A spokes person for David Barton told that he was a guest on the In Touch program but the interview circulating on the internet was a fabrication.
I found this next quote convicting because it has hit me where it hurts:  Should Christians Respect Obama?  Renea McKenzie at  Probe Ministries disagrees with the message behind this e-rumor.
Respectfully, I disagree. The person who wrote this email didn’t say how to respect the office without respecting the person holding it. It may be possible to do so; however, I believe it is more important to respect people than positions. It sounds very noble to say, “I respect the office but not the man.” It’s like saying, “I respect my boss’s position of authority over me, but I don’t respect my boss.” But in my experience, this attitude makes it very difficult to “do everything without complaining or arguing.” That habit derives only from love. And love is expressed by subordinates to their authorities largely through respect (Eph 5:21–6:8; note especially 5:33 and 6:5).It is possible not to respect the positions the President holds and still respect the President as an Image-bearing human creation if nothing else. But this kind of generosity which derives from thinking Christianly (a Christian worldview) is not expressed in this email. The tone of this email conveys contempt, not respect. I’m particularly unnerved by the way the term “embodiment of Evil” was tossed out there. Calling liberals Satan incarnate is sensationalist at best and certainly doesn’t portray the high view of human dignity that Christianity gives us.
I know all this and am troubled over the way my blog runs counter to the Biblical injunction to always build up and never to tear down. But somebody please tell me how to remain silent and supportive when I see this administration bully average citizens and drive hate-filled wedges between segments of the American population. 
Every facet of my beliefs I see being denigrated by the left in Washington, academia, news media and the entertainment industry; people who have my convictions being ridiculed on every channel, called "extremists" in the halls of Congress and I cannot remain silent.
But I do realize that in the end, all will come out as our Lord has ordained and that he chooses who will rule over us. In the end, all that matters is that all will bow down before Him as King of Kings.
So my issue is still unresolved; I only know that - in the end - the good guys win.
The Tunnel Dweller

Letterman Campaigns For Obama On 'Late Show': 'What More Do We Want This Man To Do For Us, Honest To God?'  "On "The Late Show" David Letterman went into a partisan speech about Obama's role in the killing of Osama bin Laden."
I deleted the video because I got sick of hearing the man's voice every time the Tunnel Wall opened.

Obama's unknown role in world-changing events

As you might expect, Rush Limbaugh didn't let this pass: Obama Inserts Himself into White House Website Biographies of Previous Presidents
"...Here is Obama's insertion into Jimmy Carter:  "In 1977, President Jimmy Carter  created the Department of Energy; today the DOE works with the Obama Administration to drive towards innovation in energy and reducing reliance on foreign oil with an 'all of the above' approach," which actually is very modest because Obama coulda just said that his administration is the second term of Jimmy Carter. ...." 

American Thinker  "The visual artist Nobarack 08 has prepared a summary of the lesser-known aspects of Barack Obama's role in history, as seen by the folks at the White House official website."

Breitbart's Big Gov't.  "The White House website has always featured biographies of past presidents. The biographies are largely designed for students, so they can research the history of the White House occupants; the text is taken from The Presidents of the United States of America, by Michael Beschloss and Hugh Sidey.
"Now, however, President Obama has decided that those other presidential biographies weren’t complete without a sentence about himSeriously. As it turns out, all past presidents are just a window into President Obama’s grand accomplishments. Here are some examples:"....

How many ways can we look at that Time cover?

The Obesity Crisis

Welcome to the Bureau of Womanhood Conformity

American Thinker  "A brilliant ad by the Susan B. Anthony Fund satirizes the Democrats' propaganda alleging a "war on women" by Republicans.  Hip, funny, and visually stimulating, the ad does more than throw back in their face the Democrats' phony words, it signals that liberalism is old hat, mindless conformity to stale dogma. Nothing is quite so boring as a celebrity who has passed his expiration date.
"Barack Obama had a good run as the "biggest celebrity in the world"  (as an American Crossroads ad put it). He was fresh, new, and among the youth, highly popular. Four years later, half of college kids grads can't get jobs, and Obama's call to fall in line with policies and personalities that don't work well is just boring."

Obama basks again in Hollywood glory, but at cost?  "Boyd says McCain's efforts to use Obama's celebrity connections against him obviously failed in the end, given the results. But, he adds, since Obama's newness has worn off, even to his Hollywood base, celebrities on the whole will likely play a lesser role this time.
Whatever the role, [Chad] Griffin, the fundraiser and gay rights activist, says the wealthy Hollywood Democratic community is now firmly and enthusiastically behind its candidate.
"I don't know anyone staying on the sidelines," Griffin says. "We've got a head-to-head. We're in the game."

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

What It's Like to be a Conservative Professor

Robert Oscar Lopez  "You may ask, where are they? I can't tell you. The academic right simply doesn't exist. Conservative professors are frightened, invisible, and often embarrassed. Ideological exile is scary. It gets tiring when colleagues ask you to defend birthers, the Westboro Baptist Church, Rush Limbaugh, George Bush, George Zimmerman, and David Horowitz before you've even had your morning coffee, especially when they are going to vote on your tenure.  The ignorant asides about Fox News are usually thrown in during department meetings, somewhere between announcements of the latest conference about homosexuality and elections to the personnel review committee.  Hold your tongue and count to ten, then scream as you jog at dawn the next day.
...."The response from a right-wing Army wife: "Your thanks for being a teacher is your paycheck and your pension. Shut up and be grateful."
"Elsewhere, a retired Air Force officer wrote, "I detest people like you."
"That's what it's like to be a conservative professor."
Robert Oscar Lopez teaches American literature and Classics at CSU Northridge. His book, Colorful Conservative: American Conversations with the Ancients from Wheatley to Whitman, came out in 2011.

Prof Lopez wrote this follow-up a few days later: A gigantic thank you from a conservative professor  "In reality, the shopkeepers and petty bourgeois tradesmen who put Margaret Thatcher in power in the UK exist in a parallel form in the US, and they are not going to Harvard or even Berkeley. They are at state schools where teaching is more important than research. Conservatives must not overlook universities like mine - CSU Northridge - where there are veterans, home-schooled evangelicals, recent immigrants from socially conservative countries like South Korea and the Philippines. These will be the lifeblood of the next right that rises."

Sacrificial scams

Ann Coulter "When government employees mobbed the state capitol in Wisconsin last year, the upside was: They got to bully people. The downside: Voters finally found out what these public servants were being paid. 
"Their compensation included not only straight salary, but also lavish overtime benefits, pensions, health care plans, sick days and vacation time (most of which they spent protesting)." 

...."Former representative and amateur home pornographer Anthony Weiner was a member of Congress until he resigned last June in order to spend more time with his hard drive. He will probably end up collecting about a million dollars from his 80 percent taxpayer-funded government pension. 

"These are the "1 percent" deserving of the public's wrath: We're paying their salaries. We weren't taxed to pay Mitt Romney's salary at Bain Capital. We aren't taxed to pay the salaries of Jamie Dimon or Alex Rodriguez. Anthony Weiner? Him, we pay for. 

"Government employees expect to live like something out of the czar's court -- and then have us admire them as if they're Rosa Parks." 

President Me

Morning Bell  "Reflecting on his two terms in office, President George W. Bush said in 2010, “You realize you’re not it. You’re a part of something bigger than yourself.”
"This is a sentiment President Barack Obama did not inherit from his predecessor. Over the past month we have witnessed several displays of arrogant power emanating from our White House, emphasizing fealty to a person over the integrity of an American institution. Some are more serious than others. 
"First, this week it was discovered that White House staff had edited the biographies of many past presidents on to include a bullet point or two inserting President Obama into each historical narrative.
"For example, while President Calvin Coolidge had been the first president to make a public radio address, President Obama is on LinkedIn; and while Social Security was introduced by President Roosevelt, under President Obama it still exists. But in a far more egregious example, they incorrectly added to President Ronald Reagan’s biography:
“In a June 28, 1985 speech Reagan called for a fairer tax code, one where a multi-millionaire did not have a lower tax rate than his secretary. Today, President Obama is calling for the same with the Buffett Rule.”

"Finally, President Obama insinuated yesterday that if you don’t support his policies, it’s not due to philosophical differences, but because of his name. Answering a question on The View about tight polls, he said: “When your name is Barack Obama, it’s always going to be tight. Barack 
Hussein Obama.”
"Any person selected to the highest office in the land is bound to indulge a small degree of narcissism. But when it permeates the entire attitude and culture of the executive branch, it begins to become a problem. No president is larger than the presidency."

Imagine the emotional insecurities of a grown man who would have henchman find and gratuitously insert even the faintest link between this 44th president and almost every president back to Calvin Coolidge --"On Feb. 22, 1924 Calvin Coolidge became the first president to make a public radio address to the American people.....President Obama became the first president to hold virtual gatherings and town halls."

Naturally Neal Boortz has an opinion on all this: Our narcissist in chief  "Do you remember the sound bite I’ve played on the air many time?  “I directed, I made the decision, I instructed, I, I, I …”  He’s a man who named his own dog after himself: BO!  He coined the latest youth generation that thrust him into the White House as Gen 44, as in the 44th president.  The list goes on and on. 

"But the latest news takes this love of self from the ridiculous to the asinine."