Update: Normandy visit, 2010 A very good tourist's account.
Via Lucianne: FDR's D-Day Prayer
Revisit past Tunnel Wall D-Day links:
Via Lucianne: FDR's D-Day Prayer
May 15, 2011
Trigger Time This site has links for the researcher, the historian and for those just learning about D-Day, perhaps after viewing "Saving Private Ryan" and "Band of Brothers". Those focusing on the upcoming anniversary of ...
Jun 06, 2011
Omaha Beach D-Day landings from above; Victor Davis Hanson column. (Updated with more info.) . (Above) Some sources list this as Omaha Beach, but this is most certainly Utah Beach. The small dots on the beach are ...
Jun 05, 2011
D-Day; Omaha Beach then and now photographs (Updated, 12/3/2011). Dec, 2011 Update: Normandy, 1944; then and now photos "Our previous emphases (below) on Omaha Beach gave short shrift to the other landing sites ...
Many more listed in the site. Here is one new one: D-DAY, NORMANDY: Operation Overlord. Art work by combat artists.
"While the invasion forces gathered throughout Great Britain, the United States Navy assigned combat artists to record the great adventure. For the young artists, the challenge was unique. During their training period, they lived with the crews of the vessels destined to take part in the invasion; they rode the ships across the channel, and accompanied the troops as they landed. Their paintings, including descriptions of their work, were subject to strict censorship. Not until well after the events occurred did the Navy Art Collection receive these historic records."