John W. Lillpop "In his hyper-egotistical, narcissistic mind, President Obama assumes that he has a strangle- hold on the Latino vote, both legal and otherwise.
"However, the Secret Service, those sterling folks charged with protecting the President from harm, are apparently not quite so sure.
"As reported at the reference, in part, Latinos gathered for a speech by The One in Florida were not allowed to keep their forks, and knives were missing altogether before Obama took the stage:"
"However, the Secret Service, those sterling folks charged with protecting the President from harm, are apparently not quite so sure.
"As reported at the reference, in part, Latinos gathered for a speech by The One in Florida were not allowed to keep their forks, and knives were missing altogether before Obama took the stage:" was announced that forks would be collected before Obama took the stage. It was also mentioned that knives, too, were entirely absent from the lunch for "a reason."
Spork Semper Tyrannis "Of course, the Latinos present weren't offended because cutlery is always removed from a room in which Obama speaks and...wait. Hang on. What's that..?
"Oh, we need to offer a correction. It turns out there are tons of dinners and fundraising events where the crowd is considered trustworthy enough to keep their forks. Assuming they're Hollywood celebrities or, you know, not Latinos."