Tuesday, July 17, 2012

This cartoon goes with the post that follows the Firefighter article

City Orders Firefighters to Remove US Flags From Trucks – They’re Offensive

TheGatewayPundit  Two complaints? TWO

Florida fire fighters say the city apparently got two complaints about American flags being flown from fire trucks.The flags were not a safety issue, and they were not tattered or torn. But when the complains came the flags were gone.A dozen demonstrators stood outside a Seminole fire station waving American flags Sunday. They say they were there because fire fighters were banned from flying old glory on their trucks.A spokeswoman for Seminole Fire Rescue said the city is trying to be sensitive about the proper display of the American flag.Someone allegedly complained to the city about a large American flag being flown from the back of a ladder truck.

'And what do you know?': Business leaders hit back at Obama after he says the wealthy AREN'T responsible for their own success/ Krauthammer comments on this

UK Daily Mail   "In a hard-hitting statement to Mail Online, the National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB) president Dan Danne said: 'What a disappointment to hear President Obama's revealing comments challenging the significance of America's entrepreneurs.

Mr Danne added: 'His unfortunate remarks over the weekend show an utter lack of understanding and appreciation for the people who take a huge personal risk and work endless hours to start a business and create jobs.' "
...."As President Obama comes under scrutiny for remarks that he made about entrepreneurs over the weekend, it's not surprising to many that the president has never served in a leadership level at any private sector job.
"The president has held a number of jobs since the late 1980s, including editor, writer and professor before getting into politics. 
"But questions have been raised about Obama's lack of business experience as the U.S. struggles with a high joblessness rate and a frail economy.
"It was a point that Obama's political foes were quick to exploit in their attacks on Monday."

NRO; Obama against the Self-Made Man  The president would socialize success.
"There are few phrases that President Obama likes less than “on your own.” He considers it a lie when people think they’ve made it on their own, and he thinks that the most damning thing that can be said about the Republican vision is that it will leave people on their own. For him, “we’re in this together,” and the inspiring institution embodying that togetherness is none other than the Internal Revenue Service." Rich Lowry

Krauthammer’s Epic Takedown of Obama’s Elizabeth Warren Impersonation
How can so many idiots continue to like this man?

Our Politics of Polarization

RealClearPolitics  "As his campaign threw out unsubstantiated charges that Mitt Romney might be guilty of a felony, and then mocked Romney's off-key singing of "America the Beautiful," President Obama took a moment to reflect on the sad state of America's political tone. "Washington feels as broken as it did four years ago," he explained. "And if you ask me what is the one thing that has frustrated me most over the last four years, it's not the hard work. It's not the enormity of the decisions. It's not the pace. It is that I haven't been able to change the atmosphere here in Washington to reflect the decency and common sense of ordinary people." "
Political Cartoons by Henry Payne
...."These are not excesses; they are the essence of Obama's current political strategy. He is attempting to destroy Romney before Romney can define himself, while using a series of issues -- the mini-DREAM Act, voting rights and contraceptive controversies -- to excite his base. The approach is not politically irrational. But it is premised on the avoidance of issues such as unemployment and the deficit."
Felony Blain 590

; Facts just get in the way of the Bain meme
"The Obama team itself backpedaled a bit on Sunday regarding its accusation of illegality. It was, among all the accusations thrown at Romney, the most reprehensible."....
"But of course, Obama and his hacks don’t actually believe the charge to be true. There is nothing this president won’t say or do — unilaterally amend laws, scrap the most successful social reform in generations (welfare reform), threaten “devastating” cuts in national security or threaten to take the country over the fiscal cliff — to get reelected."

Monday, July 16, 2012

Obama Revealed

From Townhall  "So … small businessman! How does that sit with you? You took your money and put it at risk. You worked perhaps as many as 80 hours a week to get things running. You had your ups and downs, but you persevered. Vacations? Are you kidding? .... You employ perhaps a dozen people or so. You take vacations now. You might even have a vacation time-share on the coast. You just bought a new car for the first time in your life. You’re thinking that you’ve done pretty good chasing that American dream, and you’re justifiably proud of yourself. Then along comes Barack Obama to tell you that this business you sweated over for so many years? Well … you didn’t build that."  Neal Boortz

The perfect companion to the above article from hopenchange
....To help illustrate this point for his supporters, the president then related the story of "The Greedy Little Capitalist Hen," in which a chicken plants a grain, waters the grain, tends the grain, harvests the grain, mills the grain, then makes it into bread with no help from the other lazy farm animals.
When they smell the delicious fresh-baked bread, they want to eat it - but the greedy capitalist hen says, "No. None of you did any of the work!" 
So the angry animals elect a leader who points out that the greedy capitalist hen didn't create the grain, or the soil, or the water by herself - and then says the lazy animals should not onlyget the bread, they should use it to make chicken sandwiches. And they all eat happily ever after!
The moral of the story: Get the chicken to pay for your healthcare
BEFORE you kill her and eat her bread.

What Has Obama Cost Blacks? A Columbia Professor Asks Hard Questions

Daily Beast  "Have blacks been giving President Obama a pass on his shortcomings? That’s the argument of Columbia University professor Fredrick C. Harris’s new book,The Price of the TicketBarack Obama and the Rise and Decline of Black Politics. Harris takes an unvarnished, unflinching—and some would say unflattering—look at the current state of black politics in America through the lens of Obama’s ascendancy to the White House."
...."This forthright book has a purpose: to put Obama on notice that he has a debt to pay, and that his black constituency deserves and expects payment-in-full during his second term. Fair is fair."

Obama And NAACP Pervert Civil Rights To Advance Gay Agenda

CNS  "The mainstream “progressive” media created a stir about the NAACP crowd booing Mitt Romney at the decidedly liberal group’s national convention in Houston, Texas. The activist attendees didn’t like the fact that President Obama’s presumptive GOP challenger intends to repeal Obamacare if elected.

"Still, what you won’t hear from the mainstream media is the fact that those very same left-leaning activists gave Mr. Romney a rousing ovation when he pledged to defend the institution of real marriage from secular extremists’ ongoing attempts to radically re-define it." ....
"Ken Hutcherson, an influential black pastor from the Seattle area, put it well: “It has been said loudly and proudly that gay marriage is a civil rights issue. If that’s the case, then gays would be the new African-Americans. I’m here to tell you now, and hopefully for the last time, that the gay community is not the new African-American community.

" “Don’t compare your sin to my skin!” he demands."

Obama; our demagogue-in-chief

How much damage will this man do to America's institutions and way of life if given another four years?
 Roger KimballBarracking Your Way to the Top  "It is one of the curiosities of language that the transitive verb “barrack” (chiefly British, origin unknown) means to “shout or jeer at.” For that is precisely what our Barack, the one now occupying the White House, has descended to in his campaign against Mitt Romney."

PowerLine; Can a Candidate Lie His Way to the Presidency?   "The Obama campaign’s current Bain Capital smear, which many media outlets have taken up, ranks with Quemoy, Matsu and Checkers as absurd campaign “issues.” But it is all that a flailing, out-of-ammo campaign has to offer. Michael Ramirez comments:"
Channeling Elizabeth Warren: Heritage; Obama Tells Entrepreneurs “You Didn’t Build” Your Business  "It is this view of successful businesses—essentially, “You owe us”—that drives Obama’s continued attacks on the country’s job creators in the form of tax hikes and regulations."  This is the logical outcome of Obama's philosophy

American Thinker symposium; 'Somebody else made that happen' - a symposium (updated)  "In chiding and insulting the rich, telling them that they "didn't get there on (their) own," the President has moved the economic debate as framed by his campaign and his Presidency to a new kindergarten intellectual low.  It really takes talent to shoehorn this much ignorance and hate and misplaced anger into such few words.  And yet he did."

Boortz: Obummer's Class Warfare Continues  "A few questions for Dear Ruler ..

  • When was the last time you went to a poor person to get a job?
  • How does the government “spend” money on tax cuts unless it believes that the money belongs to the government and not the people who earn it?
  • Who said anything about gutting education?  Just because education isn’t administered by the government doesn’t mean that you are against education.
  • Please explain to me how you “raise middle-class taxes” by wanting all the current tax rates to be extended?  Only ObamaLogic could make sense of that one.
 Why the Democrats Want to Turn Bain Capital into Bane Capital  "CNN answers the question partway, in its debunking of the Big Bain Lie. It’s worth noting that most of CNN’s sources in this piece are Democrats from Bain. They’re very familiar with the timeline, and they all say that the Obama campaign is full of bovine waste."
Political Cartoons by Eric Allie

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Ron Paul gets 'smoked' in Nebraska

Politico  "It looks like Ron Paul isn’t going to be officially nominated for the presidency in Tampa.
His backers failed to win a plurality of delegate slots at the Nebraska GOP convention Saturday, leaving the Texas congressman short of the support necessary to have his name placed into contention at the national convention.
"According to national party rules, a candidate needs a plurality of the delegates in at least five states to have his name presented for the nomination – by falling short in Nebraska, the last state to hold its convention, Paul came up one state short."
With his foreign policy, he could run as a Democrat or even with the Peace and Freedom Party.

Updated! Egyptian Protesters Have Some Surprisingly Good Advice For Obama During Clinton’s Visit With Islamist President…

Weasel Zippers
The story: Hillary Clinton Meets With Egypt’s New Muslim Brotherhood President…
And that led to this:  Clinton to urge Egypt leaders to complete transition  "Egypt's peace treaty with Israel has been a cornerstone of regional security for a generation and ushered in an era of extensive US foreign aid to Egypt, now running at about $1.55 billion a year."
And Clinton expects the Islamists to continue this?

"People hold signs as they protest the visit of US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton outside the Four Season Hotel, on July 14, 2012, in Cairo, Egypt. Clinton is visiting Egypt to meet with the nation’s newly elected president and other government and civil leaders to speak about the relationship between the United States and the new democracy. (AFP PHOTO/BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI)"

Obama would much rather anger Conservatives and Fox News than to stand up to enemies who might cause him trouble. Obama is the Ensign Pulver of this world. TD

Update! Egyptians pelt Clinton motorcade with tomatoes  "Protesters chanted: "Monica, Monica", a reference to Former President Bill Clinton's extra-marital affair. Some chanted: "leave, Clinton", Egyptian security officials said.

"It was not clear who the protesters were or what political affiliations they had. Protesters outside Clinton's hotel on Saturday night chanted anti-Islamist slogans, accusing the United States of backing the Muslim Brotherhood's rise to power."
The Obamites don't seem to get along too well with the Middle-Eastern John Q. Publics, do they?

Illegal Immigrants

Why Illegal Immigrants Killing People Is Especially Galling: An Observation  "But when an illegal immigrant enters this country, and then does something wrong — like, say, killing somebody — the argument from illegal immigration supporters is always the same. They will ask: “Are illegal immigrants more likely than citizens to kill people?”
"Here’s my answer.
"I don’t care.
"They’re not supposed to be here in the first place." More here.  Patterico

Daily Beast; Supreme Court Immigration Ruling in Arizona v. U.S. Got It Backward  "The real states’-rights issue in immigration policy is whether local governments can protect their residents from harsh and overreaching federal enforcement, writes Robert Morgenthau."

National Disgrace: Illegal Aliens in Good American Jobs!  "The notion that all illegals are in jobs that Americans simply will not do is self-serving rubbish, promulgated by reckless Democrats and RINOs who could care less about the suffering of citizens, and whom look to imported illegals as a resource for growing the Democrat voter base.
"Illegal aliens who are in jobs that would be coveted by unemployed Americans, are guilty of not only violating our borders and established immigration laws, but are also equally guilty of stealing from American families."
Examiner.com: Is Obama aiding illegal aliens to vote for him?  "It's apparent that President Obama considers Americans, who want to enforce illegal immigration laws in America, to be the enemy. Even more revealing is the fact that with so much riding on the 2012 elections, Obama decided to take the time to speak to people who shouldn't be voting — legal and illegal immigrants.

"But the dirty little secret is there exists an enormous amount of proof that non-citizens are being registered to vote and they're being registered as Democrats. And our political leaders know it."

‘Joe Biden: VP of Comedy Tour’

Newsbusters  "Joe Biden has started a new tour, a “VP of Comedy Tour,” FNC’s Bret Baier noticed Thursday night in ending his show by playing a compilation put together by ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel Live. Kimmel’s announcer promised Biden’s “every laugh” and “every gaffe.”

"That would be impossible to contain to a short montage – or really one of any length -- but this is an entertaining packaging of Biden at his most-embarrassing."

As you know, John McCain is an older white haired man who has been in the Senate over 20 years, voted for the Iraq war, and said Barack Obama did not have the experience to be president. I'm sorry, that’s our intro for next week when Joe Biden is on. I’m sorry, I got confused.  
And out on the campaign trail this week, once again, John McCain spoke about the nightmare of being stuck in a tiny 8 x 10 room, thinking he might go crazy. Not in Vietnam; when he got stuck in the Capitol elevator with Joe Biden and he wouldn't shut up.