Wednesday, July 25, 2012

"If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that"; the gift that keeps on giving.

Neal Boortz always has something snarky to contribute; Latest Propaganda from Team Obama  "The Obama propaganda ad claims that Mitt Romney is “launching a false attack” on Dear Ruler.  Then the ad cuts to Mitt Romney reading Obama’s quote, "If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that.  Somebody else made that happen,” which as we know is exactly what Barack Obama said.  However, the Obama propaganda ad then states, "The only problem?  That's not what he said." " Boortz has more yet: ObamaMedia Defends Dear RulerWhat We Have Here is the Media Campaigning for ObamaYou Didn't Build That - A Bogus Issue
Meanwhile the cartoonists have had a carnival over this:
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez
Political Cartoons by Gary McCoy
Editorial Cartoon

Aurora & Fort Hood; A Tale of Two Massacres

Bruce Thornton  "The fact that most of these mass-murderers are loners and lunatics with no political agenda at all hasn’t deterred progressives like Brian Ross from jumping to the same conclusions. It was just last year that their zeal to link the shooter of Congresswoman Gabriel Giffords to the Tea Party blew up in their faces. No matter, the “narrative,” as they like to call it, of conservative psychosis is too politically useful, too flattering of progressive pretensions to superior intellect. The irony, of course, is that such reflexive assertions are the sign of a mind woefully lacking in critical capacity and hence vulnerable to politically and personally gratifying fairy tales."

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The press and the Aurora shootings

Yep, even liberals know NBC News is no longer reliable when the truth is suddenly less important than The Narrative:  "For viewers to be turning off MSNBC during a major news event is "disheartening" for NBC, said Horizon media analyst Brad Adgate."

News Of Another Shooting

CNN Uses Aurora Shooting to Force Anti-Gun Agenda on Viewers  "Ironically, both a CNN host and a CNN contributor expressed their distaste for the media hitting on the gun issue Friday morning. Howard Kurtz called out CNN and Piers Morgan by name for turning the atrocity into "ideological fodder." "
Political Cartoons by Glenn Foden
Political Cartoons by Chip Bok
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

Dianne Feinstein: On second thought, forget what I said about intel leaks coming from the White House

Hot Air  "Pitiful twice over. Once because this is wholly unconvincing, and twice because she and her own staff can’t get their story straight about why she’s walking this back. The official statement:"
....“I was asked whether the White House might be responsible for recent national security leaks. I stated that I did not believe the president leaked classified information. I shouldn’t have speculated beyond that, because the fact of the matter is I don’t know the source of the leaks.....
 Politico  "Feinstein responded that she was “disappointed” that her comments were used by Romney to criticize the president.
" “I am disappointed by the statements made by Mr. Romney today regarding a question I was asked yesterday at the World Affairs Council,” she said. “I regret my remarks are being used to impugn President Obama or his commitment to protecting national security secrets.” "

The NCAA Got It Wrong

Richard Kline  "The horror of the Jerry Sandusky crimes committed against young boys is almost too much to believe.  But Sandusky is off to prison where he will experience a living hell for however much longer he lives.  Joe Paterno's legacy is now one of shame and disgust. 
"But, the recent NCAA sanctions levied upon Penn State are punishing the wrong people.  The Administrative people in the Penn State management chain are the guilty ones and they will be prosecuted and sued and vilified for the rest of their lives. 

Monday, July 23, 2012

Adolf Hitler's Olympic Village of 1936: Conservationists race to save the forgotten relic of the infamous 'Nazi Games'

UK Daily Mail  "Conservations are in a race against time to save the abandoned Olympic Village built for the so-called 'Nazi Games' in 1936.  

"The site on the western edge of Berlin is where athletes from all over the world headed 76 years ago to take part in the most infamous Olympic Games in history.
But the athlete's accommodation has been largely left to rot since it was abandoned by Soviet forces in 1992 with only 25 of the 145 original buildings remaining  - including the crumbling swimming pool, gym, theatre and dining hall."
Photo at right: Jesse Owens won four gold medals and was the star of the Games in the world's eye

Dilapidated: View of the House of Nations, which housed the many kitchens and dining halls in the 1936 Olympic village

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Aurora's Strict Gun Laws Didn't Prevent Shooting, But If One Law-Abiding Person In The Theater Had Been Carrying One...

CNS News  "Crime rates alone of cities such as Chicago and Washington D.C. prove that gun bans only increase crime. The D.C. police response rate is eight minutes; most crimes are done in less than one. Gun bans create a trouble-free world for criminals considering no one can defend themselves. If I were ever to face a situation like this, I would want to be prepared.

"I cannot help but think, if one person in that audience was carrying a gun with them, that person could have saved lives."
George Costanza Hits Tea Partiers After Colorado Movie Shooting: “These People” Are Okay With The Government “Enslaving Liberals, Homosexuals, And Democrats”…
Why can’t Hollywood just shut up and act?

Via Jason Alexander


WND  "What this shocking story reveals is that even I – one of the kingpins of the new media and a refugee from the state-controlled spin machine – underestimated the utter and total corruption of the euphemistically called “mainstream press.”
It shows that most – not some – members of the print media establishment with access to the White House submit their copy to government officials for review, “correction” and approval before it reaches the American people!"....
...."These so-called journalists are selling their ethical and moral souls for access to politicians. And this practice raises expectations by politicians that they can routinely manipulate the press to their advantage. That makes the job of real journalists – independent reporters faithful to their craft – even more difficult, because they will be shut out from access.
"It reminds me of the fact that, just last week, WND was denied credentials to cover the Democratic National Convention. Why do you suppose what has become one of the largest and most influential news agencies in the country would be denied access to the convention floor? Simply because the Democrats know we won’t play by their rules of control like the members of the establishment press club."
Ellen Ratner agrees;THE APPALLING STATE OF 'JOURNALISM'  "It seems that many in the news media are happy to do politicians’ and government’s bidding in exchange for access. 
"That kind of “journalism” will signal the end of our democracy faster than a rigged election. We don’t need it. Americans don’t want it. And it will ruin our free press – as well as our country."

More than twice as many people have been murdered this month in the president’s hometown of Chicago than were killed in the Aurora shooting.

Legal InsurrectionRemembering Chicago’s victims....

"They are just statistics for whom there will be no presidential visits or flags flown at half staff.
Many of their deaths were very up close and personal:
Twenty-eight stabbing deaths have been logged this year compared to 27 of these deaths last year, RedEye determined. Stabbings have accounted for about 10 percent of homicides so far this year, compared to about 6 percent last year, RedEye data shows.

RedEye gives us their names, ages and causes of death

From the comments to this post:

"Yeah, on any given weekend, the Chicago street toll looks unflinchingly like what happened in Aurora. This is Chicago, home of the toughest gun laws in America."So, is it really a “gun issue” or something else? Maybe the Left-wing, anti-gun do-gooders need to remove that log from their eye before mentioning the cinder in mine."
Nanny Bloomberg Demands Action from Obama on Gun Control

Gun Control Explained by a Liberal Moron (Humor)
"I normally REALLY dislike these dumb auto-voiced cartoons as much as the rest of you - but i found this one to get more hilarious as it goes along!"

Victor Davis Hanson assesses the Obama effect on America

Barack the Healer  "Crying wolf about white evil-doing is predicated on the ossified notion that, given the history of slavery and racism in this country, there always must be two standards of public comportment, in which African-American public figures are given a pass for what would end the careers of others. Yet I think that pass is ending amid a growing cynicism and weariness among the multiracial public at large. When a pampered multimillionaire like Morgan Freeman or Chris Rock goes off the deep end, we yawn; when the insular Black Caucus resorts to yet more racially inflammatory accusations, we sleep; when the Washington careerist Eric Holder labels yet another of his critics a racist, we snore. Even Al Sharpton’s liberal supporters are embarrassed by his charade. In short, no one believes any more; the currency of racist accusation has become so inflated that it has lost its purchasing power."
The Democracy Delusion and Failed Mideast Policy  "Obama’s Middle East policy has been an abject failure. His “outreach” to the Muslim world, replete with groveling flattery of Islam, has created nothing but contempt for his weakness. His assault on our key ally Israel, the only true liberal democracy in the region, has earned no credit with the states that still refuse to accept Israel’s existence. His chummy relationship with Turkey’s Tayyip Erdogan ignores that country’s increasing Islamization and hostility to Israel. Meanwhile, Iran continues down the road to nuclear weapons, and Bashar al Assad keeps slaughtering his citizens. And through it all, the United States has little or no influence on events."

Yet, with all its failures and fecklessness, the Democrat foreign policy is a reflection of the left-wing world-view. We saw this all before as leftist pacifists, with their cries of "warmongers!" kept Britain from preparing for the coming terror of Nazi conquest, which was obvious to all. They were rightly called "useful idiots" by the Communists. TD

Alan Caruba; "Lethal Narcissism"

Warning Signs  "The problem is that it is often difficult to spot narcissism when it becomes a pathological disorder. In the case of the cult that Jim Jones fostered, it ended with the suicide of some nine hundred of his followers who gave a poisoned drink to their children and then took it themselves. History is filled with examples of men whose disorder led to the deaths of countless people to satisfy their delusions about themselves."
Mr. Caruba lists nine distinctives of narcissism which include these:
...3. Is firmly convinced he or she is unique and can only be understood by other high-status people.
4. Requires excessive admiration, adulation, attention and affirmation.
5. Feels entitled and demands automatic and full compliance with their expectations.
Now, lest you think this is one more assessment of the current president (because these qualities do describe him, wouldn't you say?), here Mr. Caruba surprises us all: 
"At this point, you are probably thinking that I am describing Barack Hussein Obama, but in fact I am quoting from Ali Sina’s book, “Understanding Muhammad and Muslims.” Sina is one of the world’s leading authorities on both and...has made it his mission to encourage Muslims to understand how Islam warps their normal human values of love, tolerance, and life itself."

Joe Paterno statue taken down

ESPN  "The Joe Paterno statue was removed Sunday morning from its pedestal outside Beaver Stadium, and it will be stored in an unnamed "secure location," Penn State president Rodney Erickson announced. Erickson also said the Paterno name will remain on the university's library.
Shortly before dawn in State College, Pa., a work crew installed chain-link fences to barricade access to Porter Road outside Beaver Stadium and covered the fence with a blue tarp.
"The work crew then removed the 7-foot, 900-pound bronze statue by forklift and placed it into the lower level of the stadium. Erickson released his highly sensitive decision to the public at 7 a.m. ET Sunday."