Sunday, July 22, 2012

Aurora's Strict Gun Laws Didn't Prevent Shooting, But If One Law-Abiding Person In The Theater Had Been Carrying One...

CNS News  "Crime rates alone of cities such as Chicago and Washington D.C. prove that gun bans only increase crime. The D.C. police response rate is eight minutes; most crimes are done in less than one. Gun bans create a trouble-free world for criminals considering no one can defend themselves. If I were ever to face a situation like this, I would want to be prepared.

"I cannot help but think, if one person in that audience was carrying a gun with them, that person could have saved lives."
George Costanza Hits Tea Partiers After Colorado Movie Shooting: “These People” Are Okay With The Government “Enslaving Liberals, Homosexuals, And Democrats”…
Why can’t Hollywood just shut up and act?

Via Jason Alexander

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