Thursday, August 9, 2012

Once a soldier, always a soldier

From the Facebook site, Support-The-British-Army

Our name-caller-in-chief

Wartime tasks split: US to smash Iran’s missiles, Israel tackle Syria, Hizballah

Iran's Fateh-110 missile
DEBKAfile; "This task is not as formidable as Iranian spokesmen would have the world believe. Tehran’s entire stock of those missiles is no more than 30-40. That quantity is not nearly enough to take on the entire gamut of potential wartime foes, the United States Middle East bases, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan and Turkey. They would quckly be picked off by American Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense Systems and Israeli Arrow guided interceptor rockets, which are synchronized through the advanced US X-Band radar systems installed in the Israeli Negev and southeast Turkey.
"In any case, it is hard to believe that Iran would empty its entire ballistic missile arsenal in a single blazing assault at the start of war. “They are too canny to leave themselves without some Shehabs in reserve for crises even more acute than the outbreak of war,” said the US military source."

About Iran's Fateh-110   ..."On 6 September 2002 Iran successfully test fired the Fateh-110 A ballistic missile. State-run Tehran television said the Fateh-110 A missile was "one the most accurate surface-to-surface missiles manufactured in the world." No details were given on when or where in Iran the test was conducted nor was the missile's range revealed.
"Some reports claimed that the Fateh-110 A missile might have been based on the Chinese DF-11A missile, which had a range of 186 to 248 miles and was capable of carrying nuclear warheads."  Via Alan Caruba, Facebook.

A Fitting Answer to the IOC’s Snub

Jonathan S. Tobin writes in Commentary Magazine;  "As the Massachusetts native told the New York Post, she did not select the “Hava Nagila” Hebrew dance music deliberately to honor the Munich 11, but she took special satisfaction from winning the gold 40 years after the massacre . .... Her statement and victory ought to comfort Jews who were rightly outraged by the double standard shown by the IOC, but it doesn’t change the fact that the decision to snub the Munich victims at the opening ceremony was a telling indication of the group’s prejudice against Israel and Jews.

A winning day for U.S. gymnast Alexandra Raisman

Here is the video of Aly's gold-winning routine, danced to the strains of Hava Nagila, a joyful wedding song.

That Joe Soptic ad: Obama would never say it if it weren't true!

The Fact Checker ; New anti-Romney ad: same steelworker, tougher message   "In the ad, [Former steelworker Joe] Soptic also says that when “Romney and Bain closed the plant…my family lost their healthcare.”

"That’s not quite accurate either. CNN reported that, from speaking with Soptic, it had learned that his wife had continued to have her own insurance after the plant was shut down. She later lost the coverage in 2002 or 2003 when she left her own job because of an injury."

PJ Tatler; New Obama PAC Ad: Mitt Romney Killed My Wife! (Updated: Mitt Romney, Time Traveler?)  "Sen. Obama once promised to fire staff who engaged in this sort of attack politics. He went on to play the race card against the Clintons. Now, he is openly embracing and launching the most disgusting attacks since the NAACP accused George W. Bush of murdering James Byrd."

By Doug Powers via Michelle Malkin; Obama campaign denies knowing story of man in Super PAC cancer ad but hosted May conference call during which he told them the same story  "It appears Mr. Soptic will be encouraged to be “unavailable for comment” for quite some time — possibly at least until November 7th:"....

POLITICO CATCHES OBAMA CAMPAIGN IN LIE… AND BURIES IT  "Well, if you’re the corrupt Politico, you dutifully report but bury what is very big news that could affect Your Precious One's credibility.

"As of right now, you have a so-called objective news outlet obsessed with politics catching a sitting president's campaign in a bald-faced lie, and this is the headline of the piece:

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Liberals' Secret Weapon: Republicans Who Don't Read

Judge McCarthy in June, 1942,
 shortly before he took a leave
 of absence from 
his judicial
 post and joined the U. S. Marine
 Corps as a First Lieutenant
Ann Coulter  Discussing Sen. Joe McCarthy"Sensible people knew it at the time, but the disgorging of Soviet archives as well as Soviet cables decrypted by the top-secret Venona project proved beyond a doubt that McCarthy was right about the individuals he named. None of them should have been allowed anywhere near a government office.
"The claims of Will and Krauthammer are as true as liberal slanders about Karl Rove outing a CIA agent, tea partiers calling a black congressman the N-word and Duke lacrosse players raping a stripper. Even at the time, liberals had to back down from their lies about McCarthy saying he had a list of "205" communists. But liberals write the history and conservatives don't read."

"You Built That Business"

Posted at American Thinker
""You built that business but Barack says nooo!"  This theme still has legs and will creatively stalk Obama from now through election day...
 "Parody of "We Built this City" by Starship with an Obama twist.

Never, never try this in the Pacific Northwest.     Source: Victoria Taft

August 8th, 1940: Hitler begins the Battle of Britain (Updated, including a Facebook link))

History Learning Site  "The  Battle of Britain took place between August and September 1940. After the success of Blitzkrieg, the evacuation of Dunkirk and the surrender of France, Britain was by herself. The Battle of Britain remains one of the most famous battles of World War Two."

Battle of Britain Historical Society  "Today, the website is still the most sought after website on the Battle of Britain and will continue to do in the years ahead".
Many links to historical material in this site as well as this one: The great victory that they fought for MUST NEVER BE FORGOTTEN

“Hitler knows that he will have to break us in this island or lose the war. If we can stand up to him all Europe may be free, and the life of the world may move forward into broad, sunlit uplands; but if we fail, then the whole world will sink into the abyss of a new Dark Age. Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties and so bear ourselves that, if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say: ‘This was their finest hour.’ ”
"Churchill flatly refused to discuss anything with Hitler or any Nazi representative."  Winston Churchill, 1940
WW2 Battle of Britain rare footage
  The video will not play unless you click on the link below it.

Video:The star of the Battle of Britain, the Spitfire; gun camera views

Below: US War Department WW2 film on the Battle of Britain

Below: London in 1940

UPDATE: Government-provided family air raid shelter
Anderson shelters were designed to accommodate up to six people. The main principle of protection was based on curved and straight galvanised corrugated steel panelsRead more: 

Shelters being distributed to British residents, then restored, seventy years later.
"This video documents the restoration process from the initial collection of the shelter, to its eventual installation in the ground. It is hoped that the Anderson shelter will survive for many years to come, and provide the children at Elburton with a stimulating learning resource, giving them first-hand experience of what residents went through during the air raids that destroyed the City of Plymouth during WWII."

Secret Bunker Hertfordshire Uk  "I found some better pictures of the area online. Click the picture to enlarge the views from the four points of the compass. Its still a mysterious group of structures and warrants a site visit though. There seem to be angled blast walls and some promising looking entries to partly buried buildings. I wonder if anybody in Goffs Oak knows what this is/was?"

Reply: Mystery solved - it is in fact a WWII anti-aircraft site which is now subject to a preservation order since its one of the only large London Orbital gun batteries left.

Updated, 13 October Facebook; Battle of Britain 1940

Fear and Shame on the Campaign Trail

Roger L Simon   "Anyone who doubts the enduring power of the mainstream media need look no further than the rise in Romney’s unfavorables in a recent Pew Poll. .... Obama, on the other hand, is still considered a swell fellow.
...."And now for shame. .... And they know deep down that they are responsible for some of it, because they bought and promoted Barack Obama as if he were a messiah without the slightest bit of vetting. Obama was anointed, not elected. To this day no one knows who he is, possibly even Obama himself."
Political Cartoons by Gary McCoy

Michael Barone; Ted Cruz and Antoine Dodson

National Review Online  "The big media has assumed that tea-partiers are potentially violent despite the lack of evidence of any violent behavior. That’s why ABC’s Brian Ross mentioned on-air an Aurora, Colo., tea-partier with the same name as the movie-theater murderer, although it’s a common name and Aurora has 325,000 people.

"In contrast, the MSM has been happy to celebrate the much smaller and often violent Occupy movement and characterize it as “mostly nonviolent.”
...."In Huntsville, Ala., YouTube celebrity Antoine Dodson, who is openly gay, dined at Chick-fil-A on Wednesday. “That’s what freedom is. We don’t all have to believe in the same things,” he told a Huntsville Times reporter.
...."Dodson presumably is not an expert on the Constitution like Ted Cruz. But he has something to teach the liberal mainstream media about the spirit of the Founders."

The shameless Harry Reid

Debra Saunders: Harry Reid's big mouth   "Reid seemed to understand how fantastic his charge appeared. He told HuffPo, "Now, do I know that that's true? Well, I'm not certain. But obviously he can't release those tax returns. How would it look?" "
We ran this a few days ago, but here it is again: 'Call Obama's bluff!' 

Romney should call a press conference and issue a challenge in front of the nation. He should agree to release more of his tax returns, only if Obama unseals his college records

From The Washington Post, of all papers! Four Pinocchios for Harry Reid’s claim about Mitt Romney’s taxes   "But Romney’s 2010 return and his estimated 2011 return do show that he paid substantial taxes in those years. In 2010, he earned nearly $22 million, including $3 million in taxable interest, nearly $5 million in dividends and more than $12 million in capital gains. He reduced his taxes by giving $3 million in charitable contributions (much of it in appreciated stock, which shielded him from paying additional capital gains.)"

From Hope n' Change, which also adds some commentary.
WH Sides With Reid, Calls on Romney to Release Taxes  How about we exchange Romney's taxes for Obama's college transcripts? This breaking news just in: 
Reid: Credible Source Says Romney Owns a Pet Elephant  Via White House Dossier

Two from Lucianne: 
Even Mother Jones says  It's Time to Stop Celebrating Harry Reid  "This is contemptible stuff and it's not just business as usual. We've spent too many years berating the tea partiers for getting on bandwagons like this to get sucked into it ourselves the first time it's convenient. It's time to quit cheering on Reid and get off this particular bus."

Bachmann and Reid: A Troubling Double Standard  "Bachmann’s claims were based upon the thinnest possible evidence, and she was quickly denounced -- particularly by members of her own party -- for making such unsourced and scurrilous, claims.
" “These are dangerous accusations,” Speaker of the House John Boehner said on CNN, “If somebody had the facts, somebody should have put the facts out there." "
Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell
LA Times Touts Reid’s Lies as Winning Issue  "One of the journalists who follows Reid most closely, columnist Jon Ralston, told the Washington Post that the old pol was ‘fearless and shameless.” "

Dennis Miller's Epic Harry Reid Rant   "He might be one of the stupidest beings who still manages to stay upright."

"We've Been Warned: Obama ad candid about post-election plans --and it's scary"

Clark Judge  "Strengthening the middle class is, of course, a Democratic Party mantra… and a Republican Party goal.  It is universal to politics in a nation where almost every one of us considers him or herself part of the middle class.  But all the net new jobs over the past three decades have come from businesses started in the prior five years.  So where is the president going to find what he calls “middle class jobs” after he strangles entrepreneurship with higher taxes?  Meanwhile despite a nod to the deficit, he says not a word about spending that has gone from 20 percent of GDP before his presidency to 25 percent today.  Again, he gives not a hint of a lesson learned from his mistakes."  Via Hugh Hewitt
Political Cartoons by Henry Payne