Wednesday, August 8, 2012

"We've Been Warned: Obama ad candid about post-election plans --and it's scary"

Clark Judge  "Strengthening the middle class is, of course, a Democratic Party mantra… and a Republican Party goal.  It is universal to politics in a nation where almost every one of us considers him or herself part of the middle class.  But all the net new jobs over the past three decades have come from businesses started in the prior five years.  So where is the president going to find what he calls “middle class jobs” after he strangles entrepreneurship with higher taxes?  Meanwhile despite a nod to the deficit, he says not a word about spending that has gone from 20 percent of GDP before his presidency to 25 percent today.  Again, he gives not a hint of a lesson learned from his mistakes."  Via Hugh Hewitt
Political Cartoons by Henry Payne

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