Wednesday, August 8, 2012

August 8th, 1940: Hitler begins the Battle of Britain (Updated, including a Facebook link))

History Learning Site  "The  Battle of Britain took place between August and September 1940. After the success of Blitzkrieg, the evacuation of Dunkirk and the surrender of France, Britain was by herself. The Battle of Britain remains one of the most famous battles of World War Two."

Battle of Britain Historical Society  "Today, the website is still the most sought after website on the Battle of Britain and will continue to do in the years ahead".
Many links to historical material in this site as well as this one: The great victory that they fought for MUST NEVER BE FORGOTTEN

“Hitler knows that he will have to break us in this island or lose the war. If we can stand up to him all Europe may be free, and the life of the world may move forward into broad, sunlit uplands; but if we fail, then the whole world will sink into the abyss of a new Dark Age. Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties and so bear ourselves that, if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say: ‘This was their finest hour.’ ”
"Churchill flatly refused to discuss anything with Hitler or any Nazi representative."  Winston Churchill, 1940
WW2 Battle of Britain rare footage
  The video will not play unless you click on the link below it.

Video:The star of the Battle of Britain, the Spitfire; gun camera views

Below: US War Department WW2 film on the Battle of Britain

Below: London in 1940

UPDATE: Government-provided family air raid shelter
Anderson shelters were designed to accommodate up to six people. The main principle of protection was based on curved and straight galvanised corrugated steel panelsRead more: 

Shelters being distributed to British residents, then restored, seventy years later.
"This video documents the restoration process from the initial collection of the shelter, to its eventual installation in the ground. It is hoped that the Anderson shelter will survive for many years to come, and provide the children at Elburton with a stimulating learning resource, giving them first-hand experience of what residents went through during the air raids that destroyed the City of Plymouth during WWII."

Secret Bunker Hertfordshire Uk  "I found some better pictures of the area online. Click the picture to enlarge the views from the four points of the compass. Its still a mysterious group of structures and warrants a site visit though. There seem to be angled blast walls and some promising looking entries to partly buried buildings. I wonder if anybody in Goffs Oak knows what this is/was?"

Reply: Mystery solved - it is in fact a WWII anti-aircraft site which is now subject to a preservation order since its one of the only large London Orbital gun batteries left.

Updated, 13 October Facebook; Battle of Britain 1940

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