Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Obama’s Energy Policy, All Of The Above, Oh Really?

Chris Vaca   "When it comes to his energy policy (which he really has none) he says he wants “all of the above” but when you analyze that statement what he really means is he wants to get energy only from ABOVE the earth, not from the earth. Like everything else, he told us what he wanted to do, the American people thought he meant something else, like utilizing all forms of energy that we have in this country.

"We are all aware now that he has a green agenda, which up until now has been a complete failure. The problem is that the so called lame stream media refuses to say anything about them. We are all familiar the failure of Solyndra and the Chevy Volt, but how about the rest, here is a list that the media does not report on."

DNC Day 1/ A look at ObamaCare and illegal immigration

Conservative Daily News  "We had an interesting conversation and I shared with her the truth about universal healthcare as I experienced it growing up in Canada. Patti said she felt it was a tragedy that so many people in our country lacked insurance. I explained I shared her concern, but felt putting the government in charge of anything to do with your health was a big mistake. After all, would you trust anyone at the DMV to make the right decisions regarding your cancer treatment? Obamacare basically puts DMV employees in charge of the purse strings that control your health care. Patti agreed that was disturbing, given that Rick had recently beat prostate cancer. In the end we both agreed that it is up to each of us individually to do more for our struggling neighbors instead of shirking that duty off to a bloated, corrupt bureaucracy."

“They Come to America”, a documentary on illegal immigration.  "Once I got the car I headed into Charlotte to meet up with tea party leader Earl Phillips and his group. They were screening “They Come to America”, a documentary on illegal immigration. You should see that. You’ll wish you hadn’t, but still…you should watch it. 

Monday, September 3, 2012

What's in store for us at the Democrat convention

Four Years - Three Rings
"Reviewing the long list of speakers, Sandra "Your ceiling needs painting" Fluke will lecture us on taking responsibility and Nancy "Pass it to see what's in it" Pelosi will wax poetic on transparency. Elizabeth "Chief Running Gag" Warren will describe the challenges facing people who lie about being Native Americans in order to get affirmative action jobs.

"Speakers from Planned Parenthood will advocate for poorly planned (and taxpayer funded)unparenthood, Harry Reid will dab a tear from his eye as he calls for an end to partisanship in politics, and John Kerry will scold the Republicans for nominating an evil rich man as Presidential candidate."

Forbes; A Citizen's Guide to Conversation at the Democratic Convention "As the first Hispanic ever to keynote the Democratic convention, Castro will generate most of the buzz. But with 759 Hispanics participating in this year’s convention, the highest ever (cf.  to 658 in 2008), you can also expect a broader range of personalities and issues central to Hispanic voters to get some attention."  Partial list of Democratic convention speakers released
Suppose we'll get to see that long, tracking walk again of Bill Clinton as he heads out from backstage?

Weekly Standard; What to Watch for in Charlotte  "On this crucial matter, and across the board, every effort will be made to divert Americans' attention from present-day realities and choices.  In the spirit of an aging movement longing for the past, the question Obama and the Democrats will ask is not, "Are you better off than you were four years ago?" but rather, "Can you still recall how much better off you imagined you'd be four years ago?" "

Fred Barnes; Why they can’t stop talking about abortion.  "Since the early 1990s, the trend has been against an unrestricted right to abortion—better known as abortion on demand—which is the goal of leading Democrats, including President Obama, and pro-abortion organizations like Planned Parenthood and NARAL Pro-Choice America that have become pampered interest groups of the Democratic party."

Specious Democratic Talking Points  Axelrod, who else?

What to Expect at the Democratic Convention  
"But the biggest, most rotten zombie we will see in Charlotte is the class-warfare rhetoric that has already dominated Obama’s campaign." 

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa of SANCTUARY CITY LOS ANGELES and DNC Chairman

Roger L Simon;  Is ‘Villaraigosa’ Spanish for ‘Village Idiot’?  ...."This is yet another example of the deeply destructive race politics game played by the Democrats. Since they have no real ideology or program anymore, Keynesian economics having been shipwrecked off the coast of Greece, the Dems are reduced to exploiting racial and ethnic groups while accusing Republicans of racism that even a few Democrats must know does not exist."
.... "This is yet another example of the deeply destructive race politics game played by the Democrats. Since they have no real ideology or program anymore, Keynesian economics having been shipwrecked off the coast of Greece, the Dems are reduced to exploiting racial and ethnic groups while accusing Republicans of racism that even a few Democrats must know does not exist."

L.A. and the Politics of Sanctuary Cities 
"But sanctuary-supporting police and government officials may find it difficult to distinguish between the laws that they believe should be obeyed and those that they feel can be ignored with impunity. The massive unbridled immigration flows to which sanctuary policies capitulate are bringing with them Third World mores. Many of the Central American immigrants of the Westlake area resent the LAPD’s efforts to clean up their chaotic street-peddling, according to the Associated Press, a practice that is ubiquitous in the anemic, corruption-plagued economies of Latin America."

Riddle Me This, orrrrr...Go Figure

Independent Sentinel.  "Under “Obamacare”, the government mandates that every citizen show proof they are insured.  There are serious penalties if you don’t.

"However, to qualify for said “Obamacare”, you don’t have to show proof you are a citizen.
Have I got that right?
"If that’s not correct; If every citizen must show proof of citizenship in order to qualify for “Obamacare”, why can’t that same proof be shown to vote?
"No rush on your answer.  I’ll wait."

Monday is National Empty Chair Day! (Updated)

"This is a special day where we can all participateHere’s the plan: Set up your own empty chair, take a pic and send it in. Also, if possible, put an Empty Chair outside to commemorate the day. Post a link to your pic in Comments and we’ll post them in this main posting, orTweet your pic using #tbrs and the official National Empty Chair Day hashtag #EmptyChairDay and we’ll get that posted here, too. Over at Legal Insurrection, they’ve already started! Click here for examples of what their readers have started to send in! You can tell there’s all sorts of things you can do to the Empty Chair to make a statement and make it your own."

Big Government; 'Eastwooding' Inspires National Empty Chair Day on Monday

Michelle Malkin; Monday is National Empty Chair Day; Updated with photos

Time for a 2nd revised edition of the Liberal Racial Code Words Handbook: Chair!  

Twitchy has this.
And Tony Branco has this in Legal Insurrection:  Below
Update: ♪ I'm Just a Chair ♪ by Obama's Empty Chair

"The Empty Chair of the United States (ECOTUS) speaks out through song.

CAIR: Censor or Free-Speech Champion? The group opposes a law curtailing Jew hatred.

Andrew C. McCarthy  "It is farce. CAIR has no real interest in hate speech per se. Indeed, it has no real interest in civil rights — no proponent of sharia could. Its sole actual imperative is Islamic supremacism: promoting any cause that increases Islamic influence and protesting any effort either to reduce Islamic influence or to subject Islamic-supremacist doctrine to scrutiny. Consequently, CAIR’s precious fretting over hate speech extends only so far as Islam is advanced or imperiled."

Also by Andy McCarthy; Crucifixion? Must Be the ‘Aspirations of Arab Peoples for Greater Freedom’   "To truly “be prepared for anything,” the new president would have to understand that what the “Arab Spring” has “unleashed” is Islamic supremacism. Whether we face up to it or not, that is the mainstream Islam of the Middle East."

Democrats Air Frustrations with Obama 'Cockiness'

Big Government  "President Obama's competitive, boastful nature and condescending advice rubs even loyal Democrats the wrong way, a new profile alleges."
...."Kantor's piece carries a long-running theme that Obama easily -- perhaps even uncontrollably -- rates and ranks others around him. A 2008 debate gaffe found him flippantly calling Hillary Clinton "likable enough." Of Mitt Romney's 2012 campaign, he asserted, "We're the Miami Heat, and he's Jeremy Lin." Even his own staff are subject to criticism:"....

Iowans’ Message to Obama: ‘We Did Build This’
"Greeting Air Force One as it touched down under sunny skies and sultry heat was  a hand-painted banner draped across the top of an airplane hangar that reads, “Obama Welcome to SUX – We Did Build This.” “SUX” is the airport code for Sioux City."  I kid you not.

Suppression! DNC Charlotte: Identification required, even just near convention site

Twitchy  "Oh, dear! What will Ellen BarkinMichael MooreJoe Biden, the NAACPAttorney General Eric Holder and his apologists, Rep. Keith Ellison, and other unhinged leftists (redundant) say about this suppress-y turn of events? As they have told us, over and over, there is nothing more bigoted than requiring photo identification. Well, except for maybe “kitchen cabinets” and “chairs." 

It’s about the Iranian Bomb, Not Obama (Updated)

Commentary Magazine  "Earlier this year, a leftist Israeli think tank surveyed Israelis’ opinion of the left. The results were shocking: 63 percent viewed it unfavorably, 48 percent deemed it elitist, only 33 percent said it shared their values, only 31 percent deemed it capable of governing effectively, and only 28 percent thought it had good solutions for national security challenges."
...."But leftists who profess themselves bewildered by these results would also be well-advised to study the recent spate of leftist pundits (here and here, for instance) claiming that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s main, if not only, reason for weighing an attack on Iran this fall is to harm President Barack Obama’s reelection bid."  

Israel News;  'Iran must steer clear of US interests in Gulf'  "Washington reportedly sends Tehran indirect message saying it will not back Israeli strike on nuclear facilities as long as Iran refrains from attacking American facilities in Persian Gulf." Shimon Shiffer 

Update: ; Obama’s Plans Won’t Soothe Israel’s Fears  "President Obama might avoid such an eventuality if he were to make firm public promises about the use of force and state that he would do so before Iran’s program got close to completion rather than afterward. But that is something he seems most reluctant to do. With reassurances like these, the Israelis are being brutally reminded that they must depend on no one but themselves."

Sunday, September 2, 2012

What a difference four years makes!

Political Cartoons by Glenn Foden

150 years ago; the Battle of Chantilly and the return of Gen. McClelland

Sept 1, 1862; Battle of Chantilly (Ox Hill)  "Making a wide flank march, Jackson hoped to cut off the Union retreat from Bull Run. On September 1, beyond Chantilly Plantation on the Little River Turnpike near Ox Hill, Jackson sent his divisions against two Union divisions under Kearny and Stevens. Confederate attacks were stopped by fierce fighting during a severe thunderstorm. Union generals Stevens and Kearny were both killed. Recognizing that his army was still in danger at Fairfax Courthouse, Maj. Gen. Pope ordered the retreat to continue to Washington. With Pope no longer a threat, Lee turned his army west and north to invade Maryland, initiating the Maryland Campaign and the battles of South Mountain and Antietam. Maj. Gen. George B. McClellan assumed command of Union forces around Washington."

The Battle of Chantilly  "General Pope summed up the situation fairly enough, though with a certain amount of favorable coloring, in his despatch to Halleck on the evening of the battle. He says:"....

The prima donna McClelland relishes the defeat of his colleague Pope. 
Such an inconsistency from a general who purported to love his troops so much.

Interactive battle map. As you view this map, you can easily see how little of the battlefield was preserved from development

Sept 2, 1862; Union General George B. McClellan restored to command in Virginia

With Northern armies driven out of Virginia, Lee begins the Maryland campaign.