Ann Coulter "Today, we will focus on the outstanding individual performance of the man who, since the departure of Contessa Brewer, is widely regarded by his colleagues as the stupidest on-air personality at MSNBC. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Chris Matthews."....
...."The next night on "Hardball," Matthews made his most dramatic announcement yet! It seems the mention of "Chicago" in relation to the president is also a racist dog whistle.
"Matthews: "They keep saying Chicago, by the way, you noticed?"?
"Guest John Heilemann, like an orderly in a mental institution trapped alone with a patient, played along, responding, "Well, there's a lot of black people in Chicago" -- while frantically jabbing at the alarm button."
...."The next night on "Hardball," Matthews made his most dramatic announcement yet! It seems the mention of "Chicago" in relation to the president is also a racist dog whistle.
"Matthews: "They keep saying Chicago, by the way, you noticed?"?
"Guest John Heilemann, like an orderly in a mental institution trapped alone with a patient, played along, responding, "Well, there's a lot of black people in Chicago" -- while frantically jabbing at the alarm button."