Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Thoughts about some of those, like, Democrat delegates; be very afraid of this Democrat Party!

Neal Boortz; High School Delegate  "I notice that Fox and Friends interviewed a high school student who is also a delegate to the Democrat Convention this week.  I didn’t watch … couldn’t bear it.  If I had been interviewing this young know-it-all here are some of the questions I would ask:"
The questions include, among others, this significant one: 
  • ....Who controlled the congress when Obama was elected in 2008?....
...."At this point the high school student would be sobbing uncontrollably and I would be the most hated man in America."....

At least one Democratic delegate will lead the charge opposing his party's stance on same-sex 'marriage' this week at the convention   "He'll face an uphill battle: DNC schedules show a bevy of official and unofficial events promoting a gay agenda, and convention-goers were already walking the streets of Charlotte on Sunday afternoon with T-shirts declaring: "LGTB for Obama." " More on this here.

Why the Democratic Convention Plan Shows Obama Will Lose the Election  "The information released about the Democratic National Convention seems to show it is designed to prove how radical the party is and to play to the most limited possible sector of the population. There will be hatred and vicious character assassination. Of all the imams that could have been chosen, one with a radical background was picked to lead services while—from what I’ve read—Catholics were almost deliberately dissed."

People's Cube; Starring the Democrat police speaker line-up:  Here are just a few of those listed:
• Former president Jimmy “I’m no longer the worst president in history” Carter!
• Former president — and everybody’s favorite accused rapist and sexual harasser– Bill Clinton!
• Former RINO Republican Governor of Florida Charlie “Benedict Arnold!” Crist!
• U.S. Senator Dick “Turban” Durbin of Illinois!
• Chicago Mayor Rahm “30 shootings a day, and I happen to be gay” Emanuel!
• American’s Slut and Law School Graduate (wow!) Sandra “What the @#$% am I doing here?” Fluck
• Congressman Barney “Housing Crisis” Frank of Massachusetts!....

Left; Meet Anaheim And Charlotte, The Prom King And Queen Of The DNC
Left; Aneheim James, a protestor from Fullerton, California. Hey, he's a Ron Paul supporter and obviously not a Republican!
If he is a Ron Paul supporter, might we not expect a Ron Paul administration to more closely resemble the Obama regime than any Republican one?

I think we dodged a bullet here.

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