Friday, September 14, 2012

Socialism means we all share the misery

An Economic 'Plan'?  by Thomas Sowell  "But history shows that the economy rebounded out of a worse unemployment situation in just two years under Harding, who simply let the market revive on its own, as it had done before, time and time again for more than a century.
"Something similar happened under Ronald Reagan. Unemployment peaked at 9.7 percent early in the Reagan administration. Like Harding and earlier presidents, Reagan did nothing, despite outraged outcries in the media.
"The economy once again revived on its own. Three years later, unemployment was down to 7.2 percent -- and it kept on falling, as the country experienced twenty years of economic growth with low inflation and low unemployment."....
Despite demands that Mitt Romney spell out his plan for reviving the economy, we can only hope that Governor Romney plans to stop the government from intervening in the economy and gumming up the works, so that the economy can recover on its own. (emphasis added)
Good and Bad News from the Fed " can make an argument that the declining ability of stimulus to move the needle is a sign that inefficiencies are beginning to accumulate and that the economy has some deeper issues that conventional policy measures aren’t reaching."  
The American Interest

Bernanke Sucker-Punches Romney Campaign "The Fed's $40 billion-per-month of "quantitative easing" could kick off inflation, led by rising prices in the energy sector -- exacerbated in no small part by Obama's unwillingness to approve the Keystone pipeline, approve domestic drilling, or impose order on the Middle East.  

"But Obama will have his second term to finish "transforming" America, and Bernanke will get his reappointment.
"The country will be in very, very deep trouble.
"No matter.
"They'll just blame Bush."

Obama's War on Middle Class: Median Income Lowest Since 1995
Political Cartoons by Glenn Foden

Thursday, September 13, 2012

‘Whose Democratic Party?’

New ad questions Obama's relationship with Israel
In the coming days, the Emergency Committee for Israel, a pro-Israel advocacy organization, will release an ad entitled, “Whose Democratic Party?”

"The spot, which will air during Sunday’s football game between the Miami Dolphins and the Oakland Raiders in what is being described as a “significant ad buy,” accuses Obama of leading his party to weaken the U.S.-Israel alliance."

Nightmare in Libya: Thousands of Surface-to-Air Missiles Unaccounted For

ABC News "The White House announced today it planned to expand a program to secure and destroy Libya's huge stockpile of dangerous surface-to-air missiles, following an ABC News report that large numbers of them continue to be stolen from unguarded military warehouses."
....The ease with which rebels and other unknown parties have snatched thousands of the missiles has raised alarms that the weapons could end up in the hands of al Qaeda, which is active in Libya.

Today in 1942; the Battle of Stalingrad begins  "The Battle of Stalingrad is considered by many historians to have been the turning point in World War Two in Europe. The battle at Stalingrad bled the German army dry in Russia and after this defeat, the Germany Army was in full retreat. One of the ironies of the war, is that the German Sixth Army need not have got entangled in Stalingrad. Army Groups A and B were well on their way to the Caucasus in south-west Russia, when Hitler ordered an attack on Stalingrad. From a strategic point of view it would have been unwise to have left a major city unconquered in your rear as you advanced. However, some historians believe that Hitler ordered the taking of Stalingrad simply because of the name of the city and Hitler's hatred of Joseph Stalin. For the same reason Stalin ordered that the city had to be saved."
Maps of the battle          

Battle of Stalingrad  "Various scholars have estimated the Axis suffered from 500,000 to 850,000 casualties (killed, wounded, captured) among all branches of the German armed forces and its allies, many of them POWs who died in Soviet captivity between 1943 and 1955. Of the 91,000 German POWs taken at Stalingrad, 27,000 died within weeks:and only 5-6,000 returned to Germany by 1955. The remainder of the POWs died in Soviet captivity.
"On 2 February 1943, the resistance of all Axis troops in Stalingrad ceased. Out of the 91,000 prisoners taken by the Soviets, 3,000 were Romanian. These were the survivors of the 20th Infantry Division, 1st Cavalry Division and "Colonel Voicu" Detachement.
"According to archival figures, the Red Army suffered a total of 1,129,619 total casualties; 478,741 men killed or missing and 650,878 wounded. These numbers are for the whole Stalingrad area; in the city itself 750,000 were killed, captured, or wounded."

Do you know who this is?

Long-time readers of the Tunnel Wall may remember. Write your guess in the comments link below.

Going to Mars; from launch to landing!

Made in the USA

Hat tip to Jack Hamner, Tunnel Dweller's former supervisor at Atlas Space Launch Complex, Vandenberg Air Force Base, CA

Why Is Obama Still Likable?

Bruce Thornton  "If a significant number of Americans are telling pollsters that they find someone so out of touch with their political beliefs “likable,” just because they’re afraid of appearing “racist” by criticizing a black man, then the race card remains a powerful trump. Whether it’s powerful enough to return a manifest failure to the White House remains to be seen."
Political Cartoons by Eric Allie

Obama's lap dog press

The Journalist’s Creed  "The Journalist’s Creed was written by the first dean of the Missouri School of Journalism, Walter Williams. One century later, his declaration remains one of the clearest statements of the principles, values and standards of journalists throughout the world." 

American Thinker; Journalists, not  "Contrast what is asked in accusatory fashion of Romney with that which is asked of Obama.  What is your favorite color?  If you could have just one super power, what would it be?  Obama speaks on his own volition in platitudes and banalities, and is prompted by his journalist "lap dogs"  to speak of the absurd and meaningless.  Fully protected. "....

Five Facts the Media Are Distorting About Romney's Response to Embassy Attacks   
"But do note that Romney stayed to answer journalists’ questions, while Obama refused, ducking out to attend a fundraiser in Las Vegas. Romney is effectively the leader of the free world today, the man whose principled reaction to events expressed what ought to be--and used to be--the minimum Americans expect of their president. 
"That we still cherish and enjoy our free press is no thanks to Obama--or the media that protect him."

Michelle Malkin: Reporters Plotting Questions for Romney Are Obama's 'Tools' and 'Stenographers'

"Readers are also advised that the NPR correspondent involved in this disgraceful episode is the same one that on Monday refused to say the Pledge of Allegiance or stand for the National Anthem at a Romney campaign event. 
"NPR must be so proud of its employee."

Obama and his media handle that 3 am phone call from Libya

Reports: Ambassador Stevens Qaddafi'd?   "Yesterday I read reports that the Libyan doctor who pronounced Ambassador Stevens dead said he "Had bleeding in his stomach." Today there are unconfirmed reports that he was treated in a similar manner as was Gadhafi." (Which involved a sharp stick)
"Regardless of how Ambassador Stevens was murdered the left needs to stop making love to the Islamists and make a little war on those responsible. Because the results of the current policy are pretty much self evident."

Pundit and Pundette; Obama's "tough day"    "Though already well beyond redemption, our media lapdogs outdid themselves yesterday, covering themselves in their own shame as they played dead to the real, burning questions while working tirelessly to turn Obama's opponent into a fool or a knave for responding to events as Americans once expected presidents to respond."

Obama Admits He Lost Egypt as American Ally  Quoting Hot Air's Ed Morrissey:
"Who lost Egypt? Barack Obama.  His administration waited eight whole days when those demonstrations erupted to demand Mubarak’s ouster, and then insisted on immediate elections — even though the only opposition organized well enough at that point in time for elections was the radical Muslim Brotherhood.  In both Egypt and even more in Libya — where Obama applied military force to dislodge and topple Moammar Qaddafi — the White House left power vacuums that allowed the most radical elements to seize control.  Critics of Obama’s policies in both regards warned of this very outcome eighteen months ago, to no avail."
Neal Boortz; Free Speech "Let’s look at American academia for a second here.  We have University of Pennsylvania professor Anthea Butler..... Butler believes that Sam Bacile should be in jail!  Can you believe this?  These proggies are taking on the traits of the very societies that are killing Americans: oppression of the minority, lack of protected freedoms, and disregard for the rule of law."

Sorry your feelings were hurt, you stalwarts of religious tolerance.  Will the press say to Mr. Obama, "You weren't asked back then, but could you give us some specific examples of the words and deeds by which Islam has demonstrated its religious tolerance"?

Obama Refused To Meet With Netanyahu During The Same Exact Period He Offered To Meet With Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood President… 
"The invitation to Mohammed Morsi, a member of the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood, a group with a violent past, could raise concerns among lawmakers who have questioned continued U.S. support for Egypt."

Death of Ambassador Stevens Is America’s Shame, Hillary’s and Obama’s  
"Furthermore, the level of naiveté this illuminates is extraordinary and makes a mockery of the media’s self-serving meme that Mitt Romney is a beginner in global affairs while President Obama is somehow now expert. As if."

Haaretz; The murder of the US ambassador to Libya is a wake-up call for Obama
"But with the American presidential election only two months away, the murder of four American diplomats could be a game changer so far as Mr Obama's re-election prospects are concerned."

Today's Democrats who are teaching your children

Michelle Malkin; Alinskyites on the march: Chicago teachers show their true colors " “In the first day of its strike, the Chicago Teachers Union played host to a collective of radicals, including those proudly wearing Che Guevara t-shirts and others hoisting anarchist flags. The radical with the flag explained it stood for “revolutionary unionism” and that strong unions can stand up to “capitalists.” He said the union has leaders who got elected on a “syndicalist” platform.” "  Radical Chicago Teachers on Parade

Che-cago teachers strike riddled with radicals having a blast   "EAGnews chronicles the general carnival-like atmosphere in the streets of Chicago as the teachers continue to betray the students."
Vulgar Rapper's Mom on Chicago Board of Education   "A radical, cop-hating, misogynistic rapper's mom has influenced the Chicago school system in her various capacities as teacher, principal and now Board member. This speaks volumes as to why the schools in her city are representational of the ills found in public schools across the nation."

Obama’s Terror Touchdown Dance is Over

Jonathan S. Tobin   "Would it be considered in bad taste to ask why, if the Obama administration’s counter-terrorism policy is such a raging success, such a person is still on the loose? Equally interesting is the answer to the question of how it is that in Libya, a country where American influence is supposed to be currently strong, this administration found itself surprised by the appearance of armed foes. Though Democrats spent the last week furiously patting themselves on the back for having such a tough and successful leader at the helm, it appears that not only is the country just as unpopular in the Middle East as it was when George W. Bush was president, but that the security situation there may be rapidly unraveling. Though no one in Washington is allowed to say the phrase “war on terror” anymore, it appears that Islamists have no trouble in continuing their war on America."

A great power cowers in fear. Again.

No time for U.S. passivity   "The next test will be whether — and how quickly — Egypt and Libya move to apprehend the criminals and or terrorists responsible for these acts and hold them accountable for their heinous actions.
"If they aren’t willing to bring the attackers to justice, we should be willing to do so to serve as a lesson to them and others. These outrageous acts can’t stand."

Protesters storm U.S. Embassy in Yemen  

" "America should apologize immediately and arrest the people who've made the film," Shah Ahmadullah Ashraf, head of Bangladesh Khalefat Andolon, a small Islamic party that organized the rally, told the crowd."
The Holder DOJ, known to Obama as "my Justice Department", just might. Defending American interests and principles has been bad for your health and finances since January, 2009.

Is Obama channeling Jimmy Carter?   "Carter criticized Reagan’s views on foreign policy during his speech at the Democratic National Convention in 1980, slamming Reagan for living in a “fantasy world” and noting his inability to understand the “complex global changes” in foreign policy
.“It’s a make believe world. A world of good guys and bad guys, where some politicians shoot first and ask questions later,” Carter said, “No hard choices. No sacrifice. No tough decisions. It sounds too good to be true – and it is. The path of fantasy leads to irresponsibility. The path of reality leads to hope and peace.”