Newsbusters "Now back to Obama: the laugh track should have kicked in when Obama mentioned the movie “Lincoln,” and Gregory nauseatingly asked, “Is this your Lincoln moment?” Obama’s always encouraged Lincoln parallels, no matter how ridiculous, but he laughably insisted “Well no, look. I never compared myself to Lincoln.”
"Even NBC knew it was foisting a liberal double standard on its viewers. Here is NBC’s Peter Alexander describing Gregory on the “NBC Nightly News” on December 23: “Facing a barrage of tough questions for the first time since the deadly massacre in Newtown, on ‘Meet the Press,’ the NRA’s CEO Wayne LaPierre forcefully defended his call for armed officers in every school.”
Seven days later, on the same newscast, NBC’s Kristen Welker noticed Gregory helpfully offered Obama the floor for “weighing in” against Republicans: “Weighing in from the White House, the president, who appeared on ‘Meet the Press,’ pushed Republicans to give on taxes.”
"This is the reason why liberal journalists shouldn’t be so shocked at the “vitriol” against Gregory and his fellow Obama courtiers in the press. Everything they do – legal and illegal, ethical and unethical – looks designed to embarrass and defeat conservatives."
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Brent Bozell
Legal Insurrection has these posts.
David Limbaugh David Gregory's Slobbering Obama Interview "NBC's David Gregory interviewed President Barack Obama on "Meet the Press" Sunday, and a conversation ensued that would have been more fitting for a show called "The President Meets One of His Many Mainstream Media Enablers."
"Let's take a look at just some of the exchanges and fantasize how different the nation's political and electoral climate might be if the liberal press were doing its job as watchdog instead of taking sides."
Picture at left from Rush Limbaugh, who asks, "When I see an entire political party and media, same thing, lined up against perfectly fine, nice, decent people on our side, situation like this, I'm not gonna join the chorus to take 'em out. But we've got people on our side who do. I'm gonna try instead to make people think about, "Well, wait a minute, who are these people that demand that our people get out of the race anyway? Why don't we start demanding they give up their jobs? "