Wednesday, January 2, 2013

50 Reasons Why It Rocks to Be a Progressive in 2013

Kyle Becker 

"The New Year has arrived, and along with it, an epiphany of sorts. After struggling for years to be an advocate of free enterprise and limited government, it’s finally time to concede to leftists. It would be so much easier that way — just become a lefty, and instantly have positive reinforcement all around you confirming your every thought!
"Why not? It seems like a great time to be a radical leftist, looking down on conservatives and calling them names without any concern for the truth. The following is a list of 50 reasons why it surely rocks to be a progressive in 2013."For example:...
2 Whatever your heart desires, it’s a “right.”
8. Debt ceases to exist if you stop believing in it.
36. Whatever left-wing radicals believe is “moderate,” and conservatives who believe in maintaining our relatively free society and prosperous economy are “extremists.”
40. Don’t worry about making intellectual arguments to the masses, just buy them off with other people’s money.
Hat tip to Becca Lower at  Conservative Bloggers on Facebook

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