Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The New Liberal Aristocracy; Modern elitists are past masters at preaching one thing and practicing another.

Victor Davis Hanson   "Class warrior Barack Obama spent his winter break in a ritzy rental on a Hawaiian beach. It cost the taxpayers $7 (or is it $20?) million to jet him and his entourage 6,000 miles for their tropical vacation. But whether the first family escapes to Hawaii or Martha’s Vineyard or Costa del Sol, the image of a 1 percent lifestyle seems a bit at odds with the president’s professed disdain for “millionaires and billionaires,” “fat cats,” and “corporate-jet owners” who supposedly can afford such tony retreats only because they have done something suspect."
...."Senator John Kerry, who will soon become secretary of state, is a tireless advocate of higher taxes while enjoying his multimillionaire wife’s multiple estates."
...."What explains the hypocrisy of the new liberal aristocracy?"
"....But penance plays a role as well. For the overpaid and pampered Hollywood movie star, calling for raising taxes, banning guns, ending global warming, and legalizing gay marriage means never having to feel too bad about living on the beach and making, under our capitalist system, more money in a month than do many Americans in a lifetime." (Emphasis added)

Uh-oh. Looks like I'm in trouble for the previous post! Article calls Obama ‘aloof’; Libs scramble to put aloof in Handbook of Racial Code Words. Well, one lib anyway. But after this remark gets forwarded around more, we'll see if Chris Matthews rants about it. Here's the tweet:                       
@NPRinskeep @ron_fournier really? Not republican intransigence and ideological rigidity but President Obama is aloof? Code for uppity?
And here is the article being tweeted about by the low-information tweeter. Read the article yourself and show me one sentence that can be construed in any way to be racial:

The Perils of Being Aloof; Willingness to Schmooze Can Make the Difference Between a Good and Great Presidency.
"At the start of his second term, one wonders less about Obama's fitness than his willingness: Why doesn't he do more to build and maintain the relationships required to govern in era of polarization?"
Did you read it? Go ahead, I'll wait here for you. After all, we don't want you to be another of the low-information people, do we?
Picture at right from Obama cartoons

Lessons In Government School Indoctrination

Neal Boortz
"The problem is HOW this government school document teaches the lesson.  The headline at the top of the document reads “Distribute the Wealth.”  And there you have the picture of the pretty little girl with the cute little pony tail.  She’s holding a bag of money in one hand, and giving away some of that money with the other.  Yes!  She’s distributing her wealth!  But if you study the picture you’ll see there’s an even more subtle message.  She’s not handing money away from her wallet or her purse.  No!  That wouldn’t get the real message across!  Why pretty much every little girl has a wallet or a purse.  No .. this little sweetheart has a BAG of money!  Not every little girl has BAGS of money … so this girl must be really RICH!  And since she’s rich her money needs to be redistributed!  So she’s being a good little rich girl  and she’s smiling as she hands her money away."

Well, wouldn't the most accurate picture be that she is smiling while some adult is reaching into her bag to take money out?

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The English role in the American Civil War

When Liverpool was Dixie; An English history, an American War
 "April of 1861, Stephen Mallory, Secretary of the Confederate Navy, met with James Dunwoody Bulloch, a private citizen, in Montgomery, AL.
"Bulloch was inducted into the Confederate Navy, with the rank of Lieutenant, and given orders to travel to Liverpool, England, there to build and equip, ships of war for the Confederate Navy. What followed is one of the most remarkable stories of the conflict, a story that continued, long after the conflict itself had finished.
"The story of the South`s hidden hero Commander James Dunwoody Bulloch."  Via The 290 Foundation on Facebook
The ships,,foremost of them all being the British-built Alabama
 Read her fascinating story:  "Originally designated the 290 (she was the 290th vessel to be built in the Lairds yard). She was launched as the Enrica, and was once referred to as the Barcelona upon her arrival in the Azores. Being commissioned into the Confederate States Navy in August 1862 as the CSS Alabama."
Hence the name of the 290 Foundation, our source for this information.
Lower deck construction blueprint
Elevation drawing of Alabama Notice the storage for "Spirits","Bread' and "Shells" all together.
Hear Alabama's story in song by Kimber's Men. There are more polished versions of this, but I particularly loved KM's harmonies even though they were just jammin' here.


Cherbourg, France, June 19, 1864

SIR:   I have the honor to inform the Department that the day subsequent to the arrival of the Kearsarge off this port, on the 14th instant, I received a note from Captain Semmes, begging that the Kearsarge would not depart, as he intended to fight her and would not delay her but a day or two.

According to this notice, the Alabama left the port of Cherbourg this morning at about 9:30 o'clock.

At 10:20 a. m. we discovered her steering toward us. Fearing the question of jurisdiction might arise, we steamed to sea until a distance of 6 or 7 miles was attained from the Cherbourg breakwater, when we rounded to and commenced steaming for the Alabama. As we approached her within about 1,200 yards she opened fire, we receiving two or three broadsides before a shot was returned. The action continued, the respective steamers making a circle round and round at a distance of about 900 yards from each other. At the expiration of an hour the Alabama struck, going down in about 20 minutes afterwards, and carrying many persons with her.

It affords me great gratification to announce to the Department that every officer and man did his duty, exhibiting a degree of coolness and fortitude which gave promise at the outset of certain victory.

I have the honor to be, most respectfully, your obedient servant,     



Mentioned in this account is the city of Birkenhead. This is the account of the sinking of the HMS Birkenhead and the origin of the phrase, "The Birkenhead Drill" and "Women and children first"...
The account includes this quote from Somerset Maugham:
 "I much prefer travelling in non-British ships. There's none of that nonsense about women and children first."

Trend in conservative protests — supporting retailers under attack

Legal Insurrection  "It seems my first prediction of the year came true:  There won’t be any massive “Tea Party” rallies. Instead… more impromptu displays celebrating American principles and liberties will occur.
"Over 60,000 people signed up to shop at Hobby Lobby Saturday in a show of support for the company’s freedom of religion. The firm sells arts and crafts supplies and is owned by evangelical David Green. The company filed a lawsuit against the Health and Human Services contraceptive mandate that requires it to cover contraception, sterilization and abortifacients in their employees’ health care.
" "It was another successful buycott organized by average Americans upset with the over-reach of the government, just as Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day was last year.  For example, News 5/KOAA in Colorado Springs reports that hundreds of area residents showed up and added a little something extra to their support:"

Tens of Thousands Flock to Hobby Lobby on National Appreciation Day

Standing With Hobby Lobby on Facebook

"PROTEST BONUS! There is a petition on the White House website to officially recognize the Roman Catholic Church as a hate group. Happily, they seem rather shy of the 25,000 signatures requested. My purchase seems like a good way to protest that, too."...See below:
We The People has this petition going: We petition the Obama Administration to: Officially recognize the Roman Catholic Church as a hate group.   ...."Pope Benedict said that gay people starting families are threatening to society, and that gay parents objectify and take away the dignity of children. The Pope also implied that gay families are sub-human, as they are not dignified in the eyes of God.
Upon these remarks, the Roman Catholic Church fits the definition of a hate group as defined by both the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League." ...."Signatures needed by January 24, 2013 to reach goal of 25,000: 22,625" "Total signatures on this petition: 2,375"
But this cartoon shows us how any of us who take a stand for Christian principles will be depicted:
It does not matter that a company carries healthcare for its employees; if they do not provide birth control they will be accused of not doing so and be given the" tolerant liberal treatment".  

Why Is The Left In America So Filled With HATE?

The Freedom Fighter's Journal: A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet
"They have no respect for anyone other than themselves.  Common decency in addressing another human being who may hold a differing opinion is avoided like the plague.
"Their use of the vilest of profane language in the pubic square is their trademark.  Having a conversation with them is akin to walking barefoot through a livestock pen — in the dark.
"They are the bully in every conversation or discussion.  Their use of vocal force to dominate a debate, especially when they are losing to common sense, only demonstrates the shallowness of their own knowledge stream ...."
...."The rancid attitude of the left has poisoned the American political process and has infected the American citizenry so deeply that a total breakup of the country would not be unexpected."
 Want some good examples? How about this one on then-Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice by Danziger? We printed another of her by the virulently anti-Republican 'toonist Oliphant recently. 
Here is liberal treatment of conservative economist Thomas Sowell that MSNBC people are free to comment upon at any time they feel like doing so:

Monday, January 7, 2013

Israel and Chuck Hagel

Obviously Obama seems to enjoy picking fights with conservatives. He relishes the chances it gives him to demagogue as he stands in front of beaming supporters posed tightly behind him. In other words, Hagel is a symptom of the unchecked arrogance of the president as he enters his second term.

President Obama to nominate Chuck Hagel as his next defense secretary, senior administration official says  ".... he's ready for a contentious confirmation fight likely dominated by questions about Hagel's stands on Israel and Iran." Lucianne

Would Israel’s Qualitative Military Edge Survive Hagel?  "The logic was simple: Israel would be outnumbered in both men in uniform and hardware by its neighbors: The Arab League contains more than 400 million people; Israel tops out at less than 8 million."
...."When it comes to Israel’s [qualitative military edge] , perhaps one of the first questions the Senate should ask their former colleague is whether he believes that maintaining Israel’s QME continues to have a place in America’s national security, how recent events should mandate that QME be calculated, what cost is acceptable to maintain the QME, and what changes, if any, he would like to see made to it."

Iran Gets the Message on Hagel  "...we’ll probably hear how Hagel’s views have “evolved” and “don’t matter anyway,” because Obama sets the policies. That’s nonsense. .... There is only one reason, one possible advantage, of choosing a fight over Hagel. And that’s to send a message to Israel and Iran."  The author quotes this from Iranian PressTV

Obama to name anti-Israeli Hagel as Defense Secretary: Reports   "All signs indicate that US President Barack Obama is poised to nominate anti-Israel ex-Senator Chuck Hagel as the next defense secretary soon, informed sources say."

This is a signal from Obama to Iran and Israel; if Congress approves Hagel they will be endorsing this same position. Think of the import of this. TD

Caroline Glick wrote back in December: Hagel, Obama and the Israeli elections  "... there is no chance that Obama will appoint a supporter of a strong Israel to any senior foreign policy post because he wouldn't appoint someone who doesn't share his basic animosity towards Israel. But in Hagel, he chose someone even more outspoken in his animus towards the Jewish state than Obama."

Jewish World Review posted this: GOPers to defend Israel from one of their own; "Sunday, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., predicted that Hagel would be "the most antagonistic secretary of defense toward the state of Israel in our nation's history," and called it an "in-your-face nomination." "

Israel Matsav gives this quote from the column "Soccer Dad's Middle East Media Sampler"
"Recently, a campaign to support the flagging nomination of Sen. Chuck Hagel as Secretary of Defense began. Part of that campaign were two op-eds in the New York Times casting opponents of Hagel as extremists".

Winners and losers in the fiscal cliff deal

WaPo; Winners and losers in the fiscal cliff deal  "Obama’s handling of the fiscal cliff talks felt pitch perfect up until his Monday event with “middle class” citizens. The rally felt too much like a campaign rally — Obama was repeatedly cheered — and the president himself was in a joking mood that didn’t seem to fit the moment.  Will it be overshadow the fact that he got a deal? No. But it was an off-key note from the country’s top communicator."

Regulatory Calendar: Administration Releases 2013 Regulatory Plan

Time to get this?
  • Possible Costs: $123.2 billion
  • Possible Paperwork Burden: 13.6 million hours

  • American Action Forum  "On the Friday afternoon before Christmas, the administration released its delayed 2012 “Unified Agenda” of federal regulations.  Rather than publish a spring and fall agenda, the custom every year since 1996, the White House opted for a late afternoon drop during the holidays."The timing is perhaps less important than the contents of the new report.  According to initial projections, the agenda contains $123.2 billion in possible regulatory costs for 2013 and at least 13 million paperwork burden hours.
    "What’s more, some entries lacked data typically included in the regulatory plan, and outlined in the Regulatory Flexibility Act.  For example, new import security filings state $0 in capital and annual costs in the 2012 agenda.  However, the 2011 agenda clearly stated costs could reach $7 billion annually.  It’s not clear how widespread these omissions are in the 2012 agenda.
    "Listed below are 40 notable regulations (out of 2,387 active actions) on the horizon for 2013, organized by agency, and then chronologically by scheduled release date." "
    Read them here

    Video; Top government regulations Santa will break

    Obama supporters shocked, angry at new tax increases

         Washington Times
    Sometimes, watching a Democrat learn something is wonderful, like seeing the family dog finally sit and stay at your command
    "Shocker. Democrats who supported the president’s re-election just had NO idea that his steadfast pledge to raise taxes meant that he was really going to raise taxes. They thought he planned to just hit those filthy “1 percenters,” you know, the ones who earned fortunes through their inventiveness and hard work. They thought the free ride would continue forever.
    "So this week, as taxes went up for millions of Americans — which Republicans predicted throughout the campaign would happen — it was fun to watch the agoggery of the left."

    Democrat Underground Blames Bush for Obama Payroll Tax Hike
    "And somebody went to Democrat Underground, somebody got the idea to go there and just troll and look around, and one of the first posts in Democrat Underground last night was this: "What happened that my Social Security withholding's in my paycheck just went up? My paycheck just went down by an amount that I don't feel comfortable with. I guarantee this decrease is gonna hurt me more than the increase in income taxes will hurt those making over 400 grand. What happened?" "

    Sunday, January 6, 2013

    David Gregory's Slobbering Obama Interview

    Townhall  "Might Gregory have asked Obama how he can continue to put an unrealistically positive spin on such persistently dismal numbers? If this were a Republican president, do you think Gregory wouldn't have pointed out that the only reason these numbers appear to be slightly improving is that more people have actually given up looking for work altogether?"
    "Obama said, "I negotiated with Speaker Boehner in good faith and moved more than halfway in order to achieve a grand bargain."

    "What if Gregory had pressed Obama: "Mr. President, how do you define 'halfway'? Isn't it true that you've repeatedly rejected Boehner's offers as DOA and that he's been bidding against himself and infuriating congressional conservatives? What movement have you made, and how reasonable is it for you to be sabotaging the entire negotiating process with divisive class warfare rhetoric by obsessing on 'fairness' instead of addressing the issues that really matter -- the deficit and debt? But since you keep talking about fairness, is it fair that the bottom half of income earners pay no income tax at all and that the top 10 percent pay an extraordinarily disproportionate amount? How can you possibly say they're not paying their fair share?" "  David Limbaugh. You

    A David Gregory/ Obama fan tweeted:
    great interview! I thought Potus made it clear he had the Rs in a corner and either way he expected to come out the winner.
    David Gregory’s Obama Interview: Where Was The Passion He Displayed Questioning NRA?
    "CNN’s Howard Kurtz noticed a marked difference in the Meet the Press host’s approach compared to last week, when he interviewed NRA head Wayne LaPierre."

    Gregory certainly tried to impress his liberal friends by bullying President Bush
    "RUSH: Let's go to the president's press conference. The first question I want to play for you is from David Gregory, who I have a new nickname for: Brave Dave. Here is the question from David Gregory. It's about Iraq, that happened mere moments ago at a Rose Garden press conference. "GREGORY: Mr. President, after the -- mistakes that have been made in this war, when you do as you did yesterday, when you raised two-year-old intelligence talking about the threat posed by Al-Qaeda, it's met with increasing skepticism. The majority in the public, growing number of Republicans appear not to trust you any longer to be able to carry out this policy successfully. Can you explain why you believe you're still a credible messenger on the war?"

    And how's this for disrespect and, well, Gregory showing off for his friends on the left?


    Al Gore, friend of the petro-state

    National Post (Canada)  "To whom did the Lord of the Upper Atmosphere sell? Why to al Jazeera — which is to say, effectively to the ruler of Qatar, a wealthy country that has nothing else to sustain it but the sale of its huge petroleum resources.
    "Qatar is about oil, oil and more oil. It is a global warmer’s hell."
    "One other, not-to-be-missed note: Mr. Gore was very quick to make sure the sale took place before the New Year — the better to spare him, who is now one of the world’s superrich, his friend Barack Obama’s tax hike on those dreadful one-percenters".
    Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell
    Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel
    Even academia's favorite source - Pravda - says GW is bunk. Uh oh...they were wrong about socialism for seven decades. Let's hope they have this one right for a change.

    Speaking of Al Gore, have you heard that eco-friendly bulbs could cause skin cancer ?


    White House weighs broad gun-control agenda in wake of Newtown shootings

    WaPo;  "The White House is weighing a far broader and more comprehensive approach to curbing the nation’s gun violence than simply reinstating an expired ban on assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition, according to multiple people involved in the administration’s discussions.
    A working group led by Vice President Biden is seriously considering measures backed by key law enforcement leaders that would require universal background checks for firearm buyers, track the movement and sale of weapons through a national database, strengthen mental health checks, and stiffen penalties for carrying guns near schools or giving them to minors, the sources said.
    "To sell such changes, the White House is developing strategies to work around the National Rifle Association that one source said could include rallying support from Wal-Mart and other gun retailers for measures that would benefit their businesses. White House aides have also been in regular contact with advisers to New York Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg (I), an outspoken gun-control advocate who could emerge as a powerful surrogate for the Obama administration’s agenda".
    And this would have prevented the last few massacres how? I'm sorry, I do wish something like this would end the mass murders, but I'm afraid this cartoon realistically depicts the end result:
    From March, 2011; The Real Crime in Gun Control   "It has happened before in our beloved nation, but then again, how can we do anything as they take the guns away from the citizenry – whether by fees or ersatz psycho testimonies. And they still cannot control the hardware or behavior that allows the criminal elements of our nation to run amuck…killing and stealing at will."