Thursday, January 17, 2013

Reading list on Obama's gun control measures

These are from the soon-to-be-gone Neal Boortz:
Random Thoughts on Obama's Gun Control Measures  "The libs are trying to change the language here.  They know that the phrase “gun control” elicits a strong negative response among many.  Look for “gun violence prevention” or some other such phrase.  Same goals, different phraseology.  Liberals know the masses are suckers … and will play them."
Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell
 Obama's Victim Disarmament Proposals "I really do feel for you folks in the media who have to continue to honestly and objectively cover this dangerous man in the White House.  .... I simply cannot sit here and do the daily play-by-play of his destruction of this country that I love any more.  This last election made it clear.  The moochers, parasites, leaches and the looters who support them are in control.  We simply have too many people voting for a living in this country … the takers rule, and too many makers are disengaged and sit on their hands on Election Day."

The Race Card  "It was only a matter of time, as it is with most issues lately, before somebody pulled out the race card.  The person to do it this time around was none other than Hank“Guam will tip over” Johnson.  He says that the NRA opposes Obama's gun control plans because the group “still cannot get over” the fact that the president is “black.”" Don't miss this one either; now back to our original topic:
Gun Control Through ... ObamaCare? "Hey you doctors out there, did you hear what Dear Ruler has in store for you?  You thought that you went to school to get a medical degree to practice medicine, help people and earn the big bucks.  Now you are realizing that you will be a government employee, subject to the demands of a feckless ruler."
I'm sure Mr. Boortz means that in a nice way.

NRO; Obama’s Unserious Gun Proposals "So why has the Obama administration come up with these tired, already-failed proposals? Not so that they can pass, and certainly not so that if passed, they would be effective. Rather, Obama’s gun-control initiatives are part of his permanent campaign. The objective is to rile up the Democratic party’s faithful so they will be motivated to turn out in November 2014. President Obama has always been more interested in campaigning than governing. Beyond that, he knows he can do little to transform America unless the Democrats capture the House next year. So today’s proposals, pointless as they may seem, are part of a political strategy — not to convert the majority, but to motivate the minority."
Photo-op president shooting blanks  "So does the boilerplate admonition to “launch a national safe and responsible gun-ownership campaign.” (But, psst, the National Rifle Association’s been doing that for years.)"
"The evil Perry spoke of "shows up in our movies, video games and online fascinations," he said, "and finds its way into vulnerable hearts and minds. As a free people, let us choose what kind of people we will be.""
Political Cartoons
This next cartoon comes from Ronbo at The Freedom Fighter's Journal: 
Finally, from Weasel Zippers:  NRA: Obama Wants “War” With Us So We’re Preparing For “Battle”… "NRA members would hold accountable any politicians who “sell them out to some pie-in-the-sky scheme such as the president is proposing,” he said."

Investing: Biggest growth story is outside the US

The Financial Times  American business competitiveness has made this nation a good haven for investing. But now, Obama and the business-hating liberals are affecting the business climate, making Bulgaria a better investment than the US at present. TD
Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson
 "The drag might have been justified had the agreement actually addressed the long-term fiscal outlook. But it failed to tackle the US tax code’s dysfunction or the sustainability of major entitlement programmes. In abdicating any effort to stabilise the national debt, Washington now risks an eventual loss of international confidence in the US. Short term, it is not even clear that this deal does much to address the deficit. With significant fiscal drag still embedded in the deal, the economy is unlikely to grow as fast as current budget estimates assume. If growth disappoints, as it almost surely will, revenue will be below expectations and deficits above."  Full article from the UK Financial Times here.
Emperors New Coin

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Coulter: Guns don’t kill people, mentally ill do

Ann Coulter  "Seung-Hui Cho, who committed the Virginia Tech massacre in 2007, had been diagnosed with severe anxiety disorder as a child and placed under treatment.
"But Virginia Tech was prohibited from being told about Cho’s mental health problems because of federal privacy laws.
"At college, Cho engaged in behavior even more bizarre than the average college student. He stalked three women and, at one point, went totally silent, refusing to speak even to his roommates. He was involuntarily committed to a mental institution for one night and then unaccountably unleashed on the public, whereupon he proceeded to engage in the deadliest mass shooting by an individual in U.S. history.
"The 2011 Tucson, Ariz., shopping mall shooter, Jared Loughner, was so obviously disturbed that if he’d stayed in Pima Community College long enough to make the yearbook, he would have been named “Most Likely to Commit Mass Murder.” "

Full List of 23 Executive Actions in Gun Violence Reduction Measures

Fox News  "At President Obama’s announcement on new steps to be taken in an effort to control gun violence in the U.S., the president will sign measures which will initiate 23 separate executive actions on gun violence."
"It’s important to note that not each one is actually an executive order or presidential memorandum.
The Office of the Press Secretary sent out the following list of all 23 executive actions."
Also this:
FULL DETAILS: Fact Sheet on the President’s Plan to Reduce Gun Violence

Rand Paul To Push Legislation Nullifying Emperor Obama’s Executive Orders On Guns….
" “I’m told Sen. Rand Paul will introduce language within hours, within hours, to call for the nullification and prohibition of funding for the president’s executive actions announced today and possibly even using the federal courts to nullify and defund some of the things that he plans on doing,” Bolling said."

Related, if you reach a bit for it: Other Tyrants Who Have Used Children As Props
Get 'em early before he starves them to death.
 Bob Schieffer Likens Obama 'Taking on the Gun Lobby' to Hunt for Bin Laden,'Defeating the Nazis'  "This is a turning point in this country, and the President is going to have to do more than just make a speech about it. This is one of the best speeches I've ever heard him deliver, but it's going to take more than that from the White House. He's going to have to get his hands dirty. He's going to have to get in there and – and work this problem until he gets it done. But unless we figure out a way to make sure that something like Newtown never happens again, we're not the country that we once were. I think we still are. I think there's hope. I think something's going to happen here."  Emphases in the original.

Scaring People To Debt

Hope n' Change

"Forgetting his promise to use "words that heal rather than words that wound," Barack Obama held a news conference Monday to call Republicans "baby-raping terrorists" and "syphilitic(sp) whores gulping the pus of the evil rich."
" Okay, those weren't his exact words - but his meaning was clear enough. The president declared that he wouldn't even consider spending cuts in debt ceiling negotiations with the vile Republicans who are "holding a gun at the head of Americans" and "demanding ransom."
" He then went on to say that the only reason that the GOP is seeking deficit reduction is that they're ideologically opposed to "senior citizens (having) decent health care," "kids in poverty (getting) enough to eat," and "medical research." The bastards probably make smoothies out of kittens, too."

Obanomics in pictures

Political Cartoons by Robert Ariail
Political Cartoons by Eric Allie
Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

Liberal WashPost Columnist Milloy Notes How Guns Helped Civil Rights Movement Stave Off KKK

Newsbusters " Liberal Washington Post columnist Courtland Milloy is no stranger to NewsBusters criticism, but today he merits positive attention for going against the liberal grain on a policy issue: gun control."
When Charles “Chuck” Hicks does the Martin Luther King Jr. Day peace and freedom walks Saturday, he’ll also be taking a step for what the National Rifle Association has dubbed “National Rifle Appreciation Day.” That’s because Hicks is the son of Robert Hicks, a prominent leader of the legendary Deacons for Defense and Justice — an organization of black men in Louisiana who used shotguns and rifles to repel attacks by white vigilantes during the 1960s.
“The Klan would drive through our neighborhood shooting at us, shooting into our homes,” recalled Hicks, 66, who grew up in Bogalusa, La., and has been a civil rights activist in the District for more than 35 years. “The black men in the community wouldn’t stand for it. You shoot at us, we shoot back at you. I’m convinced that without our guns, my family and many other black people would not be alive today.”
As one of the organizers for the weekend’s Martin Luther King Jr. Day activities, Hicks’s pro-gun stance may seem like something of an anomaly. But even though King may best be remembered for his philosophy of nonviolent protest, the fact is that black civil rights activists in many small towns throughout the South carried guns or received protection from groups like the Deacons for Defense and Justice.  Read more:

Guns, propaganda, children and Obama UPDATED

Neal Boortz; Obama Makes His Move On Guns  "Chief propagandist Jay Carney said yesterday in his White House press briefing that “if even one child’s life can be saved by the actions we take here in Washington, we must take those actions.”  How will their actions help save the life of Melinda Herman’s 9 year old twins (Audio below), hiding in a crawl space as a predator searches their house looking for them?  Lives will NOT be saved by the antics in Washington today, political careers will be."

 Dramatic 911 call released in home intruder shooting  Consider what might have happened if Melinda was not armed. Take note of when the police arrived at the house: long after the bleeding invader had driven away.

Using Children As Propaganda Tools  "Shameless.  But then that’s Obama.  When he makes his gun control desires known today Obama is going to surround himself with children.  Obama says that these are children who wrote him letters after the Sandy Hook shooting telling him he needed to do something.  My guess?  These letters were virtually ALL written by government school children at the direction of their union Democrat-voting government school teachers.  Prove me wrong."

Plano, Texas School District Wants Armed Guards In Schools

CBS Local   "The Plano Independent School District wants to be a school safety standout by becoming the largest school district in North Texas with armed guards at every single campus. The sweeping changes proposed Tuesday night will not be cheap, but many believe that it is a necessity to keep students and staff members protected." 

"Any plans to use uniformed police officers would likely pull too many of them off the streets, so the school district is opting to hire private guards for the job. That would require dipping into the district’s reserve money, or increasing taxes. “I’m comfortable asking our taxpayers to pay more,” Plano ISD trustee David Stolle said, “if that’s what it comes down to.” "
Now if only schools in less affluent areas could have the same security, but since mass-murderers all seem to be white guys, maybe this is the proper targeted area to consider.

Obama and Imperial Rule

 Oregon Sheriff: Exec. Orders that Offend Constitution Will Not Be Enforced;  "Linn County Oregon Sheriff Tim Mueller cut right to the chase in an open letter to Vice President Biden on January 14: "Any federal regulation enacted by Congress or executive order...offending the constitutional rights of my citizens will not be enforced by me or my deputies.""
"In summary, it is the position of this Sheriff that I refuse to participate, or stand idly by, while my citizens are turned into criminals due to the unconstitutional actions of misguided politicians."
Texas to Join Wyoming? Felony Charges for Enforcing New Gun Control  [Rep. Steve] Toth puts it this way: "We can no longer depend on the Federal Government and this Administration to uphold a Constitution they no longer believe in."

Power Line; Obama, an Elitist Hypocrite  "That isn’t exactly news to readers of our site, but the NRA has released this effective ad on Obama’s hypocrisy when it comes to guns." (Video at this link, but I could not figure how to imbed it)

Ron Gazda of Richardson, TX sent this next article, which led me to do a bit more research on the 1992 movie (being mistrustful of Hollywood's take on things, even when it seems to support my personal point of view). This film segment below  is said to be from Hallmark, which I like.

Battle of Athens, Tennessee in 1946  "The Battle of Athens (sometimes called the McMinn County War) was a rebellion led by citizens in Athens and Etowah, Tennessee, United States, against the local government in August 1946. The citizens, including some World War II veterans, accused the local officials of political corruption and voter intimidation. The event is sometimes cited by firearms ownership advocates as an example of the value of the Second Amendment in combating tyranny."  Much more information on this here.  It includes a fascinating hour-by hour timeline of the incident in Athens.

Andrew Klavan; What We Talk About When We Talk About Guns   As the founders knew, however, the power we grant the state to defend us can easily be turned against us. “The means of defence against foreign danger,” Madison wrote, “have been always the instruments of tyranny at home.” Going back even farther, this was why the supporters of republican government stuck the long knives into Julius Caesar. In “crossing the Rubicon,” he violated the law by bringing the Roman army into Italy. This effectively turned the means of protecting the republic into the tool for establishing imperial rule." 

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Thomas Sowell Exposes The Left’s Lie About Tax Cuts For The Rich

American Glob  "How many times in the last four years has Obama said that Republicans just want tax cuts for the rich and that taxing the rich is the solution to America’s financial problems?
"Guess what… it’s an old false argument. The brilliant economist Thomas Sowell explains why."

Obama's press conference on Monday, Jan 14th

Neal Boortz; Obama and His Executive Privilege  "Just remember that when it comes to the fundamental transformation of the United States, Caesar Obammus is not tremendously hung up on the law or our Constitution.  After all, the founding document of this nation is our Constitution and Obama told us he wants to change the foundation of our country: “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”  In this gun control debate, we see him, once again, willing to act more as a ruler rather than a leader."

Here are three posts from Lucianne:

President Congeniality talks tough. Even the WaPo didn't like his 'tude.   "Given the tendency by conservative media “to demonize me*,” Obama said, socializing with the president might lead to “a challenge from somebody in a primary.” The only way to change lawmakers’ behavior, he said, is for voters to “reject” the partisans who don’t compromise. “And that’ll be true whether I’m the life of the party or a stick in the mud,” he said.
"From the affable president, this must pass for friendly advice."
* I'm sure Mr. Obama was thinking of the Tunnel Wall when he said that.

Slate; Why Nobody Believes Obama on the Debt Ceiling  "Watching the president talk about the debt ceiling and his unwillingness to give up any ransom in exchange for it, I find it impossible not to confront the point that as of now nobody seems to believe him."

Obama Once Called Raising Debt Ceiling 'a Sad State of Affairs'

Power Line Blog; Our Mean-Spirited President Gives a Press Conference and Talks About Guns  "I think we have had worse presidents than Barack Obama; James Buchanan comes to mind. But I don’t think we have ever had a president as shamelessly dishonest as Barack Obama."