Hat tip to John Uhrig, Plano, TX
"No one was doing the math at the meeting, but Westmoreland said he felt that that was not an accurate statement.
"It wasn't exactly accurate. Instead, it appears that it would take 392 years to pay off the $14.325 trillion national debt at $100 million a day. Paying $100 million a day equals $36.5 billion a year -- which, of course, is no where near what the federal government spends in a year.
"Of course, the future deficit numbers only apply if the government stays on the same course."
Liberal Decay "This transformation of liberalism from an earnest though deeply misguided crusade into a corrupt politics of influence peddling has been going on for at least a half century, but my writer has failed to notice."
More on the special interests GGW is addressing "Thus, the radical environmentalists have seized the EPA and related agencies, where they get to block economic activity and energy extraction for the greater glory of Gaia. The unions have taken over labor and the NLRB. The tax code is so riddled with special favors that fully half of the tax that would be collected under neutral principles is forgiven. The Treasury and the Fed are the pillars of the financial establishment."
...."There is no resemblance between this current government and any coherent idea of a welfare state. The only "welfare" involved is that of the myriad groups, not of the collective public."
The Party of Big Business "Duke Energy is one of the most active members of the U.S. Climate Action Partnership. About half the electricity the company supplies comes from traditional coal-fired plants; the other half comes from nuclear power. The Obama administration’s punishing policies for traditional energy sources have made Duke’s nuclear plants—which don’t emit any greenhouse gases—much more valuable, and most of the company’s coal-powered energy plants are in areas where they have a government-enforced monopoly."....
Politicizing Justice "Attorney General Eric Holder’s agenda begins and ends with delivering favors to Obama’s constituencies."
Amity Schlaes: 'Public interest' or 'special interest' in disguise? "I soon found that public-choice theory explained the tendency of bureaucracy to create more work for itself. Health officials' interests in testing small children's blood for lead, for instance, made sense when one considered that finding poisoned children validated their jobs."