Sunday, March 10, 2013

Jimmy Kimmel Asks People About Obama Pardoning The Sequester -- Sending It to Portugal

How many of these people voted for Obama? Aside from the first one and the last one, that is.
The brain power of Obama supporters

"Jimmy Kimmel did a “Confusing Question of the Day” bit and scored truly hilarious answers. The question: What do you think about Obama pardoning the sequester and sending it to Portugal?
"Even though the comments are funny as all get-out, they do show how political correctness and blind partisanship can lead to wacky thinking. SHARE this with your friends and low-info voters!"
Hat tip to Danny Shouse at Conservative Bloggers on Facebook


Anonymous said...

People are so stupid. It's more proof of the dumbing down of society.

Ronbo said...


I'll wager 100% of those ignorant assholes are Democrats, and I will also bet the people who replied correctly (and not shown on the video), "Huh? That question makes absolutely no sense! What have you been smoking, dude?" were Republicans.

Anonymous said...

The Brave New World: It's my God-given right to be an idiot

Anonymous said...
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Ronbo said...

Maybe so - but at least I have the courage to use my real name online:-)