Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Alan Caruba; A Carbon Tax Would Destroy America

Warning Signs  "If you want to know what a carbon tax on emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) would do to America you need only look at the destruction of industry and business in Australia, along with the soaring costs for energy use it imposes on anyone there.
" “The carbon tax is contributing to a record number of firms going to the wall with thousands of employees being laid off and companies forced to close factories that have stood for generations”, Steve Lewis and Phil Jacob reported in a March 18 issue of The Daily Telegraph, a leading Australian newspaper."

Monday, March 25, 2013

Unhappy Birthday for Obamacare

John Fund  "Skyrocketing insurance premiums, a slowdown in medical innovation, longer waiting times for appointments. Obviously, Obamacare isn’t solely to blame for the long-standing problems with American health care. But it clearly isn’t making matters better. Last week, 33 of the Senate’s 53 Democrats voted to repeal Obamacare’s 2.3 percent tax on medical-device makers, a levy that Senator Al Franken (D., Minn.) complained was hurting U.S. medicine: “The industry is being punished for its innovation and growth.”
"If the only people being punished by Obamacare were medical-device manufacturers, we’d be lucky. The truth is, the biggest victims of Obamacare are the vast majority of the American people, and polls show that more and more of them are recognizing that unpleasant reality."

Kagan 2009: “There is no federal constitutional right to same-sex marriage”

Legal Insurrection  "That’s the statement Elena Kagan made back in 2009 when she was going through confirmation proceedings to become Solicitor General (emphasis added):
1. As Solicitor General, you would be charged with defending the Defense of Marriage Act. That law, as you may know, was enacted by overwhelming majorities of both houses of Congress (85-14 in the Senate and 342-67 in the House) in 1996 and signed into law by President Clinton.
a. Given your rhetoric about the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy—you called it “a profound wrong—a moral injustice of the first order”—let me ask this basic question: Do you believe that there is a federal constitutional right to samesex marriage?
Answer: There is no federal constitutional right to same-sex marriage.
b. Have you ever expressed your opinion whether the federal Constitution should be read to confer a right to same-sex marriage? If so, please provide details.
Answer: I do not recall ever expressing an opinion on this question.

The Eighteenth Brumaire of Barack Obama

PJ Media  Louis Bonaparte, Barack Obama: history repeats itself.
"The ultimate goal of such programs is neither compassi
on nor social justice, but building a political base of dependents made up of program recipients and program administrators on one hand and crony capitalists on the other. And so, we are in the era of another purveyor of an alien culture, a pretender who is all things to all people, and a demagogue who is hoisted on the shield of the social periphery that is constantly plied with sausages and then sausages anew. Welcome to the Eighteenth Brumaire of Barack Obama."

Remember Burma-Shave?

GOP rising: The oppo battle is joined

Jennifer Rubin  "Last week former Mitt Romney campaign manager Matt Rhoades and two young Republican sharpshooters, Tim Miller and Joe Pounder, announced they would set up a new organization, America Rising, devoted to the collection, dissemination and deployment of opposition research against Democrats and a counterpart to the hugely successful American Bridge on the left. On Friday I sat down with Miller and Pounder at a Capitol Hill Starbucks to talk about their new venture."
"They argue that 2014 will provide a target-rich environment, given the number of House and Senate Democrats whose voting records diverge from their home-state images as moderates. The essence of good research is simple, Pounder explains: “Good research matches what someone does with what they say — whether you call that pandering, hypocrisy or flip-flopping. Whenever it occurs on video it’s even better. It is the old classic show and tell. Don’t tell them  — show them.” That means a new effort on tracking candidates and following their speeches, votes, appearances and now even their tweets. America Rising plans to develop a bank of material not only about current candidates but also about candidates coming up in future races.

We're talking real mass destruction here

Political Cartoons

What difference does it make?

Political Cartoons

The Red and the Black; "What have the Democrats done for you lately?”

Deroy Murdock  "Republicans should start asking black Americans that question — early and often. Doing so could become the
GOP’s secret weapon.
"As Republicans regroup after presidential and Senate campaigns that they should have won easily last November, they should seek votes among the 41 million black Americans whom Democrats take for granted, and Republicans lately have written off. Here’s why engaging black voters could revitalize the GOP.
"Republicans need not win the black vote, or even a third of it. Securing 15 percent of the black electorate severely erodes the stalwart-Democrat base. If 20 to 25 percent of blacks vote GOP, it’s curtains for Democrats."

Bill Whittle on Obama’s Sequester Scheme: “Making It Hurt” (Video)

Nice Deb   "Bill Whittle puts into words as only he can, the diabolical sequester scheme of the Narcisissist in Chief,  which he says  is the most “petty, malicious, mean spirited, cowardly and hateful thing” he’s done, so far.
" “He’s deliberately inflicting as much pain on the American people as he can possible muster so he can accelerate our way into bankruptcy,” Whittle says." 

The Dream of a World Without Oil

American Thinker  "The New York Times devoted most of the front page of its Sunday Review section to a story promoting the green dream of "Life After Oil and Gas." The story cites an article by Stanford engineers published in the journal Energy Policy, titled "Providing all global energy with wind, water, and solar power." According to the lead author, Mark Z. Jacobsen, "It's absolutely not true that we need natural gas, coal or oil -- we think it's a myth." The authors "suggest producing all new energy with WWS [wind, water and solar] by 2030 and replacing the pre-existing energy by 2050. Barriers to the plan are primarily social and political, not technological or economic."
"Jacobsen provides a shopping list that details what will be required to move to a post-carbon future:" Each item is discussed in more detail at the link.
  •  3,800,000 5 MW wind turbines.....
  •  49,000 300 MW concentrated solar plants....
  •  40,000 300 MW solar PV power plants....
  • 1.7 billion 3 kW rooftop PV systems....
  • 5350 100 MW geothermal power plants....
  • 70 new 1300 MW hydroelectric power plants....
  • 720,000 0.75 MW wave devices....
  • 490,000 1 MW tidal turbines....