Friday, April 12, 2013

Our free press at work in the Gosnell trial

Photo of the Day:  Media Row at the Gosnell trial

"Well, we can’t have that, can we? Patheos’ Mollie Hemingway followed up with Mullane to confirm that the media section was really this empty..."

...".Mollie challenged reporters on Twitter yesterday why they write about abortion policy but not the Gosnell trial. ...
Mollie Z. Hemingway @MZHemingway
WaPo health policy reporter @SarahKliff has 80+ site hits on Akin/Fluke/Komen and zero on Gosnell? Would love an explanation.

"Compare this to the media firestorm over the Komen Foundation’s all-too-temporary decision not to fund Planned Parenthood for breast-cancer screening over the tiny detail of PP not having any mammograms in their clinics.  For that matter, Mollie writes, compare that to the “local crime story” coverage of the Trayvon Martin or Matthew Shepard cases:"....
Gosnell case and mainstream media: Answers, please?   "The pressure is working. Conor Friedersdorf of the Atlantic today published a long story titled: “Why Dr. Kermit Gosnell’s Trial Should Be a Front-Page Story.” The piece goes through the various reasons — abuse of women, killing of babies, failure of government oversight and so much more — that news organizations should give prominent placement to the Gosnell trial. Friedersdorf held off on any judgments on why the media has made its various coverage decisions, pending a survey of “some of the editors and writers making coverage decisions.”"

Washington Post pledges Gosnell coverage  "That’s something. Still waiting on the three big broadcast networks and the New York Times."

Krauthammer; The Obama budget and the appearance of reform

Charles Krauthammer  "The cards laid down by the White House are quite unimpressive. The 2014 budget is tax-and-spend as usual. The actual deficit reduction over a decade is a minuscule $0.6 trillion — out of a total spending of $46.5 trillion. And every penny of this tiny reduction comes from tax hikes. Nothing from spending cuts, which all end up getting spent elsewhere.
Moreover, where’s the compromise? The Obama budget calls for not only more spending than the GOP’s, but more than the Democratic Senate’s as well."

Dad Furious After Finding This Crayon-Written Paper in Florida 4th-Grader’s Backpack: ‘I Am Willing to Give Up Some of My Constitutional Rights…to Be Safer’

The Blaze
"The paper sat unnoticed in Harvey’s son’s backpack for several months until last week, when his son’s mother almost threw it away. The words caught her eye in the trash, and she showed it to Harvey, who said he was at a loss for words. He asked his son, who said Sabb had spoken the sentence out loud and told them to write it down. Harvey said he asked some of his son’s classmates and got a similar answer."

Via Rich Cutter Avalone at Conservative Bloggers on Facebook

Republicans introduce bill to protect crosses, other religious symbols on war memorials

In this June, 27, 2012, file photo, supporters of a war memorial cross at the Mount Soledad Veterans Memorial in San Diego are not giving up in their fight to keep the 58-year-old monument right where it is in the face of an adverse ruling from a federal appeals court.

The Washington Times  "Two congressional Republicans want to end, once and for all, the attempts of atheist groups and others to remove religious symbols from war memorials.
"Rep. Duncan Hunter of California and Sen. Richard Burr of North Carolina on Thursday introduced the “War Memorial Protection Act,” which they say will create a “foundation in federal law” for public veterans’ and war memorials that include crosses or similar items."
"For years, atheist groups and others have fought to remove religious symbols from public lands and war memorials. One of the most recent uproars have come in Coos Bay, Oregon, where the Freedom From Religion Foundation has filed a complaint to remove a cross from the local Vietnam Memorial. The group says that memorial violates separation of church and state provisions."

Warning: graphic photo you may find offensive
Apology to follow.

The McConnell Tapes

The McConnell Tapes: Dems Feel Heat, Shed Light
"The head of Progress Kentucky has resigned and is in discussions with the FBI. Ooops."

The tape of McConnell people discussing Ashley Judd's statements: (audio only)  Be sure to turn your volume up. 

They are making nothing up; just listening to Judd's own words.  One interesting section is where she claimed several places as "her home", depending on whom she was speaking to. The sound begins poorly, but is very clear as it progresses.

Legal Insurrection says "If this holds up, it is very, very big time, and on its face appears to be a violation of law."

The McConnell Test of Progressive Media Power  "The progressives who run the Democratic Party and the mainstream media are flexing their muscles, attempting to frame the story of a possible political crime through the wrong end of a telescope, in the belief that the MSM's sheer mindshare can win out over the facts."

Our watchdog media and the Philly abortion doctor

Media Not Reporting on Mass Murdering Baby Killer who happens to be African American, Why not?   "You can easily tell that Kirsten Powers, Charles Krauthammer, and Jonah Golberg are disturbed and frustrated with the lack of attention paid to the murder trial of Dr. Kermit Gosnell, a Philadelphia abortion doctor."

Fear Government greed! Obama Wants Americans’ Hard-Earned Retirement Savings

We the People  "Obama’s plan won’t raise much revenue — just $9 billion over 10 years. It’s simply more of the Obama fairness campaign. The White House made this clear when it said last week that under current law “some wealthy individuals” can amass “substantially more than is needed to fund reasonable levels of retirement saving.”
"Think about that statement for a moment, for it reveals a corrupt mind-set. The administration is saying that America has a government that believes it has the moral authority to decide just what a “reasonable” level of retirement savings is. That’s an alarming statement.
"Of course the White House and its allies will pitch the plan as a reasonable means to bring down deficits."
 "If it becomes law, Democrats will take the next step, putting a stranglehold on the trillions Americans now hold in their retirement accounts."
Government Greed
Shall We Look at the Differences between Corporate Greed and Government Greed?  " "Corporate greed" rhetoric must be put into perspective. The American people are not told that there are two kinds of social domination: 1) class domination, due to the fact that some people are wealthier than others, and 2) political domination, due to the fact that some people gain political office and government jobs1. These are the political elites. Media and the Democrats tell us only about the first "class warfare" kind of domination, and never the second kind -- i.e., exploitation by those in public office."

President Obama's Weirdest New Taxes  "As laid out this week by the Treasury Department in its "green book," a massive spiral-bound document that explains tax changes in the White House budget proposal - it is pale green, and 246 pages - here are some quirky maneuvers the president suggests to offset spending and keep the deficit just a bit lower:"....

Master at the sleight-of-hand

Gazing through the window at our celebrity-in-chief

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Liberal Group Who Made Racist Comments About Mitch McConnell’s Wife Responsible For Secretly Recording Oppo Meeting On Ashley Judd…

Weasel Zippers
First off, the group "Progress Kentucky" attacked McConnell's wife, Elaine Chao:
Progressive Group Mounts Racist Attack Against Mitch McConnell’s Wife
Recently, the group turned its attention to McConnell’s wife, former Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, with a focus on her race.
In a Feb. 14 Twitter message, Progress says: “This woman has the ear of (Sen. McConnell)—she’s his wife. May explain why your job moved to China!”

Progress Kentucky Behind Mitch McConnell Campaign Recording
"“Apparently the gentlemen overheard the conversation and decided to record it with a phone or recording device they had in their pocket. Could've been an iPhone, could've been a Flip camera or something like that,” Conway say.
Sources tell WFPL the portion of the meeting that was recorded came at the end of the strategy session.
"It's unclear why Reilly and Morrison held onto the tape for so long. Kentucky law says it is a felony “to overhear, record amplify or transmit any part of a wire or oral communication of others without the consent of at least one party thereto by means of any electric, mechanical or other device."
"But if the conversation was audible from a hallway, it's disputable whether recording qualifies as eavesdropping."

Rush Limbaugh today commented 
"....You just now heard this Democrat super PAC executive committee activist Conway characterize McConnell's conversations as tacky and tasteless and offensive. All they did was read from articles and her book. It was not things they made up. I feel like an idiot having to explain, 'cause you all understand it. You all know exactly what happened. James Taranto at the Best of the Web at the Wall Street Journal has a piece from yesterday: "Slinging Mud at Ashley Judd -- A leftist magazine exposes a Hollywood actress as troubled and strange. Back in December a reader sent along a headline from a Kentucky paper describing Judd as 'Still Mum' on a prospective candidacy." And a bunch of leftist magazines have published some of the oddball things that she has said.

....Rush concludes with this:  "If we had an active Republican Party, this is what they would be doing, push-back! Insist that Eric Holder appoint a special prosecutor. Chase this thing down to the ends of the earth. I'm sure the media would agree with that, ahem. But that's what happened to Scooter Libby. This is gonna be repositioned so that McConnell's ending up as the criminal."

Obama Administration Hears from Thousands Against Its Mandate

Heritage Culture Watch  "On Monday, hundreds of thousands of public comments flooded the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), as individuals and groups expressed concern with the Obama Administration’s continued trampling on a fundamental freedom."
"Instead of upholding its duty to protect the fundamental freedoms of all Americans, the Administration persists in bureaucratic tinkering with a mandate that is deeply flawed and currently threatening the faith, work, and livelihoods of countless businesses, individuals, and organizations.
"The Obama Administration should heed the recommendations of many Americans to rescind its offensive, coercive mandate. To truly protect Americans’ liberty, however, Congress must repeal Obamacare."

Professor Calls Republicans Stupid & Racist

Todd Starnes  "Tyler Talgo was fed up.
"For two years the University of Southern California student had listened to the classroom ranting of liberal professors. So it wasn’t much of a surprise when Darry Sragow, his political science professor, launched into an anti-Republican tirade on the first day of class.
"“I knew that this was going to be a professor that was very left-wing, very biased,” Talgo told Fox News. “I knew this would be one of those classes where the professor would be biased all the time.”
"So Talgo decided to fight back.

“On the first day of class he talked about how Republicans prevent blacks from voting,” Talgo said. “He also said that he used to work for Democratic candidates and it was his job to kill Republicans.”