Sunday, April 14, 2013

I Went to Bed a Christian and Woke Up a … Terrorist?

Doug Giles  "Yes my brethren, your love for God and country has caused thou to be deemed a menace to our national progress at least as the Leftists’ deem progress. Congratulations.
"Indeed, according to “them” we must forget the fact that it’s been nutty Muslims that have terrorized us for the last couple of decades and that it’s been radical leftists that have aggressively eroded our constitutional liberties. Parts of our armed forces and police departments have been told to just white all that stuff out and believe that it’s guys like Chuck Norris who are the real hazard that our cops and our military need to be concerned about.
Mr. Giles gives us a checklist to determine if we are a terrorist that includes these items:

....If you recognize, appreciate and wish to pass on to the next generation America’s godly heritage – you might be a terrorist.
· If you like the Declaration of Independence, our Constitution and the Bill of Rights – you might be terrorist.
· If you have Jesus Take the Wheel on your iPod – you might be a terrorist.
· If as a single man, you have told a homely single lady that, “all you’re looking for is a godly woman and that you don't care that she’s not attractive." – you might be a terrorist.
· If you believe Jesus is Lord and not the state – you might be a terrorist.
· If you raise your kids to be productive, independent and righteous kids who love God and our country and not be narcissistic entitlement hookers – you might be a terrorist.....

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Obamacare is Imploding

Alan Caruba

The bad news for Democrats and worse news for Barack Obama is that, since it was signed into law on March 23, 2010, Americans have had three years to learn what a total socialist time bomb Obamacare is. If you wanted to destroy the nation’s economy, you could not have chosen a better way."

While you were sleeping, radical 1960s leftists took over the education system

College Insurrection
"How have we come to the point where so many criminals, terrorists and radical leftists from the 1960′s hold so many prominent positions in American academia?
"Michael Moynihan of The Daily Beast explains.
 The New York Post reported that Kathy Boudin, a professor at Columbia University, was named the 2013 Sheinberg Scholar-in-Residence at NYU Law School. In 1984, Boudin, a member of the Weather Underground, a violent, oafish association of upper-class “revolutionaries,” pled guilty to second-degree murder in association with the infamous 1981 Brinks armored car robbery in Nyack, New York. Babbling in the language of anti-racism and anti-imperialism, Boudin assisted in ending the life of three people, including Waverly Brown, the first black police officer on the Nyack police force, and left nine children fatherless. She was sentenced to 20 years to life in prison. In 2003, Boudin was released; by 2008 she had landed a coveted teaching position at an Ivy League university.


Transforming Normalcy

Mike Adams   "In order to fully understand the extent to which the homosexual left is trying to make perfectly normal mainstream opinion seem hateful and offensive, click on the following link to hear Morse's "offending" speech. Any fair-minded person who listens to the whole 30 minute podcast will arrive at the same conclusion: there is nothing there for any normal person to take offense from.
"But the homosexual left is anything but normal. It is a movement that relies upon hysteria to breed intimidation. Take a few minutes to compare what you saw in Morse's speech with the reactions from the Gaystapo. Here are links to two of the more egregious articles from the other side:"

(Left) Mike Adams is a criminology professor at the University of North Carolina Wilmington and author of Letters to a Young Progressive: How To Avoid Wasting Your Life Protesting Things You Don't Understand, due out in April..

Mike Ramirez on the latest efforts at gun control

Political Cartoons
Political Cartoons

Another shakedown by the left

Posted at Sense of Events; "There will be a lot more of this in the coming months."
Tell me again about the freedom of our convictions here in America. Here is an article from Think Progress, a left-wing publication, and part of what Professor Mike Adams calls the "gaystapo":

Washington Florist Faces Second Suit Unless She Donates To An LGBT Organization
"Here are the conditions the couple’s lawyers provided to the discriminating florist:
  • You agree not to refuse to provide flowers and other goods and services to any person on the basis of his or her sexual orientation.
  • You agree to write a letter of apology to Mr. Freed and Mr. Ingersoll to be published in the Tri-City Herald.
  • You agree to donate $5,000 to the Vista Youth Center, in lieu of payment of attorneys’ fees.
MSNBC segment: Host asks young daughter if she’d marry a girl when she grows up   "Flip the subject being pushed on the little girl to something like pro-life values and MSNBC would be reporting it as child abuse:"
    The time is coming when John Piper can be jailed because of these words.
    C.S. Lewis recommended reading at least one old book to every three new ones, because while the new ones may be trendy, books that have stood the test of time are more likely to reflect “the great body of Christian thought down the ages.”
    What Lewis said about books also pertains to sermons. When a new idea—like same-sex marriage—is sweeping through society like a scythe, it’s good to see how thoughtful pastors in past years have taught their congregations to think about homosexuality. [Linked here] is a sermon that Minnesota minister John Piper gave on Oct. 11, 1998.

Never Again!

Derek Thomas  "I have been listening to Dimitri Shostakovich’s Trio No. 2 in E Minor, op. 67. It is a vivid depiction of the Nazi death camps. And this past week saw the 60th anniversary of a Soviet army officer (Anatoli Shapiro) and his battalion’s arrival at Auschwitz to discover 7,000 starved and emaciated prisoners left behind when more than 50,000 had been marched out to the snow and almost certain death in the Nazi attempt to cover up the evidence of what was taking place. 1.5 million Jews were exterminated at Auschwitz, a place that has become symbolic of the Nazi holocaust. Shapiro, now 92 still recalls the scene: "We came upon groups of people in striped uniforms. They were no more than skeletons. They were unable to talk. They had a blank look in their eyes," the 92-year-old Shapiro told Reuters."....

The narrator who introduces this film is Simon Wiesenthal, the famed Nazi hunter and founder of the Simon Wiesenthal Center

Continuing with Thomas's article:
The Nuremberg trials showed that Germany's trend toward atrocity began with their progressive embrace of the Hegelian doctrine of "rational utility," where an individual's worth is in relation to their contribution to the state, rather than determined in light of traditional moral, ethical and religious values. Read more.

Obama pictured by an Israeli cartoonist

Friday, April 12, 2013

Our free press at work in the Gosnell trial

Photo of the Day:  Media Row at the Gosnell trial

"Well, we can’t have that, can we? Patheos’ Mollie Hemingway followed up with Mullane to confirm that the media section was really this empty..."

...".Mollie challenged reporters on Twitter yesterday why they write about abortion policy but not the Gosnell trial. ...
Mollie Z. Hemingway @MZHemingway
WaPo health policy reporter @SarahKliff has 80+ site hits on Akin/Fluke/Komen and zero on Gosnell? Would love an explanation.

"Compare this to the media firestorm over the Komen Foundation’s all-too-temporary decision not to fund Planned Parenthood for breast-cancer screening over the tiny detail of PP not having any mammograms in their clinics.  For that matter, Mollie writes, compare that to the “local crime story” coverage of the Trayvon Martin or Matthew Shepard cases:"....
Gosnell case and mainstream media: Answers, please?   "The pressure is working. Conor Friedersdorf of the Atlantic today published a long story titled: “Why Dr. Kermit Gosnell’s Trial Should Be a Front-Page Story.” The piece goes through the various reasons — abuse of women, killing of babies, failure of government oversight and so much more — that news organizations should give prominent placement to the Gosnell trial. Friedersdorf held off on any judgments on why the media has made its various coverage decisions, pending a survey of “some of the editors and writers making coverage decisions.”"

Washington Post pledges Gosnell coverage  "That’s something. Still waiting on the three big broadcast networks and the New York Times."

Krauthammer; The Obama budget and the appearance of reform

Charles Krauthammer  "The cards laid down by the White House are quite unimpressive. The 2014 budget is tax-and-spend as usual. The actual deficit reduction over a decade is a minuscule $0.6 trillion — out of a total spending of $46.5 trillion. And every penny of this tiny reduction comes from tax hikes. Nothing from spending cuts, which all end up getting spent elsewhere.
Moreover, where’s the compromise? The Obama budget calls for not only more spending than the GOP’s, but more than the Democratic Senate’s as well."

Dad Furious After Finding This Crayon-Written Paper in Florida 4th-Grader’s Backpack: ‘I Am Willing to Give Up Some of My Constitutional Rights…to Be Safer’

The Blaze
"The paper sat unnoticed in Harvey’s son’s backpack for several months until last week, when his son’s mother almost threw it away. The words caught her eye in the trash, and she showed it to Harvey, who said he was at a loss for words. He asked his son, who said Sabb had spoken the sentence out loud and told them to write it down. Harvey said he asked some of his son’s classmates and got a similar answer."

Via Rich Cutter Avalone at Conservative Bloggers on Facebook

Republicans introduce bill to protect crosses, other religious symbols on war memorials

In this June, 27, 2012, file photo, supporters of a war memorial cross at the Mount Soledad Veterans Memorial in San Diego are not giving up in their fight to keep the 58-year-old monument right where it is in the face of an adverse ruling from a federal appeals court.

The Washington Times  "Two congressional Republicans want to end, once and for all, the attempts of atheist groups and others to remove religious symbols from war memorials.
"Rep. Duncan Hunter of California and Sen. Richard Burr of North Carolina on Thursday introduced the “War Memorial Protection Act,” which they say will create a “foundation in federal law” for public veterans’ and war memorials that include crosses or similar items."
"For years, atheist groups and others have fought to remove religious symbols from public lands and war memorials. One of the most recent uproars have come in Coos Bay, Oregon, where the Freedom From Religion Foundation has filed a complaint to remove a cross from the local Vietnam Memorial. The group says that memorial violates separation of church and state provisions."

Warning: graphic photo you may find offensive
Apology to follow.