Like the wimp at school who just had his lunch money taken and says, "I wasn't going to eat lunch anyway", or maybe the boy getting a spanking who says, "Didn't hurt". This clueless president is afraid of a confrontation with countries who know they can dominate him.
Just bow and be done.
Obama Calls Snowden '29-Year Old Hacker' "After the big media extravaganza naming Edward Snowden a traitor, foreign spy, whistleblower, patriot, and hero as well as an enigma, the president, who has remained relatively mum on the affair since the story broke on June 9, has now downgraded Snowden to a non-threat status to U.S. security. Yawn.
How's this for flippant? Obama to Egyptian Christians: Don’t Protest the Brotherhood ...."What’s worse is that the human rights abuses Egypt’s Coptic Christians have been suffering under Muslim Brotherhood rule are significantly worse than the human rights abuses that the average Egyptian suffered under Mubarak—making the Copts’ right to protest even more legitimate, and, if anything, more worthy of U.S support." As with the Iranian people, but I digress..
About That Leverage We Had Over Ecuador in Snowden Case… Never Mind "Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said his conversations with world leaders on his travels, particularly in the Middle East, reflect a global belief that “there’s no American leadership, and that’s correct.”
“ 'I think it’s very clear that they believe that President Obama is not a player in the international scene, that President Obama, which has characterized his behavior, does not want to get involved or engaged in international security issues,” he said on Fox this week."
Just bow and be done.
Obama Calls Snowden '29-Year Old Hacker' "After the big media extravaganza naming Edward Snowden a traitor, foreign spy, whistleblower, patriot, and hero as well as an enigma, the president, who has remained relatively mum on the affair since the story broke on June 9, has now downgraded Snowden to a non-threat status to U.S. security. Yawn.
"You have to wonder why Obama acted so cavalierly yesterday when discussing the possibility of the "hacker" being extradited from Russia."
How's this for flippant? Obama to Egyptian Christians: Don’t Protest the Brotherhood ...."What’s worse is that the human rights abuses Egypt’s Coptic Christians have been suffering under Muslim Brotherhood rule are significantly worse than the human rights abuses that the average Egyptian suffered under Mubarak—making the Copts’ right to protest even more legitimate, and, if anything, more worthy of U.S support." As with the Iranian people, but I digress..
About That Leverage We Had Over Ecuador in Snowden Case… Never Mind "Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said his conversations with world leaders on his travels, particularly in the Middle East, reflect a global belief that “there’s no American leadership, and that’s correct.”
“ 'I think it’s very clear that they believe that President Obama is not a player in the international scene, that President Obama, which has characterized his behavior, does not want to get involved or engaged in international security issues,” he said on Fox this week."