Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Tea Party Members Fit Profile of Domestic Terrorists, Obama Claims

Liberal cartoonists join with Obama in demonizing the TEA Party:
National Report   "A short time ago while addressing a CEO roundtable and Business Forum in Tanzania, President Barack H. Obama, told reporters and attendees that today’s Tea Party members in the United States very closely fit the U.S. government’s profile for domestic terrorists. The President’s response came after a Tanzania businessman asked if civil unrest in the U.S. is likely to affect doing business with American companies."
..."Obama responded by saying, “Typically domestic terrorists in the U.S. are people who cling to obsolete beliefs from the time of the American Revolution. They are conservative Christians, reactionary Republicans and conspiracy theorists many of whom belong to racist hate groups.” "
(Emphasis added.)
Hat tip to Julie Grace Foster at Conservative Bloggers on Facebook

Pro-Abortion Protester Has Young Girl Hold Sign: “If I Wanted The Government In My Womb, I Would F*** A Senator!”…

Weasel Zippers  "Really not all that surprising people who support killing babies in the womb have no class."

Breaking: Morsi under house arrest; 15 Photos From the Tahrir Square Protests You'll Never See In Legacy Media.

Report: Morsi Under House Arrest  "Al Hayat TV is reporting that Egypt's President Mohammed Morsi is under house arrest.  However, Morsi's spokesman denied the report to ABC News."

Doug Ross   "Curiously, a massive wave of anti-Obama sentiment in Egypt has been utterly ignored by vintage media, even though the protests may be the largest in all of human history."

'The Lone Ranger' Follows P.C. Narrative, Smites Greedy Capitalist

Big Hollywood   "The Lone Ranger opens with a sly storytelling device that acknowledges Hollywood's checkered past regarding the depiction of Native Americans. That apparently wasn't enough for the new Hollywood reboot, which mocks the "white man," targets a capitalist and casts aspersions at the U.S. military in true modern fashion."

Good to repost this: Hollywood, then and now

Millenium Ark  "What a difference 60 years makes! Compare the Brave Entertainers of 1943 with today's Hollywood motley bunch."
"The Entertainers of 2003 have been in all of the news media lately. It seems Newspapers, Television and Radio has been more than ready to put them and their message before the public.

"Look what the entertainers of 1943 were doing, 60 years ago. Most of these brave men have since passed on."

"These are the real award winners!"....

'Star Trek' Actor/Activist Removes 'Under God' from Pledge " "Star Trek" actor George Takei omitted the phrase "under God" while reciting a key part of the Pledge of Allegiance during a media appearance."

Lady Gaga Changes National Anthem to Say, 'Home of the Gay'   "Singer Lady Gaga used this week's Supreme Court decision to strike down the Defense of Marriage Act as an excuse to tweak The Star-Spangled Banner to say, “land of the free, and the home for the gay.” "

Barry of Arabia 2

Kerry Reclining
Obama scrambles to save Morsi after Muslim Brotherhood Pres defies Ultimatum to Bend to Protest   "Morsi can afford to brush off isolation if Obama continues to support this Islamic supremacist thug with billions, F16s, arms and aid."
Walid Phares: Egyptian Demonstrations Signal 'Civilizational War'  "And the United States must take a stand, Phares said. The administration of President Barack Obama is getting a second chance to support democracy after its failure to take sides during the Iranian youth revolution in 2009, he said.

Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson
Overthrow Morsi/ And end the Muslim Brotherhood's dictatorial rule in Egypt  President Obama "pushed for hasty elections before more moderate parties had time to organize, and gave them no assistance. Even now, he lends the Morsi regime legitimacy by calling it democratically elected when its aims and means are clearly undemocratic and deeply illiberal. It’s no wonder that President Obama and our ambassador to Egypt, Anne Patterson, are objects of the protesters’ fury."

Can Christians Live Freely in Obama's America?

CNS News  "Two hundred and thirty-seven years ago, a group of Americans representing what were then English colonies gathered in Philadelphia and agreed to risk all they had on a certain proposition.

" "We hold these truths to be self-evident," they said, "that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed."

 "Having won their independence, Americans would eventually write and ratify a Constitution authorizing a limited central government — and would immediately add to that constitution a Bill of Rights.

"The first words in that Bill of Rights say: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." "....

Classy: Pro-abortion protesters drown out “Amazing Grace” with chants of “Hail Satan”  "Even at the beginning of this short clip, it’s nearly impossible to make out what the pro-abortion protesters are yelling — at least until the camera swings around, and a young woman helpfully boosts the message."

 Student ordered to remove cross necklace   "A Sonoma State University student was ordered to remove a cross necklace by a supervisor who thought other students might find it offensive, in a case that prompted even one campus official to speculate that “political correctness got out of hand.” "
The tyranny of political correctness.

Surprise! Israeli “Racism” Is Waning

Commentary Magazine   "Thus the best way to moderate Israeli Jewish “racism” would be to moderate Israeli Arab extremism. But unfortunately, many well-meaning American Jews are doing the opposite: Via organizations like the New Israel Fund, they finance Israeli Arab groups that actively promote extremist views–like Adalah, which demands that Israel replace the Law of Return with a Palestinian “right of return” to Israel. And they are thereby distancing rather than promoting the more tolerant Israel they claim to want."

Obama facing crisis over incompetence

Political Cartoons by Ken Catalino
Hot Air    ...."The Obama administration has been damaged by the scandals of the past two months, but it’s still too early to see if they will cause the kind of long-term damage Bush suffered from those two chapters in his presidency.  It may well be that incompetence is the better option in terms of perception for Obama and his White House, depending on what the investigations find."
The administration is facing a crisis of competence. At a time when trust in government is already at an all-time low, the events of this past week illustrate the limits of this president’s power. The White House seems more comfortable stage-managing the news than dealing with the uncomfortable crises that inevitably crop up. (If there’s anything to learn from the Benghazi crisis, it was the administration’s attentiveness to detail in how to avoid blame in the aftermath of the crisis, but a lack of focus in how to react as the crisis was occurring.)
In the above National Journal article, Obama's Crisis of Competence,
"For months, as the Morsi government has taken steps to consolidate power, quash critics and marginalize independent civil society groups, President Obama and his top aides have been largely silent in public. No effort was made to use the leverage of U.S. aid to compel a change of policy."

Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez
Quoting Bloomberg News: John Kerry’s Bid for Mideast Peace Is Doomed"It’s a testament to U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry’s grit, determination and self-assurance that he refuses to give up in his quest to bring Israelis and Palestinians back to the negotiating table. But I wish that he would, during the long slog toward renewed talks, ask himself one question: Why didn’t his predecessor, Hillary Clinton, apply herself to the problem in the same manner?"

Related: Which is in worse shape, Obama’s domestic agenda or his foreign policy?    "Encouraged by the president, the notion is rampant that America can take a holiday from history. In the real world, we and our allies face an upsurge in instability, violence, Islamic extremism and contempt for human rights — which is what one gets when the United States takes the left’s advice and stops being the “world’s policeman.” " 

July 4, 1976--> Remembering Entebbe- When Leaders Stood Up To Terrorists

Yid With Lid  "On America's two hundredth birthday it was Israel who showed the world the "Spirit of 1776."
"Thirty-seven years ago it was a different world.  Israel stood up to terrorists and their daring raid was celebrated across the world. Today it is the terrorists who are celebrated, that is if they are mentioned at all.

"Much of the intervening years was filled with Western appeasement of terrorism.  We negotiate, we give in to their demands, we refuse to call them terrorists, we celebrate terrorists like Arafat and Abbas, we even blame terrorist acts on the victims. 

"Entebbe was the almost a final act of Western defiance, with every act of appeasement, with each acquiescence to terrorist demands, terrorism is suckling at the teat of Western lack of resolve. In the end, the west is feeding the monster that will cause its destruction."

Yonatan Netanyahu,  the Prime Minister's older brother
 and team leader was the only Israeli commando killed
 during the operation. 

Monday, July 1, 2013

Alan Caruba: Wind Power Lunacy

Warning Signs

"Can you love nature when it is covered with wind turbines? Or solar panels?"
"My personal objection to wind power is the sheer ugliness of these devices. The notion of covering hillsides and plains with them is an offence to the land—to the nature Greens profess to love—and to the many thousands of birds they slaughter every year."