Friday, July 12, 2013

Legal Insurrection, a truly fine legal site, reports on the Zimmermann trial

Zimmerman Defense Gives Evidence-Rich Closing, State Appeals to “Heart”   "This morning saw the defense give its closing statement in Florida v. Zimmerman, the last opportunity for them to deliver their compelling narrative of innocence to the jury. And boy, did Mark O’Mara deliver. In a closing rich with evidence, facts, and the law, O’Mara focused the jury on their legal obligation to deliver a verdict consistent with the State’s burden to prove Zimmerman’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt."

Where’s the shame? Scandals may no longer end political careers

They're just now figuring this out? Most of us have known this since Bill Clinton.
Political Cartoons by Ken Catalino
McClatchy "Sex. Drugs. Cheating on a spouse.
"Those words used to add up to shame. Put them in the same sentence as a politician’s name, and they ended careers.
"Not anymore. The latest batch of unlikely back-from-the-swamp hopefuls are Anthony Weiner and Eliot Spitzer. Weiner resigned his New York City congressional seat two years ago after revelations that he’d tweeted a sexually suggestive picture of himself to a woman who was following him on Twitter. Spitzer left the state’s governorship in 2008 after reports surfaced that federal investigators had tagged him as “Client 9,” soliciting high-end prostitutes.
       Political Cartoons by Steve Breen
"Each now has a decent shot at a big prize, Weiner New York’s Democratic mayoral nomination, Spitzer the city’s comptroller job. Spitzer led his closest rival by 9 percentage points in a Wall Street Journal-NBC 4-Marist poll released Thursday." 
See the looks of adoration on the faces of women when a certain ex-president accused of rape enters a room.
Political Cartoons by Robert Ariail

Signs and Wonders: Duggars join Texas fight against ‘baby holocaust’

World Magazine
"The stars of the hit television program 19 Kids and Counting, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, lent their voices to Texas pro-life efforts this week. ... She said her daughter Josie, 3, is an example of a child born at 25 weeks, an age at which many children are aborted. The Texas House passed the bill, and the Senate likely will take it up today. Barring parliamentary barriers, the bill should pass the Republican-controlled body. Gov. Rick Perry has promised to sign it into law."  (Emphasis added.) 

BREAKING: Big Mama Says Bye-Bye: DHS Secretary Resigns

Yid With Lid
"Multiple news source(sp) are reporting that Janet Napolitano, who had been serving as the head of the Department of Homeland Security since the beginning of the Obama administration has submitted her resignation and will leave her office in two months."
"While many people will celebrate Napolitano's departure remember--judging by the president's track record her replacement could be worse (I understand former Egyptian President Morsi may be looking for a Job."
Hat tip to Jeffrey Dunetz

Point and Counterpoint: Complete the Islamists' Defeat/ Why Does Egypt’s Turmoil Matter to Us?

Foreign Policy Research Institute: Complete the Islamist's Defeat ; "On July 8, the Obama administration finally did the right thing in Egypt—by not calling what Mohamed Mursi's historically huge opposition rightly hails as its "corrective revolution" a coup."  Emphasis added.

...."Despite the dangers of growing violence, the removal of Mohamed Mursi is a truly promising moment for Egypt—and should be for us all. The Islamists have suffered their first great setback since the launching of the Arab Spring, one that threatens all their gains everywhere..... Egypt has a long, long way to go to create a truly open, prosperous, and democratic society, and the path may be even more bloody, but only now does she have even the slightest chance to succeed. This is what we should be focused on now, rather than expecting a smooth, stable democracy while placating the forces of darkness--who can never be appeased".
Morning Bell: Why Does Egypt’s Turmoil Matter to Us?   "The Obama Administration has bungled the entire Egyptian revolution, Heritage experts say, and that will have lasting consequences.
"President Obama backed the administration of Mohamed Morsi, a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, who was just ousted by the protesters and the military. As Heritage expert James Phillips noted, “Egyptian protesters have been carrying signs denouncing President Obama for supporting terrorism, because they are disappointed by Obama’s uncritical support for Morsi, whom they consider to be a terrorist.” "
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

What Is It With Liberals and Food?

PowerLine  "Prediction: It’s only a matter of time before we learn that the Obama Administration has reclassified ketchup as a vegetable.  And it gives great confidence about how well Obamacare is going to work out."

Another IRS Scandal Waiting to Happen

Wall Street Journal   "Federal Elections Commissioner Donald McGahn (pictured) wants to rein in the bureaucracy of this sensitive agency. The political left is furious."

 ...."But Americans, and the FEC commissioners, need only recall our recent experience of letting federal employees meddle in politics. Mr. McGahn deserves great credit for trying to avoid the potential for another IRS scandal. Let's see if the Obama team is just as serious."

Thursday, July 11, 2013

UK: Three WHAT??? are under arrest for slaughtering ANOTHER British soldier, David Ryding, in the street?

David Ryding with his wife Nicola and daughter Mollie
The story as reported:  "A 26-year-old former soldier from Moreton has died after being attacked in the town of Rugby in the early hours of Sunday morning. David Ryding was so badly injured he was put on a life-support machine at University Hospital Coventry & Warwickshire.

"A statement from Warwickshire Police today said: “It soon became apparent that nothing could be done to save him and life was pronounced extinct at 3.30am this morning and his life-support machine has been turned off.”

"Police arrested a 21-year-old man from Rugby on suspicion of murder following the incident, which occurred at 5am on Sunday, at the Clock Tower in Market Place, Rugby. Two further men aged 25 and 27 have been arrested on suspicion of affray.

"Mr Ryding was a member the First Battalion the Mercian Regiment but retired from the service in 2011."   Emphasis in the original

Gee, I wonder who convinced the wife of a former British soldier murdered in the street to say she does not want people to “speculate about what happened?”  
"Britain has weathered many storms and the amount of devastation wreaked by the Luftwaffe during WW2 is not quite appreciated. Whole cities, not just London were bombed into semi oblivion.
"Were we told then, go easy on the Hun, old boy. They’re only human just like us’?
"Of course not. Newsreels promised retaliation and bombed out Britons took grim satisfaction in knowing that their Nazi counterparts would soon be suffering similar fates.
"It worked because those beleagured bombees knew that the state establishment was with them, on their sides and understood the feeling of anger." 

Audio: Churchill speaking after the evacuation of the British army from Dunkirk: We shall go on to the end, whatever the cost may be. The terrible destruction of British cities by the Nazi Luftwaffe was to begin.

Effort To Create New State Called ‘North Colorado’ Grows

CBS Local  "There’s a growing effort to create a 51st state out of parts of northeast Colorado.
"Ten counties, including Weld and Morgan, started talking about seceding last month. Now some people Lincoln and Cheyenne counties say they want to join a new state they’d call “North Colorado.”
"Organizers of the secession effort say their interests are not being represented at the state Capitol. Representatives from the 10 counties held a meeting on Monday in the town of Akron in Weld County to begin mapping the boundaries for the new state they say will represent the interests of rural Colorado."

What happened here?

Well, for starters, Howard Zinn, Hollywood, sensitivity, political correctness, the 60s.

Breaking – State moves to charge Zimmerman with 3d Degree Murder based on Aggravated Child Abuse

Legal Insurrection  "As expected, the Judge in the George Zimmerman case ruled that in addition to Second Degree Murder, she will instruct the jury on the lesser included offense of Manslaughter, as required by Florida case law.

"In a surprise move this morning, the prosecution asked the Judge to drop the Aggravated Assault charge and to instruct the jury on Third Degree Murder, which is murder in the course of committing a felony.

"The felony the State wanted as the predicate was Aggravated Child Abuse (Jury Instruction) because Trayvon Martin was 17 at the time of the shooting."

Zimmermann's defense found out this morning!

Stopping Amnesty Is up to You

Big Government "With campaign bundlers able to buy so much political influence, what is to stop them from pressuring the passage of an amnesty bill with mountains of cash to fill many a campaign war chest ahead of the 2014-midterm elections? The short answer is--you."