Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Hey, over here! Remember me?

Stop the Jarrett Tax! Delaying employer mandate could cost taxpayers $62 billion first year.

The American Spectator   "Earlier this week, the Urban Institute released a simulated model of what the Affordable Care Act would cost minus the employer mandate. The Institute claimed delaying the mandate would have little impact on the cost to taxpayers. Nonsense. Taxpayers will get clobbered with a tab that could go as high as $62 billion in the first year."

Jesse Jackson Urges U.N. Human Rights Council to Investigate Trayvon Martin Shooting -

CNS News  "But Jackson is proposing an investigation by the U.N.’s top human rights apparatus, the Human Rights Council (HRC), a controversial body whose ranks include regimes with poor human rights records, including some of America’s most vocal critics.
Hat tip to Carl Boyd Jr.

Grievance Industry Outlook 
This disgraceful persecution of George Zimmerman has highlighted something the traditional, honorable and family loving black community should note, and note to their core; your young black men do not matter to the powers that be, unless - unless - their death can be turned for a profit for Other Masters. That is the lesson.
Read more:

The Community Organizer-in-Chief and his right-hand man spring into action on the Zimmerman case:    "The DOJ has also set up a public email address to take in tips on its civil rights investigation."

This man will never work for MSNBC

Posted by Johnathan Gentry   "I had too!! This George Zimmerman Not Guilty verdict & Black people gone to far. We're HYPOCRITES!
"It's gonna stop when We stop!!"

"The tragedy is that most black Americans live in districts with a black congressman, black councilman, and a black state representative.   

"What do all of thee districts have in common beyond black leadership?  They have 3 things in common:
* High unemployment rates (double digits) and very little hope of change;
* Lousy public schools that Senator Obama did not send his daughters to; and,
* High crime rates, especially if you are black.
"This is why it's Zimmerman 24/7 for the American left.  What else are they going to talk to black Americans about?"

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Robert Zimmerman to DOJ: Stop the 'Witch Hunt'

Political Cartoons by Robert Ariail
Big Government  "On Tuesday evening, Robert Zimmerman, brother of George Zimmerman, responded to reports that Eric Holder’s Department of Justice had solicited the public for information about George that could help a federal civil rights prosecution. The DOJ has even set up an email address for tips on Zimmerman."
"“Political persecution has reached a dimension unforeseen by many,” Robert Zimmerman continued. “It is inconceivable that high-ranking officials would endorse this kind of behavior. It is profoundly disserving that they facilitate it. I would remind the Department of Justice that a verdict has been reached in this case, and that the reputation of Sanford, Florida and the trust of the people of Sanford, Florida in regards to their law enforcement agencies is more important than continuing politically motivated and race-tinged assaults on an innocent man’s character.” "

DOJ Asks Civil Rights Groups, General Public for 'Tips' on Zimmerman
"On Monday afternoon, the US Department of Justice appealed to civil rights groups and the general public across the country for “tips” on George Zimmerman in their pursuit of potential federal civil rights charges against the just-acquitted defendant in the Trayvon Martin killing. The DOJ actually went so far as to set up an e-mail address to allow such tips: ..."
Political Cartoons by Steve Breen
"Watch our interview from last night’s show and weigh in."

Zimmerman: We must recognize "yellow journalism" when we see it; it's all around us

Zimmerman Media Justice cartoon
 Have you ever heard the term "Yellow Journalism"? Well, you're seeing it now in the press.  "Yellow journalism, or the yellow press, is a type of journalism that presents little or no legitimate well-researched news and instead uses eye-catching headlines to sell more newspapers. Techniques may include exaggerations of news events, scandal-mongering, or sensationalism. By extension, the term yellow journalism is used today as a pejorative to decry any journalism that treats news in an unprofessional or unethical fashion.
"Frank Luther Mott (1941) defines yellow journalism in terms of five characteristics:"
  1. scare headlines in huge print, often of minor news
  2. lavish use of pictures, or imaginary drawings
  3. use of faked interviews, misleading headlines, pseudoscience, and a parade of false learning from so-called experts
  4. emphasis on full-color Sunday supplements, usually with comic strips
  5. dramatic sympathy with the "underdog" against the system.
Now that we have defined our terms, let's look at some of what we consider to be modern-day yellow journalism: 

AP: Trayvon 'Black,' Zimmerman 'Identifies Himself as Hispanic'  "The article's author, Josh Gerstein, correctly identifies teenage shooting victim Trayvon Martin as black. Like most of the rest of the media, though, Gerstein cannot seem to bring himself to identify Zimmerman as what he is: Hispanic. Instead, Gerstein writes, "Martin was black, and Zimmerman identifies himself as Hispanic." "
CNN Legal Analysts Don't Hide Anti-Zimmerman Bias  "In the immediate aftermath of the not-guilty verdict in the George Zimmerman trial, two CNN legal analysts who are presented to viewers as unbiased experts, made their biases very clear and public. Jeffrey Toobin took to Twitter, while Sonny Hostin expressed her shock and disappointment on the air."
...."Instead, the members of the news media portrayed Zimmerman as “the neighborhood watch captain/'wannabe cop'” who profiled Martin, “an unarmed, hoodie-clad black teenager” out on the streets “simply because he wanted some Skittles.”
" “The storyline quickly took root,” Rieder noted, “amplified by the nearly ubiquitous images of the two: a sweet-looking photo of a several-years-younger Trayvon released by his family, and a mug shot of Zimmerman from a previous arrest in which he looks puffy and downcast.” "

MSNBC’s Hispanic Lynching "You recall the national outrage in the liberal media over this barbeque of ethnic insults, right? Like, say, when the white comedian Michael Richards delivered a racial rant against blacks and then apologized, as here?"
Political Cartoons by Robert Ariail
'White Hispanic' and other media creations on race 

"Why was Zimmerman being labeled a "White Hispanic?"  From day one, the mainstream media had rabid desire to attach "White" to his heritage, as if being "White" triggered the instinct to kill a black teen-and we wouldn't want to suggest that any ethnic group is predisposed to particular behaviors, now would we?"

More lies from the main stream media about the Zimmerman case  "The claim that Zimmerman was at fault because he pursued Martin after being told not to has absolutely no basis in fact. It is a made up assumption that has been repeated so many times by the media that people actually believe that is what happened."Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

Racial unrest and America's descent into a third-world nation

America’s Racist God  "Picking at the nation’s racial scab continues to poison American life."
Political Cartoons by Steve Kelley
Grievance Industry Outlook  Can we buy stock in this growth industry?
"A moment in time pounced upon by the U.S. mainstream media, the nation's venomous and perpetual Grievance Industry and the current Administration. Producing an avalanche of politically correct opinion, judicial malfeasance, political arm twisting, calls for vengeance, threats, intimidation and under the table maneuverings among political players."

The Silent Tragedy Behind Trayvon Martin - Part II   "The silent tragedy behind Trayvon Martin has gone beyond Barack Obama. The silent tragedy has become the hypocrisy, denial, and self-victimization of the Black community nationwide, aided and abetted only too willingly by politicians hungry for votes, Black leaders hungry for power and the limelight, and Black celebrities hungry for money."

Pennsylvania: Trayvon Martin Supporters Paint “Kill Zimmerman” On Business Before Setting It On Fire…  Via Weasel Zippers.
"You can clearly see the words "Kill Zimmerman" painted in red paint on the front wall. "


What made the shooting death of Trayvon Martin any more important then the countless other deaths of 17 year old black males across this country?

"It's like common sense just goes right out the window. A black friend of mine told me that I better be careful in how I discuss my thoughts on Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman. He knows that many blacks are ginned up on emotion, and they will not embrace a point of view that isn't 100% Pro Trayvon Martin". He's right. Logic is typically wasted on fools."

Morning Bell: Even Unions Are Turning on Obamacare

Heritage   "It’s not every day that union bosses sound like policy experts at The Heritage Foundation.

"But the beginning of the Obamacare letter from the heads of three major unions—the Teamsters, the United Food and Commercial Workers, and UNITE-HERE—to Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is eerily similar to our experts’ writings.

"The unions, of course, were heavy supporters of Obamacare, but even they can’t deny its effects now.

" “When you and the President sought our support for the Affordable Care Act, you pledged that if we liked the health plans we have now, we could keep them,” they wrote. “Sadly, that promise is under threat.”"...
"Last Thursday, representatives of three of the nation’s largest unions fired off a letter to Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, warning that Obamacare would “shatter not only our hard-earned health benefits, but destroy the foundation of the 40 hour work week that is the backbone of the American middle class.”"

Monday, July 15, 2013

NBC's Sharpton Plans Protests In 100 Cities

Big Journalism  "During MSNBC's 11 am hour, above a chyron that read, "More Marches, Protests Planned in Coming Days, Weeks," MSNBC anchor Al Sharpton said that he and his National Action Network are "mobilizing" protests in 100 cities. Sharpton made clear that the protests were meant to pressure the Justice Department into taking legal action against George Zimmerman:"
"NBC's Sharpton was one of the first people to turn the shooting death of teenager Trayvon Martin into a national news story back in March of last year. In the run up to the trial this year, Sharpton has used his primetime MSNBC program, "Politics Nation," to demand Zimmerman be convicted.
"Sharpton achieved national fame in 1987 as the face of the fraudulent Tawana Brawley case and during the Crown Heights Riots, where his role as an agitator is believed by many to have resulted in the mob violence behind the stabbing death of a Jewish scholar visiting from Australia."

Celebrities Disgusted by Zimmerman Verdict

Red Knuckle Politics  Language advisory.
"We all know by now the end result in the trial of George Zimmerman. He was acquitted by a jury of his peers on Saturday night, after 16 hours of deliberation for the death of Trayvon Martin that occurred back in February of 2012. The prosecution failed to show proof or provide any evidence that supported he acted in any other way other than in self-defense, but many in Hollywood and the sports and music world feel quite differently. Just take a look below at many of the super informed and intelligent celebrities and sports players on their take on the jury’s verdict."
Just one of many:

Earvin Magic Johnson         @MagicJohnson
It makes me sick to my stomach that George Zimmerman was found not guilty.
Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson

Another Guest Cancels on @PiersMorgan– Robert #Zimmerman
Piers Morgan         @piersmorgan
So @rzimmermanjr has just pulled out of my show tonight because of my 'garbage' tweets about his brother. I stand by them all.

Michael Moore: Trayvon Martin had right to do anything to defend himself
Moore tweeted:

Had a gun-toting Trayvon Martin stalked an unarmed George Zimmerman, and then shot him to death... DO I EVEN NEED TO COMPLETE THIS SENTENCE?
You may enjoy the pushback he gets. Read on...

From Hope n' Change

 ...."So, what did the president have to say? That the death of Trayvon Martin was a "tragedy for America" (ergo, Zimmerman can't possibly have been in the right) and that "we should ask ourselves if we're doing all we can to widen the circle of compassion and understanding in our own communities." Because asking ourselves meaningless questions about how wide our "compassion circles" are will really, really help bring down the number of bullet-riddled Black Americans turning up in Chicago's morgues."....

Civil war veterans at Gettysburg anniversary in 1913 – in pictures

UK Guardian "1-3 July marks the 150th anniversary of Gettysburg, the battle that many historians cite as a key turning point in the US civil war, which left nearly 50,000 Union and Confederate soldiers dead, wounded or captured on Pennsylvania farmland. In 1913, on the 50th anniversary of the battle, the same fields played host to the largest ever gathering of civil war veterans, where former soldiers from both sides – many in their 70s – returned to commemorate the war."